Friday, November 9, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part CCXXXIII

Hebrews 10:10a
" By the which will
(by this new economy, this second,) we are sanctified…."
Way back in, I think probably in the Old Testament teachings, I explained that for the believer there are really two sanctification's. The moment we’re redeemed, we’re sanctified – set apart for God’s purposes – we’re His. But on the other hand, there is an experiential sanctification that comes as a result of what? Growth. Because I just love to see people, how, that today, they’re far more mature spiritually. (Read 2 Peter chapter 1 because he reveals that when we grow in the knowledge of all things spiritual we pass through and into Christ, Yes Christ is Jesus' last name as Christ is the promised Messiah of God or the Isra-el of God, the house or family which El rules. This is what we've called the first estate as it parallels with Israel as a nation and not yet as God's House the true Isra-el of God.) All others are but false religions and are of the devil or Satan because religion takes away from God's intent by imposing a works mentality of the flesh of man. We now have a better handle on this Book; we have a greater love for it than we did a year ago. And the further you’ve come with me, the more you can feel that you have grown. Well, that’s experiential sanctification, that is the ministry of Christ within us. The having passed through the veil of Christ flesh into the revelation of death from sin and the world which only the Spirit of Christ imparts to us. The nature and character of the Father re-infused back into us, where we become of His likeness and image again. A proper or mature fig tree.

You are far more set apart for God now than you were ten years ago. Six months from now we’ll all be more sanctified than we are today because it’s a growth process. As the essence of Christ grows within we become more and more mature in Him and He in us. He is to be our all in all, from glory to glory as His Shekinah (or Shehariah, which is the dawn) fills us.

When you haven’t seen your kids for a little while, what do you suddenly realize? How fast these children have grown up. Well, why? Because time has gone by. They’ve been nourished, they’ve been fed. Well the same thing should be happening spiritually within each of us always and forever. Every one of us should be more spiritually mature today than we were a year ago. And that’s the experiential sanctification the perfecting of His Holiness and Godliness restored within us. But on the other hand, yes, the moment we were saved, God set us apart – we’re His. We’re in the palm of His hand and no one can take us out. That’s His promise. But have we chosen to allow Him to fulfill His calling of us? Lets look at another of Jesus' parables found in Luke chapter 17 verses 5 and 6 for a minute:

Luke 17:5-6
"And the apostles said unto the Lord, 'Increase our faith'. And the Lord said, 'If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you.'"

And the apostles said to the Lord, 'Increase our faith'. And the Lord said, If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you might say to this sycamine tree, Be plucked up by the root, and be planted in the sea; and it (the sycamine tree, the false teachings, doctrines of all mans religions ie Christian Judaism, Judaism, Islamism...etc.) should obey you.

The term "as" a simply, "in the same manner". We all know from our childhood science classes how a seed grows, don't we? We must TRUST God through receptivity which grows into BELIEVING God and then our trust IN GOD grows to the point through crisis of death into the FAITH of Jesus, Jesus then finishes verse 6, "you might say to this sycamine tree, Be plucked up by the root, and be planted in the sea; and it should obey you." Now according to Thayer's Greek Dictionary the sycamine (or sycamore) tree is basically the imitation of the fig tree.

Strong's number G4807 in the OT Hebrew H8256 in the Thayer's and Strong's Dictionaries: sycamine tree, having the form and foliage of the mulberry, but fruit resembling the fig, is very sweet. It has leaves like those of the mulberry, the fig on the other hand are not as sweet and are highly sought after, they're of greater value than its cousin the sycamine tree. It was the leaves of the fig tree that were used by Adam to cover their nakedness from God. The prefiguring of all false religion and false beliefism of fallen man.

Remember how Jesus taught of the fig tree that produced no fruit and how He likened it to the barren religion of the Hebrews, Judaism (Hosea 9: 9-10; Matthew 21:19; Revelation 6:13), or cursed the fig tree (Matthew 21:19-21, 24:32, Mark 11:13, 20-21, 13: 28) at the root because it didn't produce any fruit only beautiful foliage? He said that it would not produce fruit forever, this is speaking of the Jewish religion as a type of sycamine tree. Well, in this case, the sycamine tree is to be plucked up and cast out. What does this mean, you ask. Well, think about it. The deception, the overly sweetness of its gospel and the false spirit in the churches today, which are leading even the elect straight to hell. Its as said above a "Christianity of Judaism" the very thing that Paul warned both the Galatians and then the Hebrews of.

The church must come out of this spiritually drugged and groggy state of deception, or the love gospel, the prosperity gospel, the heal me now gospel for I deserve it, the so called name it and claim it gospel and the Hebrewism thing that are going around now, where EVERYONE is okay....wake up and be alert.....find that seed within you and allow it to die and germinate. Through death is the only way a seed can grow. (John12:24) And this is ONLY through God working in and through that seed that it bears fruit. As a gift of the Holy Spirit's activity within. If the fruit is not the TRUE fruit of the Holy Spirit, then it's deceptive and only good for the burn pile. John 15:1-8 "I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman" read the rest on your own through verse 8. Otherwise there is no fruit or the fruit is an imitation. Just like the sycamore tree. I don't know about you, but I only want the REAL thing that my Father be glorified through Christ IN me. (see also 1 Chronicles 27:28)

All right so, "By the which will we are sanctified...." In other words, this whole new economy of God’s Grace, triggered by our trusting first as a little child. Then just as a child grows in wisdom and knowledge we are to also grow through trials which not only brings His Love to grow in us but our trusting turns to His faith through our obedience to His Will, the “by the which will”.

Hebrews 10:10
"By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all."

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