Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part CCXXXVII

Romans 15:8
"Now I say that Jesus Christ was
(past tense) a minister of the circumcision (the Nation of Israel, the Hebrews) for the truth of God, (and here’s the purpose for His coming, to be the ontological introduction and) to confirm the promises made unto the fathers:"
Now how much plainer can English make it? Now you do have to be a little bit of a student of Scripture – what were the promises? Oh my goodness, I could fill the rest of this study with them. But primarily it was that, after they’d become that chosen nation and after God had brought them into their promised deeded lands, God in the Person of the Messiah, the Son, would be their Messiah-King. And all those promises were wrapped up in those three formats. That here they are now, the covenant people (thou broken by them and now divorced from God and alienated from Him), a nation in the Promised Land, waiting for the coming of their Messiah, Redeemer and King.

Now all you have to do is go back and just read some of the promises of the Kingdom as they’re laid out in the Old Testament prophets. When Isaiah speaks of the day when the lion will feed with the lamb. And when the wild animals will literally be the playmates of kids and children. And when there will be no suffering, there will be no death, there will be no sickness. It’s going to be Heaven on earth. All those were promises made to the fathers. It’s coming. The Hebrews didn’t believe it the first time around, but they will the next one. And they’ll recognize that Messiah and to the last Hebrew that remnant nation will be saved. And then all these things are going to become a reality. But does this mean a physical or spiritual reality? Read on.

Luke 1:72-73
"To perform the mercy promised to our fathers, and to remember his holy covenant; The oath which he sware to our father Abraham."

See how plain all this is. Zacharias is just simply taking us back to where I’ve just taken you. The Abrahamic Covenant and then all the promises that were associated when that covenant would finally be fulfilled. It hasn’t been yet, in the physical realm but what about in God's spiritual realm? The religionists would say, but it’s coming – if anybody ever questions you why you put so much trust in this Book, you can answer it with two words. The Hebrew/Jew. He’s the proof of the pudding. But is it and are they really? For God as we've said before is not always relating to physical things as many suppose through their religious up bring just as Israel had been. For when Jesus with James, John and Peter were on the hill top and they were witness to His Glory and the two prophets. Moses being the Law and Elijah being the Prophets and they were talking to Jesus about His resurrection. They, the disciples witnessed the change from the old toward the New thing that was yet on the horizon that was to come about through Christ's death.

The Hebrew - my goodness, he should have disappeared hundreds of years ago. In fact, the latest book by Patrick Buchanan using demographics that are coming out from research outfits, by the year 2050, the Nation of Germany will disappear. There will no longer be German people; they’ll be assimilated. Not much longer than that America will disappear, as America, the three will become one (North, Central, and South). Great Britain will disappear as Great Britain. Because we’ll all be assimilated into these third world people or nation, that are multiplying ten children per woman where most of Western Nations are one child per woman. This is the course set into play by the god of this worlds order, Satan. This will come about through his instruments of man as a one world government and religion. All counterfeits of God's divine Kingdom as brought into focus by His Son, the Lord of Life.

This doesn’t take a mathematics major to figure that out. If only one child per woman is what keeps a nation going, you need two to play even, you need three to grow. And so, one means the demise of the people. All right, but the reason I’m pointing that out is this. Germany today is a nation of 75-80 million people. We’re a nation of 270 million and if we’re going to disappear as a people in 50 years, then how in the world is this little nation of never more than 15 million people (most of the time more like 10 or 11 million, scattered out into all the nations of the world for now 2000-3000 plus years) still there? Just like this Book said they would be. What did God tell them?

Deuteronomy 30:1
"And it shall come to pass, when all these things are come upon thee, the blessing and the curse, which I have set before thee, and thou shalt call them to mind among all the nations, whither the LORD thy God hath driven thee,"

Do you hear what He is saying to them? Then down to verse 4.

Deuteronomy 30:4-5a
"If any of thine be driven out unto the outer most parts of heaven, from thence will the LORD thy God gather thee, and from thence will he fetch thee: And the LORD thy God, will bring thee into the land which thy fathers possessed, and thou shalt possess it;...."

Since the first advent of the Messiah, the God ruled man, the Christ and His appointed death the land scape has been changed through His death, resurrection ascension and then His ascension again. For God is a spirit and all those who come to Him are required to become spirit again. As the terrestrial must put on the celestial or to become spiritually active in receptivity of the divine, and not remain the religion of the physical, external [in mans flesh] or under Satan's rule. For His Christ is our and their true promise land or Canaan of God.

Then you jump up into Ezekiel 36 and some of the other prophetic books and they all say the same thing. That after the Hebrews have been scattered among the nations, God will one day bring them back to their homeland. There they are. The world can scream and holler all they want that they don’t belong there. Well, the world doesn’t know this Book. Because it lays under the veil of religion which hides from mere men the understanding of all that which is spoken of as belonging to the spiritual Isra-El of God who are in Christ and with the essence of Christ's rule reestablished within them.

This Book says that’s where they and we belong. And it’s proof that this Word is true. That after almost 3000 years of being scattered amongst every nations – they should have lost their identity 2000 plus years ago. They should have lost it at least 1000 years ago, but they haven’t. Now the natural Israel there they are back in their homeland, Palestine, just like God said they would be. Don’t ever let anybody tell you that these people who call themselves Jews, really aren’t, because archeology proves it over and over and over. As stated not all this is called Israel is the true Israel of God. Because a true "Christian" is a house ruled by God again for they have as Abram placed their trust in Him through Christ Jesus.

Here in the last few years they’ve dug up Jewish writings that were intrinsic to the Ashkenazi Hebrews, Hebrews in Eastern Europe and those writings had been there for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years. All associated with the Hebrews of Eastern Europe. Well then only about a few years or so ago, they found the same kind of a cache of great library works from the other segment of the Sephardim Hebrews that had been primarily in Spain and North Africa, all proving that these people, both groups, have been totally under the control of this Old Testament Bible for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years. And there they are! Proof that this Book knows what it’s talking about.

All right, so now if you’ll come back with me to Luke chapter 1. When Zacharias spoke, the nation of Israel wasn’t ready for it and they rejected it all. But now we’re approaching the day – the Hebrews are back in the land and most of the Hebrews do not even realize that it’s time for their Messiah to come. Oh, they’ve got that inner heart-cry. They know they want Him to come but yet they won’t voice it verbally. For all humanity is hungry for the true Israel and its Messiah to be exposed/unveiled if you will. But the world is not aware of how God will do it. But here it is:

Luke 1:73-74
"The oath which he sware to our father Abraham, that he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear,"

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