Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part CCXLI

Hebrews 10:20
" (We come boldly) By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh;"
So when the body of flesh hung there on that tree/Cross and the blood was shed, this veil that had separated men from God for 2,500 years (the commandment now law [of Genesis 2:17] and the Levitical Law, religion of Judaism among or with all other forms) was now rent from the top to the bottom. This veil symbolized religion and the tearing of it an upon it the forever judgment on religions demise in mans flesh. And now we have full access into the throne room.

Hebrews 10:21
"And having a high priest over the house of God;"

Now this is why, earlier in Hebrews, we spent all that time on the priesthood of Melchizedek – Christ’s High Priesthood on our behalf. Not the Aaronic, external or material priesthood for old Israel or of Judaism – this order of Melchizedek was for the non-Jewish world, as well as the Hebrews. It is an all-inclusive Priesthood. It is this Priesthood that now gives us this free access into that very throne room of Heaven. It is this Priesthood under which all true Christ-like-ones now receive their instructions of worth-ship of El through Christ in them. Now verse 22.

Hebrews 10:22a
"Let us draw near
(let us take advantage of this access into the throne room) with a true heart in full assurance of (what?) faith."
Now you see faith and feelings are miles apart. Faith does not demand feelings and feelings do not confirm faith. Faith is something that stands by itself. You just simply take God at His Word without any confirmation. Without anything physical. Without any emotion. Faith is that abiding ability to trust the Word of God the Living Christ. Do you see that little word used? the word “true” what is another word often used “pure” or with a pure heart in full assurance. How's the heart pure by the blood and living water that is now to flow from our inner parts. The living word now seated within us flows from us to those around us all the time. Now completing the verse.

Hebrews 10:22b
"…having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience,…"

This word sprinkling goes all the way back of course, to the sacrificial worship in the tabernacle first, and then later on in the Temple. Now, when the high priest would go in on the day of atonement, he’d come in and he’d make his way back behind the veil (once a year). And what would he do? He would take the blood of that sacrificial animal and he would sprinkle it. In other words, he wasn’t just pouring the blood all over that golden piece of furniture. For it was a sprinkling. But first he had to be cleansed he had to be washed with pure water or flowing living water. And it was God’s way of accepting the fact that the blood had now been offered and it covered the sins of the Hebrew only for a short time. They didn’t have to be completely bathed in blood; it was a sprinkling that God recognized as sufficient. The next word I’m going to spend a little more time on as we complete verse 22.

Hebrews 10:22c
"…having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and with our bodies washed with pure water."

The blood of Christ has cleansed us. Because it’s been applied to our hearts by faith and our bodies washed with pure water. Now that’s not baptism. Some people will try to associate it because this is the custom of all religions, but this is not a reference to baptism. For again, it’s a symbolic thing that we have to understand; that, even though all of these things we’ve been speaking about are in the realm of the spirit and the soul and we speak of the salvation of the soul, where is the soul residing? In this body.

And so what does Paul teach concerning the body? Hey, it’s the Temple, it’s the Tabernacle, it’s the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, the Godhead. And we’re supposed to treat it accordingly. This is not just some ramshackle piece of cloth that’s a tent. This body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, the Godhead and Christ the Messiah when we become a true believer. And so it has to be reckoned as such and we are to reckon it as cleansed by faith.

Now there’s several verses that refer to the body. Go back if you will, to Ephesians chapter 1, starting with verse 13. The same writer that writes these things in Hebrews; the only thing is, he’s writing to the Hebrews who had an understanding of the Old Testament economy, which of course, the Gentiles of Paul’s day knew almost nothing of it – but nevertheless, he brings about the same basic truths only from a different perspective.

Ephesians 1:13
"In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,"

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