Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part CCXXXVIII

Luke 1:73-74
"The oath which he swear to our father Abraham. That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear,"

How is He going to bring the Hebrew out from under the hand of their enemies? He’s going to destroy them is what the religious man or natural Hebrew would think, for they saw themselves as isolationists, the elite, nationalist of mankind. They saw themselves as favored of God because they were of the natural seed of Abraham. Now with that said who are the enemies of God and Christ? The lawless ones, as depicted in the worlds religiousness as religion opposes God and the true knowledge of God as revealed through His Son. When is He going to put His foot on their neck, as it were, like a footstool. Oh, the day is coming. The Bible repeats that over and over, how that, after ‘He had sat down waiting until He would make His enemies His footstool.’ Now the world, those held as Israel was under the hand of the tormentor, Satan, by religion or the unspiritual person [thou receptive of Satan's influence] sees that it is something other than what it is. The key for this is found in what was said about the spiritual and the natural, the discerning of spiritual things and those who don't posses discernment. (1Corinthians 11:12, 12:10; Hebrews 5: 14) Verse 75:

Luke 1:75-76
"In holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life.
(it’s a Kingdom of righteousness. That’s why we call it the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.) And thou child, (speaking of John the Baptist) shalt be called the prophet of the Highest: for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways;"
Which, of course, John the Baptist did in his ministry. "To give knowledge of salvation unto his people and by the remission of their sins through the tender mercy of our God whereby the day-spring from on high has visited us."

Oh! I could just keep going, but back to Hebrews. These are the promises that will be fulfilled when the ‘until’ of Psalms 110 verse 1 comes about. When He will have his enemies as His footstool and the ruling with a rod of iron in Psalm 2 verse 9 is fulfilled. And we always put the expression, when He’s got His foot on their neck. And they are submissive to Him and He will destroy them all. Now come back to Hebrews chapter 10 and we come in at verse 14.

Hebrews 10:14a
"For by one offering…"

I know this is repetition of Scripture to hammer it home to these Hebrews that were hanging on to this old economy (Law and God's first dealings). But, like I’ve shown you, Paul says the same things only in different language back in Romans and Galatians and so forth. That that system of Law which was good for its time is now worn out. It’s useless and it’s been set aside by this, which is so much better. Now don't make the mistake that so many do and that is of mixing up of the terms Levitical Law, Commandment....that which is spoken out side of the Law, Testament....or Covenant....that which is found in both the Old and the New that is not dealing with the Law or the Levitical Laws (with its amendments, ordinances, and statutes). For Christ was and is the only offering and thusly the last offer needed as mans conscience has been cleansed by His blood. But religion seeks to add to or deny Him and the finished work of the cross by replaying or replication of the old systems, thusly mocking both Christ and God.

Hebrews 10:14a
"For by one offering
(that death on the Cross) he has perfected…"
Yehovah has Fine tuned it. You remember I’ve stressed it over and over. Twice in all of Biblical history, which also includes human history – twice God did something so perfect by which there was not one thing that He could add to improve it. There was not one flaw that He had to patch when He finished it – it was so perfect, that, what did He do? He rested. The first one was when He finished Creation in Genesis chapter 1. And He saw the work of Creation, the spiritual man is now on the scene, nature and the animal kingdom, the bird kingdom, the fish, everything is in God’s Creation and it was perfect. There wasn’t anything He could change or correct, and so next verse says, "He rested." That’s understandable isn’t it? How can you add anything if it’s perfect – and so then what had you might as well do? Sit down. Enjoy what God had done, enjoy God and be in harmony with Him. And that’s what God did.

Then the second time is when, in Hebrews it tells us, that after He had purged us from our sin (which of course is the work of the Cross, His death, burial, His shed Blood, His resurrection and ascended taking the captives back to glory), He did the same thing. It was such a perfect complete work of redemption that not one human soul could ever say, "Well, I missed it because it wasn’t good enough for me." It’s perfect, and it’s complete. And again, what did He do when He completed the work of the Cross? He sat down, because Grace was now in operation through Him, the complete One. There wasn’t anything more He could do. And so this is what Hebrews is screaming at us. It was such a perfect work of redemption. Once for all. And so, by that one death on the Cross, He has perfected forever those that are sanctified (or set apart), purchased by His blood. Now the question comes are you one of those people, sanctified? All right, verse 15.

Hebrews 10:15-16a
"Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us; for after that he had said before, This is the covenant…"

The reason the Holy Spirit is given, the Holy Spirit prompted Jeremiah and Ezekiel to write of this covenant; and we’ll go back and look at it in just a bite. The Holy Spirit prompted Jeremiah to write, "This is the covenant that I will make with them (Israel. The Nation of Israel, His Covenant people and/or those who will to be willing to accept His terms and conditions, death to self-love and the world and the spirit of the world) after those days, saith the Lord. And I will put my laws into their hearts." Not on tables of stone, but “in the heart” or with a whole heartedness of every Hebrew and Gentile. "And in their minds, I will write them and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more." It’s going to be a done deal. Come back to Jeremiah 31.

Jeremiah 31:31 Whenever you hear or see the Bible speak of the New Covenant, this is what it is. Now you and I are under the New Covenant because we’re of the mystery Israel, but we’re certainly enjoying all the ramifications of it. Everything that God did to fulfill the covenant made with the Hebrews has been to our benefit (Grace as found in the person of His Son). It was just like the Law, when He gave the Law, who came under it? The nation of Israel made up of Hebrews. But, did the Law stop at the borders of Israel? Yes, the Levitical Law did, but the commandment spoken to Adam when it become a law by Adams one act of rebellion it went to the whole human race and we have all become guilty.

The same way with the work of this New Covenant. Yes, the ramifications of it are limited to the house which God rules as they are the Kingdom. And we are now as Gentiles for the last 2,000 and some odd years have enjoyed all the ramifications of it. Even though we are not part and parcel of the Hebrews but we are called by God as His-Israel when we have passed through the veil and our trust becomes His faithfulness again.

Jeremiah 31:31-32
"Behold the days come, saith the LORD
(now remember this is written about 600 BC) that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel [this is not as many suppose it to be as this Israel are the spiritually awakened ones], and the House of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand and brought them out of Egypt; (Which covenant was not of the Law) which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD:"
Here's where we find the separation between Israel and Judah, Judah being all those of Judaism under its rule or of the religion bond to Satan. Because they are constantly in rebellion, see? Now verse 33:

We're talking about this New Covenant that God is going to fulfill with the Nation of His making and also known as Israel and all those who through the old path become heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ. Which happened when Christ left and took His position at the right hand of the Father, having defeated all of His enemies. Which is what happened in 70 AD. Of course, we've already been taken up into Heavenliest and are awaiting the remaining times of [greater] tribulation of seven years in earth time, as we'll have passed with our Lord into Glory. We’ll have been through the Bema Seat experience where we receive our reward for what we have done in this old body while working in His revelation as disciples for Him down here today.

But the main thing we’re looking at here is this New Covenant as it’s directed to the Nation of Israel, and those who have passed through the veil, water and blood of His flesh by way of trusting His word. It will be fulfilled to the last jot and tittle. And every Hebrew will no longer have to practice the sacrifices. They will no longer have to battle the old sin nature and Satan, Religion, for it will be Heaven on earth. The remnant of the Nation of Israel [those separated from Judaism by choice] and become Christ-like-ones, as the house El rules, will be in their physical bodies in the Kingdom Age, along with all believers who are birthed during and make it through the Tribulation.

Hebrews 10:18
"Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin."

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