Friday, November 16, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part CCXL

Colossians 2:9
"For in him
(that is in Christ) dwelleth (that means just exactly what it says. For in Christ dwells, or abides) all the fulness of the Godhead (how?) bodily."
That body that Hebrews said was given to Him in the womb. That body of flesh that was prepared for thirty-three years of living on this planet for the sole purpose of going to that Cross, to shed divine blood as payment for mankind’s sin thusly breaking the power of sin and the devil from man.

So we have to picture this veil, the veil of the Temple, then as Christ’s body of flesh because it stood for the sin of mankind. Now, come back to II Corinthians. Not that Christ was a sinner; don’t ever get that idea. He was holy. He was perfect. He was righteous. He restored mans humanity to him. In true Godliness and Holiness. But, in order to fulfill the demands of a Holy God, what did He have to agree to do? To become sin for us. Now here again, these are things that are beyond mere human comprehension. I can comprehend it. For I can take what I understand by faith because I'm now a new creature in Christ. These are so profound that it’s way beyond the natural man, but we take it in through living faith. For living faith is solely expressed in our being receptive of His divine activity within us. Remember that our trust become living faith after we've passed through a crisis, a pattern of death.

II Corinthians 5:21a
"For he
(God) hath made him (Jesus the Christ) to be sin (why?) for us,…"
Do you see that? He became the veil, that sin for us, that stood between us and the presence of God. But when that flesh was given up on the Cross, what happened to this veil? Well, in the Temple at the day of the crucifixion, you all know the account. It split from top to the bottom. Well what was the purpose? To show now that the way into the Holiest of Holies [the hearth of God] is now wide open. But, what did the Hebrews of that day do? They sewed it up. With no understanding of what they were doing, they closed it back up. They totally rejected Him and His offer of the kingdom by way of their religiosity, which is Satan's character. But you can’t undo the work of God. And so, spiritually speaking, they didn’t close it up. They couldn’t because it was a, once for all, done deal forever. That now, the way into the Holiest of all is made possible through the flesh, the body, the crucified body of the Son of God. Now we'll look at Peter and what he said concerning this in 1 Peter chapter 2 as he agrees with the Prophet Isaiah 53:5-6, verse 24 we'll start at verse 21 to get the flow:

“For even hereunto were we called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that we should follow His steps: Who did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth: Who, when He was reviled, reviled not again; when He suffered, He threatened not; but committed to Him that judges righteously: Who His own self to bare our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes we were healed. For we were as sheep [for our paganism, religion and self-righteous attitudes] going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.”
Now for those who by choice remain carnal or practical and earthy the word “healed” means a physical healing. But for those who have by way of personal choice relinquished their will into His care, by way of death. A spiritual revelation of our being one in Christ and become partakers with Him. This means to be re-connected or restored to the former position of wholeness, union, to be one with Him. Do you see it? All right, come back to Hebrews 10:

Hebrews 10:19a
"Having therefore, brethren, boldness…"

No trepidation. There’s no shrinking back. We can just come right in and say, "Lord, I belong here. This is where I’m supposed to be. I’m not on strange territory, this is my home." Now, do you see what I meant when I said that I was reading about true spirituality back there in my early thirties and on; I just thought there was no way I could attain to this kind of an action and that kind of behavior. Me? Able to come into the very throne room of God – boldly? Now I can tell you, and it isn’t just William, it’s every one of you. Every one of you, if you’re a believer have become a receiver then it is possible for you also, you’re in the same position I was in, now we can. We can go right into the throne room of Heaven. This is a place that the religionist will never have a room or place of acceptance.

Now when I say that He changed my life, God has had a part in my life before. But now, I can says, "I talk with Him all day long." What a difference! Well can you say that? Do you talk with Him all day long? Don’t feel that you have to have some sort of a special status or you have to have some special way of approach. No. We can come in twenty-four hours a day, at any moment. Whatever you’re doing, you can come and you can approach the Father with your prayer needs and intersessions.

Now of course, I’m a great proponent of a prayer time. I think every believer should have a few moments every day where you can come in and spend some time on your knees or any other attitude of position you may want to take. But that’s not the only way of prayer. You can pray all day long, wherever you are. Because we have the right to go boldly into the very throne room, the Holy of Holiest.

Hebrews 10:19
"Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus."

The Holy of Holiest. That place in the Temple that was behind the veil. That place up in Heaven where Christ went and presented His blood which removed and destroyed the smoke screen of separation, He cleansed the presence for our access. And when we've been blessed of God with the Holy Spirit He takes His rightful place within our heart and it become the Holiest of all. Because it has been cleansed and sweep clean of all defilement By His Word. Now verse 20.

Hebrews 10:20
"By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh;"

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