Friday, June 12, 2015

Thessalonians part 78

Pre or mid trib teaching is Virgins without not follow this but also see there is SAFETY set up for Gentile and Jew during the this TOUGH TIME. Millions have been killed since Peter was killed and NO SECRET CARRYING AWAY. The doctrine of men is clueless toward TRUE PROPHECY and REVELATION. Just as there are false christs there are false doctrines. Deception has to be broken similar to any other deliverance.” Quoted from a web link written by Lawrence Sloma.

Candy Ugwuzor wrote, “HOW JEZEBEL IS WORSHIPPED.”

Here is another well written article that I found dealing with the demon known as Jezebel:


Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal king of the Zidonians, is just a priestess who came to introduce Jezebel, but the real Jezebel is a demon, not human. Now listen, whenever the people of Isreael want to worship in the temple of Baal, after their normal sacrifice, they began to worship Baal, trough adultery and fornication, sleeping with each other in that temple, and every one of them will be naked. This is the food offering to Baal for immorality is the system used in worshiping this god. That was why Jesus said in book of Revelation 2:20 that Jezebel teaches and seduces My servants to commit fornication, and eat foods offered to idols. The people will have to commit immorality with someone they might not necessary know, but that is the system of worshipping this god, picking anyone they found in the temple and started committing immorality with him/her. This kind of doctrine looks good in eyes of Israel when Jezebel introduced it, and that was also the tactics Balak the son of Zippor / Balaam used against them. This same Jezebel is known as Venus worshiped by Rome, those of you who have watched the Movies, Rome and Spartacus, you will find out this. This same goddess rules over the city of Rome, and they see adultery and fornication as being nothing. They may look like ordinary movies, but that is exactly what is going on in that country. Many times Paul talked much about the Romans, such that they even applaused those who did these immoral acts, for they saw them as nothing. For it’s a normal ways of worshiping Venus / Diana. This same goddess is also behind gays and Lesbians. (Romans 1:26-27) So how do these relate to our discussion? Dressing like Jezebel, believe it or not, you are a follower of this same goddess called Jezebel, and whether you like it or not, you must worship her through immorality, fornication and adultery directly or indirectly. Today, many youth cannot do without having sex in a day, they find it difficult to control their bodies, many of them cannot do without masturbating, many constantly have sexual intercourse in dream form with an unknown man/women at times with an image of their wife, husband or boy/girl friend, not knowing they are demons, all these are foods offered to this same vial spirit, Jezebel. It’s not their own willing but it is a sacrifice they must offer because of the deep blood covenant they have entered into unknowingly with the spirit of Jezebel and could not find a way out. When the Lord said, love not the world nor anything in it, He has already seen what Satan is doing and his plans ahead, that was why He said, do not love things that is in the world, because Satan controls the things of the world, and taking it, will defile you and the Spirit of God will not dwell with you. Genesis 6:3, My Spirit shall not always strive with man and in Ezekiel 7:22, My face will I turn also from them, and they shall pollute My secret place (your body): for the robbers (unclean spirit) shall enter into it (your body), and defile it. Many have gotten initiated into the worshiping of Jezebel trough jewelry, eye pencil, perfumes, attachments, cloths, creams, relaxers, etc, many got initiated with this Jezebel spirit through false religions like Catholics, the same Jezebel is refers to as mother of gods. Many got initiated through white garment in church, many got initiated through sex outside marriage, many got initiated through movies and musics, I will explain on that, many got initiated through birth, but for the majority it’s through make up and materials things. Never think that Satan will give you a gift and just turn back without any consequence, he gave you things to use to seduce your opposite sex, but let me tell you the fact, if you seduce 3 men, 33 demons too must be seduced, too. And they will get you, for they are everywhere. Many want to dress fine, not caring of its consequence, there was a particular ladies cloth that came out some time ago SEX ME ON, do you know the meaning and it effect? Many also enter into a covenant with Jezebel with the help of Medusa, because they want to use hair attachments, don’t you know Medusa was cursed because of her seduction and ends up committing adultery even in the temple of her superior? Many men desire to have her and through her immoral way of life, she became cursed, but I tell you, using his items, will not only make men desire you but also demons will desire to have you [these were all prevelent in the days before Noahs flood and were the reason for it]. Why change the color of your skin, with a cream prepared by the marine spirit (queen of the coast)? Or don’t you know that she too works under Jezebel? These are the genesis of your problems, that’s why you have a lot of kids in the marine kingdom but physically you have none, you are got pregnant in dream but physically, you have no children.”

I have one last list in this study and it deals with the veil or blindness/hardness of heart ie...unbelief, the covering that henders our having and acquiring a true an accurate perception of GOD and HIS word / Will.

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