Monday, November 30, 2015

Discovering the Great and Precrious Promises of GOD (affliction)

So far we have covered just a small portion of GODS Promised and with the last one I asked Him what or which one He wanted me to do next. During the night watch I got my answer, Affliction was it. What I found was amazing and profound and once more the list rather long. So what I will do is list many of them with where they maybe found. It is GODS way of revealing to us ourselves and then His way of perfecting His Charter and image within us when He has been restored within us. The first person to experience this was Adam as seen in Genesis 3 and then all the way down through mans history. It is not a welcomed subject in the churches of our day but because this is true I will say this, if you take the time required you will benefit greatly from this study. If you have a good study reference Bible there should be a chain of study in it on this topic much like the one I have listed here. I happen to have several of them and they each have a lengthy list with other areas and subtopics or heading, so take up the challenge if you are up to it and enjoy.

Afflictions: hardships and trials designed to increase our spiritual obedience and understanding of GOD in us.
From GOD, visited on:
Israel in Genesis 15
Samson by the Philistines in Judges 16

Heman in Psalm 88
Judah in Lamentations 3
Israel by the world in Psalm 129
The Just by the wicked in Amos 5 and Hebrews 11

Christians by the world in 2Corinthians 1

The design of:
Show GODS sympathy in Isaiah 63
Make us to seek GOD in Hosea 5
Bring us back to GOD in Psalm 119
Humble us in 2Cronicales 33
Purify us in Isaiah 48

In the Christians life:
As a means of testing in Mark 4
A part of life in Matthew 24
To be endured in 2Timothy 4
Expected in  1Thessalonians 1
Must not be moved by in 1Thessalonians 3
Examples of in 2Timothy 3
Brief duration in 2Corinthians 4
Sometimes intense in 2Corinthians 1
Must be shared in Philippians 4
Can not separated us from GOD in Romans 8
Deliverance from promised in  Psalm 34
Require prayer in James 5
Terminated by Christ's return in 2Thessalonians 1

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