Saturday, March 21, 2015

Thessalonians part 11

Before I progress it must be stated that the church of this worlds religion makes it sound as if the kingdom of heaven and of GOD is far off out there in the “Some day.” Not understanding that it is and was indeed nigh them to whom John the Baptist and Jesus both spoke. The door or gate was and is Jesus for it is only through Him as our LORD and Christ that all mankind must pass to acquire entry into GOD's kingdom a purely Spiritual realm. At this moment, there are both spiritual beings housed within a physical body and none spiritual beings also housed in their physical Carnal people, among us. I say that, because after the Family of GOD is removed, this Family being made up of those spiritually awakened and still in this physical body, with those who were so when they fell to sleep (that is to say died physically). Will be removed, as in being called home, before the judgement of tribulation has taken its toll. And then in what is called the millennium, there will be both spiritual beings and natural beings under Jesus' Divine Rule. In other words there will still be in operation during the millennium a transitional period from being born carnal to one of becoming spiritual. At least this has been my own observation as found in scripture, which simply means that I maybe out in left field somewhere, I make no guarranties of my accuracy.

From here on I will endeavor to reveal the man or men of perdition in whom is lawlessness found [those of the “some day” group] but not limited solely to them, also known as being antiChrist in Revelation 17:8 and 11. It can be said of antiChrist that he is Satan's final opponent to Christ and His Gospel and the sheep of His pasture. Now sheep are also known as flock, household, house, family, Church and Body or assembly of God's presense. A Family of Christ-like-ones and sometimes called “Christians” though the worlds Christians are not by any strech of the imagination Christ-ones. These people act more like the immoral and ammoral and the religious of Romans chapters 1-3. And are again described by Paul in 2Thessalonias 2, which is the bases of our study outline. And then John in 1st and 2nd John and Revelation 11:7, 13:7, 19:20 and 20:10 and Jesus when He stood among them.

Jesus in Spiritual form is now today still walking among us as witnessed to in many other nations around the world. And because this is so, we see as we listen to the events of this world now taking place we can see many who qualify as being antichrist and falseprophets in both words and actions. And the power that these have over the general populace of nations, in directing large crowds to take what is otherwise unruly actions of civil resistance. Through the use of wild words of bitterness and often words of extreme hatered directed towards individuals or other ethnic groups which often cause violance to errupt sometime causing lost of life, property and mayhem.

Even the early Prophets of Israel's former history spoke to and addressed the same characteristics then operational among the assembly of political Judaism beginning around the 1500-1000 period, forward. As Israel and its Priesthood drew to the appointed end which would culminate with the birth of both John the Baptist (who came is the spirit of Elijah) and Jesus, his cousin. Both would usher in a changing of the guard or venue of God's design. Which was fostered by the corruption and defilement of Judaism in a corruption to religion and political Judaism both of which were present at the prearranged time. Which the Romans tolerated because it was so well established as being an old and ancient religion throughout the region and even reaching across the then known world. All things are foretold by the Prophets about the birth and death of the son of man, a term used and introduced by Ezekiel. But just who this man would be and indeed these persons would be, was hidden within the context of the language used. This has remained to be so even within our own day. In Jesus is hidden all wisdom, Grace and Truth. And He can only allude to those things which are yet to come after His vircious death as He is under the then active Law of Moses, and the written word, He being the originator of that Law in Himself. And is therefore held by the rule of Law in commandment, ordiances as self imposed law unto Himself. Even the Word now Living among Israel was not known by them of the Law. Because Jesus was the Prophet spoken of by Moses himself that would come in greater than himself language. Moses was only the receiver and message bearer of the Law giver and as such was an Ambassador of the kingdom of heaven, a spiritual kingdom yet unknown let alone understood or even perceived of. The Law and Prophets spoke of spiritual things which remained veiled to the hears because man had not been freed from the tyranny and bondage of death in sin. It is this very thing, that still holds millions if not billions people hostage to this very day even though the world has been releasted through mans redemption, at the cross. And is the reason that so many follow a small crowd into acts of riotous living as sighted above, in the mayhem.

Today, since the first advent of the LORD. And the change of venue in which things were no longer simply earthy, worldly, carnal in a literal administration, where it was Israel through whom God would minister to the world of man and the promised restoration of that which had been lost to God. Man and I may say a select few from among mankind at best. In those who choose Christ and by so doing become the called sheep who hear His voice which replaces the voice of fallen mans flesh. As the “all” of 2Corinthians 5:14-15. Where He is the “one” who died for “all,” those who will become His hiers of Psaml 2:6-8, of whom He speaks of in John 10:14-16, 27-28. These people are His hiers and He is theirs as spoken of by Paul in the Epistles and which the writer of Hebrews also speaks of. They are the hidden secret things of Deuteronomy 29:29 and can be said to be the hidden Israel of God, the apple of His eye because they follow in the footsteps of men like Seth, Enoch, Noah, Shem, Eber, Abram / Abraham and Isaac and even king David because he repented. These people by so choosing walk out their own Salvation with fear and tremblings as these men and woman also did, as revealed in Hebrews chapter 11. They share the table of sacrifice, the vary cross of their LORD. The vary thing that all mankind fear and resist because it is not understand.

It is these kind of people that the anti-Christ, false christs and false prophets victomise and resist in all lawlessness. Many of these anti-Christs and false prophets do not realize or know that they are what they are, which this study will reveal. Many are then counted among not only those of iniquity but also the wicked ones, who mock God and trample underfoot the blood and the cross of the LORD Christ Jesus.

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