Sunday, March 22, 2015

Thessalonians part 12

Before moving on I must reveal why so many are now classified as being among the wicked, the lawless, the anitchrist, falseprophets and the falsechrists. To begin with how many remember the old song of the slaves which asks this question, “Were you there when they crucified my LORD?” The answer for all of humanity is, YES! I was there. In fact as a son or child of Adam and woman I placed HIM there through my own ignorance. That answer sounds correct but is it? NO! Love placed Jesus on the cross because He went willingly, as the only begotten son. It was for that purpose that He came also willingly. As He was with the Father before the foundation of the world was ever laid and it was then that in their council, now this council was and is a counsel for in this it was, that all things were planned. In Adam and woman, we were all yoked by deaths separation from GOD ie..Christ, and hidden from HIM in sins cloak. This cloak requires a lifting or removal through a reversal of the first sin, disobedience of rebellion which severed our first relationship of right standing, intimacy with GOD our original Father. At the prearranged period of time Jesus came through the proper door into this world of darkness where sin rules mankind. He came by an unusal means that of a virgins accepting the revelation of the written word spoken to her and she then conceived by the Holy Spirit this word housed in mans flesh without, or out side of as in being separated from, sins yoke. The very yoke that henders all of mankind from seeing and hearing clearly the words of the Spirit. Jesus as the lamb without blemish or spot of any kind, this is what His unlawful arrest and interagation proved. What was the motive of Judas...greed, and the Preisthood of Israel...jelliousy, then Pilot...fear and cowardous, how about the soldier who did the deed....obedience, and it is in all of these that humanity shared. But the greatest of these does not compare to the Love of God for His Son and for Us, because it was Us that was lost to HIM. So what is the work of the CROSS that is at the heart of the worlds problem. The answer can be found in Proverbs 22:7 which states this,The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.” To this what did Jesus state as found in Luke 12:15, “He said to them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consists not in the abundance of the things which he possesses.” Many indeed there are who will tell you otherwise for their gospel is often called a health, wealth and prosparity gospel but that is not all that it is. It is also a more practical one meaning that I'll get there my way, as this is to be covetous. These people fail to reconnise that they are in fact carring the yoke of sin because of deaths separation from GOD. Jesus came as our second Adam to reverse this on the tree from which the cross was made, for on this tree He was nailed. Being nailed there He accomplished the following which NO mere human can do of himself. Because we cannot nail ourelves to a tree. Here is what was there nailed for us all,
1. Satisfying justice through LOVE. GOD is Just and requires justice be expressed equally to all.
2. Our being bought back, thusly freeing Us from the yoke of sins stain or blemish, 3. Being now clothed in Christ (the blood and water of the cross) garments of Righteousness, and
4. having now right standing before GOD or having Peace with our Father.
From this standpoint we are now ready to look at warth from GOD's perspective. Because to do otherwise would mean we can only see from mans side in blindness caused by sin. GOD's Warth is consantly predictable because it always is against evil Sin. Whereas Grace and Faith are inseparable because faith receives that which Grace gives. And John in his synoptic gospel reveals that both Grace and Truth are in Jesus as His character and image and this fact coupled with the Truth just revealed of Faith's receiving what Grace gives tells Us that the blood and water shed by our LORD on the cross is our atonment. All of this restores our intimacy with the Father of spirits wherein we can again with Jesus call HIM “Abah” Father. No longer intiminated by fear of His justice.

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