5:1-11, 12-22, 23-24, 25, 26-27, 28
“But of the times and the seasons, you have no need that I write to
you. For
yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord (this
is judgment day for all criminals, which are unbelievers as their
lifes expression does lign up with their confession or profession of
faith. And as such are treasonous people to the lost of the worlds
order, where the cross of Christ is overshadowed by mans love affair with self in sin)
so comes as a thief in the night (without
warning, unexpectently suddenly, caught off guard, as indeed Israel
For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction
comes upon them, as travail upon a woman with child (those
who place their belief and trust in
GOD through the LORD CHRIST have
NO fear because they are clothes in
CHRIST, Ephesians 6); and they shall not escape (remember
this day will come again upon those described earlier because this
one took place between 66-70
AD as
spoken of in
Daniel and
the Lord
Jesus, and again around the time of the crusades, this
time with great judgment of all in unbelief which is SIN and eternal
separation in hells fire and great darkness).
But you, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a
thief (in
other words we have warnings through the signs of the times and our focus is centered on the cross and Christ and because of this).
You are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we
are not of the night, nor of darkness (this
statement restricks by its very nature those who will be removed by
the LORD to meet Him in the air from those who are otherwise
disposed, Revelation
Therefore let us not sleep, as do
others; but let us watch and be sober (ever
on the alert and always watching with expectancy as a little child,
with a renewed character and radical conduct, having departed from
our former way of life in the world, because we've learned the power of prayer and intersession for others as our means of spiritual sacrifice).
For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are
drunken in the night (night
is a metaphor for being dead in sins death grip, in the veil that
covers and restricts mans perception of God and His Christ through
mans religion as religion hinders, hardens and blinds man).
But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate
of faith* and love [the
law of God restored within our soul and impressed on our minds];
and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. For God has not appointed
us to wrath, but to obtain Salvation by (through/in)
our Lord Jesus Christ, Who died for us, that, whether we wake or
sleep, we should live together with Him. Wherefore comfort yourselves
together, and edify one another, even as also you do.”
required FAITH is made up of our trust and belief of HIM and His
Faithfulness to His revealed, revelation of His word within us.
the little dagger is used correctly as the rhema of GOD's word this
was the secret passed along by Adam, to Seth, Seth to Lamech, and
those of the record account form in Herbews 11, As Seth, Enoch, Noah,
Shem, Eber and Abram / Abraham and Isaac trusted and then acted on
their belief of that which they trusted. Where the cross and the
blood sacrifice is first spoken of in a vailed language but was
passed down from Adam through those receptive ones. The other turned
away and instead worthshipped man in the NOT acknowledging mans sin
nature. In other words they believe that there are many ways to GOD
other than the cross. Not knowing this, Faith has
feet of action just as Love has feet of action and both are a solid
bedrock as our foundation and cornerstone, a heavenly law, that has
the power of Truth to bring about God's desired end. In our appointed
completation in the perfection of Christ's image in and about us as a
covering of armor. For we have chosen the good and needful thing,
that is to come out from among them of the world and by so doing now
have the ability to distinguish between evil, light verses darkness
and the evils of the day. Because we have now the promise of a
renewed Life active within as first promised man in Genesis 3:15.
Being the restored to GOD through CHRIST the LORD.
we have now the promise of a renewed Life active within as first
promised man in Genesis 3:15. And captialized on in Genesis 3:21 and
the sacrifice of a lamb and its flesh used as a covering of man, the
first record of GOD's plan and way. For HIS Being then restored to
GOD through CHRIST the LORD.
beseech you, to know them which labor among you, and are over you in
the Lord [this
again should be
LORD], and admonish you; And to esteem them very highly in love for
their work's sake. Be at peace among yourselves (this
is not the norm in many of our churches and deffently among the
denominations that cover the earth many of which proclaim another
gospel other than the
LORD'S). Now we exhort you, warn them that are unruly, comfort the
feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.
See that none render evil for evil to any man;
but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all
Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks:
for this is the Will of God In Christ Jesus concerning you. Quench
not the Spirit. Despise not prophesyings (this
was the only means of receiving Gods word in the early days before
the printed page came about, though it may be used of God through
Christ in those who are held by Him accountable, these are indeed few
in number these days).
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all
appearance of evil.
very God of peace sanctify you wholly [How
is this accomplished by prayer and the rhema word of God as discribed
Ephesians 6:17 and
as the Lord Jesus wheeled it in
Matthew 4 when
He faced down the devil after fasting for forty days by “saying it
is written” and quoted from Deuteronomy the revelation
what was therein written. Keep in mind that the LORD Jesus Christ
is the rhema Word of GOD. It is the rhema Word that is Alive and
Living within our spirits.]; and I
pray God
your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved (sanctified)
blameless to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is
He that called you, Who also will do it.
removes our hands from the plow and places God's on the plow to do as
He has already promised erons ago as seen in
Genesis 3:15. This
is what Jesus as the son of man placed His trust and then faith in
for all of us.
the word used there “seed”, seed of trust, seed of faith, seed of
love, seed of Grace, seed of Truth which are all found active in
Christ Jesus as these are the fruit of His Spirit when restored and
properly nurtured within us, as the fruit of the fig-tree parable
pray for us.
all the brethren with an holy kiss. I charge you by (through)
the Lord (being
one with Him as in a marriage union properly clothed in white as a
bride is so clothed but we become clothed in death to sins voice of
our flesh and is received after passing from being dead in sin and
receiving Newness of Life Eternal)
that this epistle be read to all the holy brethren.
Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be
with you. Amen.”
we have acquired the Holy Spirit and He has taken us through
Redemptions school and has accomplished within it the reprogramming
of our hearts this reprogramming is said the be the wethering of our
heart. Wethering is the cutting away or the circumcision and
sanctification of Christ image and character restored within our
heart. This is also called being separated from the world, or the
dying to the flesh or selfwill, as it is the dead flesh of the
outside of the heart (the shell skin) that is cut away by GODS hand.
This is also known as being “In Him or clothed with Christ” and
is the hidden meaning of the LORDS Last Supper or the betrothal feast
of the Lamb of God. Where Christ Jesus becomes our husbandman and we
become the tilage field of His pasture, as seen in 1Corinthians 3.
This is what was to have happened to Israel the evening and night
before they were to leave Egypt but Israel as a nation failed to grab
the revelation of this event. There are hundreds if not thousands of
“hear me's” recorded within the text of the Bible and it is
within these “hear me's” that we are given the sword of
revelation upon which the LORDS Church is based and built. When we
have learned Christ in this way we begin to be empowered in how to
put the scriptures together.
Man's ideology is indifference to the global problem that is
called terrorism on a massive scale. This ideology does not remove it
or those of evil who inflect mankind by their atrocities of fear,
extreme violance and intimiation through that fear. These atrocities
are the same as inflected by a man who assumed a position of being a
fasle christ some 2000 plus years ago. And from who came a false
prophet with many more such children, all having sprung up more evil
than himself. They are all the epitome of all that is evil within and
among men of this low life caliber. This kind of humanity is not
restricked to anyone religious group or religious ideology as it is
the very nature within all unredeemed among man. These people, and we all know many who qualify, refuse to acknowledge mans nature and propensity to sin. And futhermore these people are about the extraction of the symbol of the cross from mans knowledge.
Terrorism is: Extreme fear; violent dread; fright; fear that
agitates the body and mind. That which may excite dread; the cause of
extreme fear. In Scripture, the sudden judgments of God are called
terrors in Psalm 73. The threatenings of wicked men, or evil
apprehended from them in 1Pet 3. Awful majesty, calculated to impress
fear in 2Cor 5. Death (mans nature in sins hold through death,
death being deadness of soul because natural mans being is separated
from the True and Living God) is emphatically styled the king of
(God who alone has Authority and Power through the day of Judgment of
Christ Jesus to exact by bring to all unsaved humanity these) terrors. Quoted
from Webster's 1828 Dictionary, with editing in ( )'s by me.
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