Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 10 of 39 part 3

But we don't get that concept of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit until it's revealed in Paul's writings. Then Paul makes it so plain as we saw in Ephesians that at the moment of redemption the Holy Spirit literally comes in and indwells us. For most of all the old testament people this was unheard of though there were few in which He did this as witnessed by Job, King David, Ezekiel, Jeremiah to name a few. Now Lamentations and Ecclesiastes are hard books to comprehend because they speak of what we've called the dark night of the soul and spirit because they reveal God's workings within the redeemed. Now listen, no lost person can ever come to a knowledge of salvation without the work of the Holy Spirit first taking His place within during our progress through redemption before salvation's dark night takes hold of us. For within redemption we're still in the grips of the material world as it tries to cause us to let go of the spiritual which is still in its infancy. This we see in Paul's letter to the Galatians and Hebrews wherein he warns against their and our returning to the world with its destructive religion. We know there can't always be a true Christian available every time that someone is ready to be saved. So the Holy Spirit, even though He is indwelling us, is still Omnipresence around the earth. So in verse 7, "the until" is when the Body of Christ, the Saints are taken up in the departure or as we've surmised God perfects His character within while we're still here in the present. This is seen in type by such stories as the three Israel boys in the fiery furnace and Esters statement of: "If I parish I parish". Then it could be said that we've departed from the influence of the material world altogether but not in the fashion of the old monks who with drew from the human race in part.

II Thessalonians 2:7b
"...until he be taken out of the way."

At that time the role of the Holy Spirit indwelling us ends because He's no longer necessary, because when the departure happens we'll already be in the presence of the Son. So what happens to the Holy Spirit? He remains on the earth as the Omnipresence Spirit of God, because you want to remember during those 7 years of Tribulation the 144,000 young Hebrews are still going to be proclaiming the “Gospel of the Kingdom”, and that also will need the power of the Holy Spirit. Here's what has been a problem to me, did Jesus manifest Himself to Israel during the years 66-70 AD before the Jewish Temple and Jerusalem were destroyed as prophesied by Daniel and others? The fact that there's no mention of this event does not mean it did not happen, as its field of intent and purpose would by necessity limited it. If so then we're in the tribulation period now as some have surmised. Which would also leave room for the Glorification of God's assembly the Church of Christ. And this in no way is the "Assemblies of God" or the "Church of Christ" as we know them. As they like so many others are but creations of mans doing because they also follow mans doctrine as did and does Israel in abstract idolatry. So now look at this verse again, but now more carefully.

Now why do I say this because remember both Peter and Paul were already or would shortly be taken out of the way and that happened at about the same time in 68 AD. They were looking for this event to take place within their life time as they knew it.

II Thessalonians 2:6.
"And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time."

It's the power of the Holy Spirit that is holding back the forces of iniquity through the presence of believers, the true Church or family of God. The God-son's of the Last Supper and on through Christ's ascension. Now just stop and think, "What if all of a sudden the Christians were totally removed from the scene?" There would be nobody to oppose the lawless or wickedness. Nobody to oppose the breakdown in society, though its progressing by tremendous strides daily. Primarily because there's so few true Christians out there in the world, most of what is called "Christendom" is actually anti-Christ. So now can you imagine what it will be like? So it's the Christ-like ones influence that still keeps the semblance of sanity on this world. So we are a withholding power because of our position in Christ and the Holy Spirit's indwelling. Now verse 7:

II Thessalonians 2:7
"For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth
(hinders, restrains or holds back) will let, (hinder) until he be taken out of the way."
Just now another of those thoughts just happened, remember that the word "religion" is the Latin word "relegiar" which also means to hinder or hold back because religion holds or ties God's hands if you will from doing His Will. And this goes along with revelation of chapter 17 of Revelation.

In other words, when we go up in the departure, then the restraining power of the Holy Spirit ends (which He will not do in a physical since), and we go on into the presence of the Lord, no longer needing the indwelling Spirit, and He remains as the Omnipresence Spirit on God on the earth even during the Tribulation. It has to be that way, or the 144,000 would never be able to win the multitudes that we know that they're going to. So remember that we as believers are the restrainers with the Spirit's power. Now again this power we don't receive until we are approved of God and this only comes about through the revelation of our being IN Christ and He being within us. The secret of the Last Supper, garden cup, crucifixion, burial, resurrection and then our being in His ascension. For this is when we receive the promised power of an Endless and Eternal Life, the power that rose Christ from the dead. The Light which is brighter than that of the noon day sun, the Light so intense that all other forms of light are pale in its presences. The very Light which turned the clothing of Jesus whiter than it had been from the inside of Him outwardly and then surrounded Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus. And our placement in the promised New Covenant as an heir, God-child. And gives us the power to bear witness of this Gospel to the world. But when we're taken out, the Holy Spirit can withdraw from us, because we'll be then in the Son's presence, but the Holy Spirit will remain on the earth to fulfill the work of the Spirit during those 7 years. Now that was all free for nothing. Now coming back to Ephesians chapter 1, looking at verse 14 again.

Ephesians 1:14
"Which is the earnest of our inheritance until
(that moment in time when) the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory."
What's going to happen the moment Christ returns in the departure to meets us in the air, and we suddenly have a new body? Well all of a sudden we're going to have a redeemed body, because this old body we now have is the one that Christ paid the price for, but it will be changed and it will become a glorified body like His resurrected body. Now on ahead with us to the Book of Philippians chapter 3, and let's look at this new body, because it's all part of the salvation process. Now at conversion or redemption this body of flesh was not redeemed. It houses our soul and spirit which have to go through the refiner furnace and the fillers washing as with lye soap to purify both from the contaminates, spots and stains of sin and like the Hebrew children did each year when they would make a game of cleaning their homes with a feather to remove the dust or bread crumbs hidden therein. Now that may shock a few people, but this old body of flesh as a believer is just as prone to sickness and disease as it ever was. Christians get sick, Christians die, we mean a lot of people think that we should be able to heal them and they'd live forever. But you see that would fly in the face of everything in this Book. Everybody except those in the departure are going to have to die! But we are redeemed in the area of the soul and spirit the moment we're saved. It's within these two bodies that God's does His willful work. That has been purchased and it belongs to God, and of course the Holy Spirit is the down payment of that, but the body will not be redeemed until we get the new one. Now come back to Philippians chapter 3, and dropping down to verse 20 and 21. These are verses that we've looked at several times in the past. Now I have to say that we're skipped over all the old testament scriptures that tie all this together in a nice neat package for us because I want you to do the research of digging them out for your selves.

Philippians 3:20-21
"For our conversation
(citizenship) is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ: Who (Christ will) shall change our vile body, (this body of corruption and flesh) that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, (isn't that plain?) according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself."
It's not going to be a problem for God to suddenly give us a brand new resurrected glorified body like His was after His resurrection. Now let's go even further and see what John says about this new body back in his little letter of I John, chapter 3. Now this reference is also so plainly put.

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