Thursday, May 16, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 12 of 39 part 1

Continuing with our thought of yesterdays post:
We mentioned in one of the previous sections that out of all the billions and trillions of bodies in outer space, have we ever seen the astronomers record one of them crashing into another? Why of course not. Now there may be explosions of new ones being made, but we never read how two of them banged into each other, and caused a turmoil out there. Why? Because the Creator has perfect control of every one of them. We mean every one of them, He knows exactly where they are at any given moment in time. Why? Because that's the only way they can keep from crashing into each other. If that happened then it would be like a nuclear fission out in space. Let's look at one more in the Epistle of Hebrews. We could also take you to Revelation, but we won't take time to look at that one, because Revelation says the same thing that all the rest of these do. "That He created everything by Jesus Christ!" Remember the key here is the two letter word "by" which we found means the same as through. But let's look at this one in Hebrews chapter 1:1;

Hebrews 1:1-2
(just like in Genesis 1:1. It's the same word) who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers. (that is the nation of Israel, God [that is Christ] had direct communications with them as Yehovah) by the prophets hath in these last days (the last days of Scripture is from His first advent until the end. Israel was in the last days because John in the likeness of or as Elisha and Jesus came as predicted, and we're entering another of the last days. Now we're also getting close to the latter days, which means the end of this economy as a form of the last days. But in these last days which began with His birth at Bethlehem He has) spoken unto us by his Son, whom he (God, the Trinity, Elohim) hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;"
Now you put all those together, who's the Creator? Jesus of Nazareth! Think for a moment, where did Christ get the power to calm the waves of the sea of Galilee? Well, He was the Creator of them. And where did He get the power to raise dead Lazarus? He was the Creator of him. He's in total control. There is nothing that He doesn't supersede. Do you see how all of this fits together? Now come back to Ephesians again in chapter 1. So Paul fits right in with all that by declaring then that when God set Him at His right hand up in the heavenlies and remember that we're counted by God-Elohim to be IN HIM -

Ephesians 1:21
"Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion,
(that covers everything. Heaven, Hell, earth, space, everything is under His control) and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come."
Now verse 22. And because of that exalted position God -

Ephesians 1:22
"And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church,"

See how this just dovetails into Psalm 2 verse 8.

Most people think that last verse should read, "And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the King over all things to the church." But we can see that's not what it says. But rather "God hath set Him to be head of all things to the Church, which is His Body." Now if we are the Body, are we decapitated without a head? No! Now let's come back to I Corinthians chapter 12, and look at that. In these verses we're going to look at, he gets down to such simplicity that it's almost ridiculous, but Paul is trying to drive the point home. What is the Body of Christ? Well it's just like this human body, it's composed of billions of cells. And every cell whether it be a fingernail, or an eyeball, or an ear drum each has a different make up and each is important to the proper functioning of the Body or Church assembly. So you see Paul is using the analogy of a human body as an example of the Body which is His Church. But before we continue here allow me to say that Paul in chapter 11 of 1 Corinthians reveals that there will be many who oppose themselves by the believing of all manor of false doctrines of mans design [religion] and that there are therefore to be heresies among the Church (many sects or denominations) of false teachings of doctrines to prove those who have been approved of God. Now let's look at it.

I Corinthians 12:12
"For as the body
(the human body, our household) is one, and hath many members, (hands, feet, eyes, cells ….etc.) and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: (before we go any further, what controls the body? The head!) so also is Christ".
Paul is making that same analogy. We as believers are members of a Body of which Christ is the head. And we're just as connected in this Body of Christ, as our head is to our own human body. Looking at some more of the analogy in verse 15.

I Corinthians 12:15
"If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body: is it therefore not of the body?"

Then let's see what Paul says in verse 18.

I Corinthians 12:18
"But now hath God set the members
(that is you and I as believers) every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him."
Now in our mother's womb, and we've used this analogy often. One of the miracles of reproduction is that as the mother prepares that little baby in the womb you don't have fingernail cells going any place but to the fingers. And all these separate cells go exactly to the right place. And at the end of that 9 months whenever the baby’s body is complete, then we have birth. That's miracles of miracles. Well God is doing the same thing in a Spiritual realm. He is building the Body of Christ of believers from every walk of life from around the planet. The Chinese, or Hebrew, or any other nationality when they become believers are just as much a part of the Body of Christ as we are. This is our hope or reason to believe God and become a receiver of Him who is. And we're all connected to that one source, which is Christ the head. Now come on down to verse 27.

I Corinthians 12:27
"Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular."

God never loses sight of our individualism. God hasn't lost us in the crowd, we're not just a number in God's mind, He knows us as an individual. Now that's the Body of Christ. Now come back again to the Book of Ephesians chapter 1.

Ephesians 1:22-23a
"And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, Which is the body, the fulness..."

Now if you have a marginal Bible, the other word for fullness is complement or to imbue. As members of the Body of Christ we have become a complement. Now the best way to explain that is to go all the way back to Genesis where everything begins. We'll start in chapter 2.

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