Sunday, May 26, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 14 of 39 part 1

As has been the norm we got into the 14th lesson in our last post so we'll pick back up where we left off, coming back to Ephesians chapter 2, and we'll read verse 6 again. And as said, I must warn you that we're in the mind field (not a mine field but the mind-field) or mind game for awhile. So you better have the ears to hear what the Spirit is saying or else you'll miss it I'm sure.

Ephesians 2:6
"And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus."

We're in the Body of Christ, although we're living here on the planet. But now look at verse 7. See this life is just a little snap of the finger compared to eternity. Oh eternity is beyond comprehension, and as we've said before and say again, the Bible doesn't really tell us that much of what we're going to be doing. But this much we know, that when we get to glory it's going to be beyond human comprehension. All the things that we think are enjoyable on this earth will be as Paul says, "Dung" by comparison. So this much we can rest on.

Ephesians 2:7
"That in the ages
(eternity) to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus."
God didn't have to save the human race, but rather He did it out of Love to show and demonstrate His Grace. Now verse 8 is one of the super, super Pauline verses.

Ephesians 2:8
"For by grace
(it's not simple favor, no but divine blessing where in He works) are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: (not something that we've worked for, not something we've decided to do, but) it is the gift of God:"
What I am about to say needed to be said in brackets behind "faith" but because it could be lengthy I've chose to share it this way instead. John in chapter 1 and verses 14 and 17 sets Jesus out as being all Truth, Grace and Faith. Because as we've already said Jesus trusted in His faithfulness to His own word as spoken through His Prophets during the Old Administration of Israel's Time or Age. He is the Word, and as the Word He is of Faith personified, so He is Faith. He is the Faithful one and has been from the beginning of mans beginning. There are many who mock, ridicule and make light of what I'm here saying but Truth is truth matters not what others opinions are or what they've been programed to think and many times say in response, all out of ignorance, by way of the traditions of man.

We don't have to tell you what a gift is. It's something that we do not work for. A gift a lot of times is something that we don't deserve. But Salvation is a gift of God that none of us deserves. There is but one way into God's Salvation and it costs us our love of things that are NOT of God. Our love of self, self-will, self-sufficiency, self-exaltation, and a host others including the love of family, sons, daughters, wife and other evils imparted to man at the fall. The sweetness of sin and the kings delectable a dainties which deceive and delight us all. For we work so very hard to acquire them even to the extreme of our future retirement and all sorts of fails securities. Now the next verse tells it all.

Ephesians 2:9
"Not of works, lest any man should boast."

Now that flies in the face of probably 98% of Christendom. They are somehow either blatantly or by innuendo making people feel that they've got to do something, and some more than others. I know people who spend their time digging in scripture to find the "Truth!" in its so called many forms, not realizing that Christ is all that is Truth. Some even believe that when they find all Truths they'll some how have entered into God's Will our Salvation through those Truths. Not so! Many have spent their whole life chasing the smoke screens of Satan's making in deception, the chasing down of rabbit trails and for no purpose but vain glory. But let's look at what Paul says.

Ephesians 2:9
"Not of works, lest any man should boast."

Faith + Nothing = Salvation. Let's go to Romans chapter 4. For here Paul uses Abraham as his prime example, but of course it's prompted by the Holy Spirit.

Jesus said that we're all to: 'seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness above all other things'[paraphrased]. This has been our mantra from the beginning.

Romans 4:2-3
"For if Abraham were justified
(or made right with God) by works, he hath whereof to glory (or boast); but not before God. For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, (+ nothing) and it (his believing, his trusting in) was counted unto him for righteousness."
At what personal cost to Abraham? Nothing, he just took God at His word, he believed God! He trusted God! How and why because he had grown to know God through his mentors Shem and Eber, though our Bibles don't clearly reveal this connection. And then jump down to verse 5. We've used this verse to lead quite a few to the Lord.

Romans 4:5
"But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness."

As soon as someone says, "I've got to do this or that", “I'm giving glory to God”, “I'm doing it all for God” then that cancels the work of the cross. But if we just believe then God will justify the ungodly. God doesn't justify Godly people. Remember in His earthly ministry, what did Jesus say? 'Who needs the physician? Not the well person, but rather the sick.' If there were such a thing as a Godly person he wouldn't need salvation, but there is no such thing as a Godly person. Until we suffer what? Death! For there's no glory in death but only willful submission to God's divine Will and purposes. The Death of sin's hold and influence on us. We're subjecting our selves to God's plan and Will by way of allowing Him to be who He is GOD! Remember God gets glory from only one person His Son so if we have not the Spirit of His Son in us we're none of His! Let's look at Romans 3:23.

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