Monday, May 13, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 11 of 39 part 4

For the past few days people have sent me internet videos on the "one world church or Palestinian Church" movement and the "Replacement Theology" movement both of these man made concepts are erroneous to say the lest. They are no more than mans sciences, physics, chemistry, mother earth, history, knowledge of....what ever, are but rabbit trails of distraction. And just as having one man as the prototypical 6-6-6 though there in all likelihood will be a Hebrew who will raise up and be accepted as Israel's false Messiah. The simple matter is this the number 6-6-6 is mans number and just as the Harlot of Mystery Babylon of Revelation is the worlds church religious systems both are 6-6-6 because they are of mans doing. They elevate man into an idol status or a small letter god through the deceiver Satan. Just as the ancient king possibly before Nebuchadnezzar of the Persians or even from Egypt, called Lucifer, was a god to those he ruled in Satan's fashion openly. I say this because our Bibles do not show the overlapping of peoples lives from the beginning of its recorded time in many cases just as with today there may have been as many as four generations living under one roof or at least close together and thereby passing on each generations legacy to the next. We see this where God's knowledge seems to skip one or even two, three or four generations of men before we find another righteous man in the same family line. For the most part this line began with Seth and his linage.

Now as for the learned of theology they are nothing short of what Saul of Tarsus was. This is to say steeped in religion of mans making and Satan's design and therefore they're not trust worthy people because like Satan's who put on sheep's clothing and became an angel of light they have their minds blinded in the same fashion as he. That is until the road to Damascus encounter with the risen Lord who through the brightest of Lights revealed Himself to Saul. This brightness was the same brightness that His disciples witnessed on the Mt. and which is brighter than that of Satan's disguise and which causes us like Saul when God's Love is present within us to see things as in a darkness or night of Faith. It was for this reason that Saul had to be led to Damascus by those with him and which also caused him to be blind for three days until the Lord's disciple was instructed to go to him and wash him as Jesus had washed the disciples feet but with this one difference Saul was washed bodily because of the tradition of Judaism. Through which the same scales that had blinded him as a Pharisee feel from his eyes. It is these scales that blind those of religious institutions and those of higher learning have to this very day. Though they believe they're free from same but only deceive themselves to belief the hoax played on them. This is why the LORD God uses the foolish and simple things of the world to confound the wise and the wisdom of man.

Now back to the issue at hand our study of Ephesians chapter 1 and verse 19:

Ephesians 1:19a
"And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe,..."

Salvation always comes to the receptive and believing doesn't it? It's not what our denomination demands or the religions of the world try to portray to us. Oh you ought to hear some of the things that we hear from people who have been told wrong. We hear, “Well someone says I must do this, and someone else tells me I've got to do that”. Hay we were there ourselves for more years than I care to count, and only because of our ignorance or lack of understanding. Not rightly dividing God's Word of Truth. We just say to all that, "Forget it!" There's only one requirement and that is trusting, in child-like receptivity and believing, but it must be genuine, it must be from or with the whole heart and not just a mental accent. Oh we could show over and over how many verses that it's all faith on our believing this Gospel + NOTHING! And remember the only way we can do that in Scripture is to rightly divide the Word. Keep Peter's teaching and the Law separate from Paul's proclaiming of Grace through Love. If we don't separate the two then we will wind up with a mixture of Law and Grace, and God won't have any part of it. For this is the true meaning of the parable of the cloth and wine skin which our Lord taught.(Matthew 9: 16-17 and Mark 2:21-22)

We know we've shared that its all now, "Faith + Nothing = Salvation!" And while we were visiting we had a number of people who were around us, so everyone received or heard what we were sharing. And someone asked, "Faith + Nothing = Salvation? " he said. Now this man was a middle easterner possibly as he looked like someone from that part of the world, but he talked perfect English. So he said, "You mean it's not work, work, work like my religion teaches?" We told him, no, and he said, "What?!" He then went back in into the crowed and disappeared.

We've had several experiences like that because most people have never heard of such a thing. But we've got millions right here in our own country who have heard it and read it, but refuse to believe it. But you see that's where it's at - "Faith + NOTHING!" This faith has it's root in God's Love and the revelation of the Last Supper and then the finished work of the cross as Paul describes in I Corinthians 15:1-4. When Christ said while on the cross that, "It is finished" how in the world can people then say, that you have to do this and that? If that's the case then our Lord lied! If He said it was finished, and it wasn't, then Christ lied. But we all know that our Lord did not lie, because He did finish it! He brought all things back into focus from that which had been lost, in Genesis 3. And all He's asking us to do is to first receive of Him and then believe it with all our whole heart, and then let the other work things follow. That's all well and good, but don't try to tie them (the Law and customs...etc. of Israel) to salvation. So looking at the verse again.

Ephesians 1:19-20
"And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, Which he wrought in Christ,
(not only when He died on that Roman cross, but it was epitomized, it was the crescendo) when he raised him from the dead (the power of an Endless Life), and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places,"
We don't hear about Him being raised from the dead much any more do you? We don't hear much about resurrection power, but listen that's where it's at. Had Christ, as Paul says in I Corinthians 15, not been raised from the dead, we'd be as lost as dogs. We mean we wouldn't have any hope at all, but He was raised from the dead. In fact let's look at a verse in Romans chapter 1.

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