Friday, May 17, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 12 of 39 part 2

We're looking at the word complete, complement or completion as found in Genesis chapter 2 and though obscure it is in here nonetheless and verse 18.

Genesis 2:18
"And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."

And taking the Hebrew root form of “help meet”, and what do you suppose that word “help meet” is in our English? Complement. Now if we look to Strong's Hebrew Dictionary we find it has the numbers H5828 and H5048. And let me tell you now that neither of these two words answer or reveal what we are here revealing, but nonetheless listen carefully. Or a better definition for it would be, "Someone called along side to help." From which we have "paraclete", that is to say one who aids and supports, one who perfects, one who makes up the whole and of such is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth. Do you see that? That's the whole idea of a husband and wife relationship even to this day. The wife is that complement to the man that really completes him and brings the help and aid that he needs, and that's what Eve was to Adam. She was God's first line of salvation but she failed and then the man she was to hold back from falling fell also. This was all set in type of course looking forward to the greatest union that could ever take place which was the marriage in metaphorical type between Christ and the Church or the assemblage of many peoples as members of this Body. Now for a moment let's go back to the Book of Romans chapter 7. My how these verses just drop into place. Remember Paul is writing to believers.

Romans 7:4
"Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ;
(His physical body that was crucified, as the Laws requirement for completion) that ye should be married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead, (not just to escape hell fire, but also) that we should bring forth fruit unto God."
We're to be worth something to God, we're not to be deadwood. We're to be working, and bring forth fruit for His honor and His glory. But not in the usual standards of mans intellectualism but rather God's. We're to encourage those who are lacking in His Grace and Faith through His Love within us, we're to be able to share this His Gospel of Christ. Now coming back to Ephesians chapter 1.

Ephesians 1:22b-23a
"...and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is his body,..."

And that's a concept that few believers, have any idea that we're members of a Living organism, we're conjoined to Him. Now you know as well as we do that as long as we're living, our body is a composite of living things. Our cells are alive, our enzymes are alive, and as soon as they die, we dead. All right it's the same way with the Body of Christ. The Body of Christ is not an organization like the country club. We know that's what most Churches are getting to be, we know that, but that is not the true scriptural definition of a local Church. We are to be a Living organism, with Life. Not physical life, but rather spiritual Life. And this Life is enhanced by fellowship, by the Word, by prayer, by God's Love within us restored to us and all because we're connected to the Head who is in heaven. God knows we're waiting for the day when there won't be that huge space between the Head and the Body. Why? Because one day we're going to be brought into union with Him, and we're going to revel throughout all eternity in His presence, and that's something to glory in.

Remember Paul always writes to believers, because you see the whole concept is if we know what we believe, then we can share it with those who are lost and to reprove those who don't yet believe this Gospel of /for their salvation. God doesn't expect the Church to save the lost, but rather the individual believer to do that, and then bring them into the fellowship of a Living organism called the Church. Where by the way He resides when two or more are in His name gather together. We've got to teach this to believers and the skeptic of where we are positionally, and why we're here so that we can be free to share it with those who are still out in darkness (the unsaved, unbelieving believers, skeptics and all others who have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying). We let God open their hearts through His tremendous Love.

Just here I'm somewhat perplexed because I'm being pulled to look at 1 Corinthians chapter 11 before moving on, so I'll break it off for now to see what to do.

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