Friday, March 20, 2015

Thessalonians part 10

Speaking now of Paul who came out of Judaism to become the Authority chosen by GOD to bring to Light the secrets hidden by GOD through the restoration of Spirit of Christ Jesus within him. These secrets or mysteries which GOD hide until Saul of Tarsus, were held close to GOD's chess. And only allouded to in vailed language within the context of the Law of Moses, Psalms and Prophets. Jesus after spending 40 days in the wilderness was hungry and was tempted of the devil or Satan. And used the sword of the Spirit against him when He said it was written and then proceeded to quote from Deuteronomy the spoken and then written word as a double edged sword of revelation to defeat the tempter. When He stated, "It is written" three times in Matthew 4 and repeated in Luke 4 and then referred to in Romans 15:4 and Ephesians 6:17. When Satan used the same method that he had done with woman back in the garden, when her guard was down as the weeker vessel. Weeker because it was not to her that GOD had spoken the warning NOT TO EAT, as seen in Genesis 2:7-9 but to Adam. Paul then progresses to reveal this Light throughout his many Epistles after his conversion.

Acts 26:18 states this about the people of darkness, verses those who come into the Light wherein they are released from the influence, dominion and power of darkness. Which religion henders through blindness (also called a stonyheart) of unbelief in mankind. I will pick up the flow at verse 15 where the Lord answers Paul's question of Him, “I said, Who are You, LORD? He said, I am Jesus Whom you are persecuting. But rise, and stand upon your feet: for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to make you a minister and a witness both of these things which you have seen, and of those things in the which I will appear (give you insight and understanding of My revelation) to you; In delivering you from the people, (notice that He did not say, “My people,” but instead used a derogatory slur, or Hebrewism of, “the people,” signifying separation from them) and from the Gentiles, to whom now I send you, To open their eyes, to turn them from darkness (blindness and hardheartedness of soul or spirit, those governed by a false spirit, a familiar spirit that causes deception to rule supreme) to light, and from the power (dominion) of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins (in mans Redemption), and inheritance among them which are sanctified (the LORD's Salvation) by faith* that is in Me.”

*Both Redemption and Salvation come through Christ Jesus, and they are to be received by faith; and consequently, neither are by the merit of works, nor by that of suffering. And more importantly through or by the traditions and doctrines of man as stated earlier. These are not connected to sancification but are instead of our receiving through Love to Faith (the rule and law of the kingdom of heaven and God) working in and through Grace (in what is called Salvation. Where Salvation is our being totally set-a-part sanctified through a death of our being separated from, and are now headed towards God's indwelling, as He was in Adam first and then His Son, Jesus Christ and then Paul, as we are admonished to emmulate them). The phrase “by faith that is in Me” is the limiting factor here as it elludes to Matthew 11:29, and then John 10:14-28 and 2Corinthians 5:14-15 as the qualifier for GOD's now indwelling of us by His Faith.

I pray that I and indeed we can give the LORD good service through these efforts that follow.

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