Saturday, April 18, 2015

Thessalonians part 24

Back to 2Thessalonians 2:3 where we find the following taken place: “and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;”

Which here is intended to reveal the whole hierarchy of Judaism, Christian, an Islam though Islam is not yet made the worlds scene as a mans religion. Because in each there are those who claim to be pastors, teachers or what ever we might name them including but not limited to, monks, friars, priests, pastors, bishops, archbishops, clerics, cardinals, fathers and especially popes, who may well be called "the man of sin and sons of perdition." Because they are notoriously sinful; not only sinners, but sin itself, a sink of sin, monsters of iniquity, spiritual wickednesses in high places: it is not easy to reckon up their impieties, their adulteries, incest, sodomy, rapine, murder, avarice, simony, perjury, lying, necromancy, familiarity with the devil, idolatry, witchcraft, and what not. And not only have they been guilty of the most notorious crimes themselves, but have been the patrons and encouragers of others in sin; then there are those of other religious forms who by dispensing with the laws of God and man, by making sins to be venial, by granting indulgences and pardons for the worst of crimes, by licensing brothel houses, murders and countenancing all manner of wickedness; and therefore it is no wonder to hear of the following epithet.
In “the son of perdition;” since these are not only a form of Apollyon, Satan's counter part, as the king of the bottomless pit, the destroyer, the cause of the perdition of thousands and millions of souls, for the souls of men are their wares; but because they are by the righteous judgment of God appointed and consigned to everlasting destruction; the devil, the beast, and the false prophets, the false christs and anti-christs will have their portion together in the lake that burns with fire, Revelation 20:10. Because they all do as follows.
2Thessalonians 2:4Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called (and known of) God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.”
As the one who is self exaltant we can find many refences of him in scritpure beginning in Proverbs 17:19, 25:6-7, 27, Isaiah 14:13-14, Obadiah 4, in all of these we also find boastings, conceit and pride exhibited as Satanic ambitions which spring from Genesis 3:4, revealed in Isaiah 14:13-14 and our own passages of 2Thessalonians 2:4 and 7. Within all of mankind is found self deception which is a natural result of self-esteem, and pride of self will, Psalm 36:2, spiritual bondage Isaiah 44:20, conceit Genesis 6:3 our hearing carelessly in James 1:22, the use of an unbridled tongue in James 1:26, having a sanctimous attitude within, 1John 1:8, and our being in spiritual poverty as many are these days, in Revelation 3:17. These are all part of having a false trust and self-righteousness.

With much thoughtful deliberation and seeking God's wisdom through my LORD and with what I have stated above, the following has been revealed within me. With the death of Jesus and His retrun to Heaven whereupon He was exhaulted by the Father above His fellows with the restoring of God's kingdom of Love and Grace working through His Faithfulness within mans soul, in the body that was created eternal, made without hands Eternal in the Heavens (Genesis 1:26-27) and then as recorded in Genesis 2. Mans body was and now is the Temple of God's dwelling again (as spoken of in John 17). This is the hidden theme of scripture from Genesis through to the end of Revelation. As they reveal Christ throughout as the living bread and waters from which all Life flows. It is within this restored Temple that man encounters his greatest opposition by the god dethroned within him. The very god that we are to ask for aid in the mortification of the very deeds of, through our Meditor the LORD, Christ Jesus. It is from this stand point that Paul writes and even John in his synoptic gospel makes many such statements. Man is the greatest enemy of Satan and Apollyon, besides God the FATHER, our Spiritual parent, Himself. Satan cannot reach Jesus but he can reach those who have become Jesus' through this Gospel. Those who have become restored or awakened to become Son's of God, again. It is these people that face their greatest challenges after they have willing entered into God's Salvation by trusting Him Who is Faithful. Those who have come to Repentance, and through Redemptions program are washed in the blood and water, sanctified. Through which they will have many obstacles designed to establish the character of Christ within and then gain the entery into God's Salvation through this same process. Many times along the way the enemy of man will also cause these students to fail or slip a step or two. With each missed step these students repent and progress onward to the perfecting of Christ's image and charaacter within, restoring them to a Genesis 2 kind of new man as promised man in Genesis 3:15. These people then poss the greatest obstacles to the progression of the kingdom of darkness as they grow in the knowledge of the LORD Christ Jesus and the acquiring and maintaining of His essense in them. It is these people who withhold by restraint the men of sin and the sons of perdition, until taken away.

Here is where there is a difference between the literal, earthy, carnal, worldliness of man and the spiritual reality of God in man. It is in the literal man that man remains a child of Satan and is buffeted by Apollyon, Satans counter part, who arises within those who will oppose God as FATHER. These people are all within a religious systems of man, which are part and parcel of the mystery Babylon of Revelation in 17:1-13. The mother (often presented as mother earth, mother nature, mother of Jesus, Mary and a few some religions and sects taking on the persona of a prophet or some other image of a man such as Buddha...etc.) of all harlets, harlets being church groups, denominations, sects, religious orders, religious ideologies, religious instatutions from which spring those characteristics covered in verse 3 spring. Making mans greatest enemy man, the very seat of Satan within mans soul or flesh from which all evils spring. This woman sits on a beast covered with great swelling words of blasphemy. She was drunk with the blood of saints and martyrs murdered for their witness of the LORD.

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