Saturday, November 5, 2016

Our Divine Spiritual Richness

The post of yesterday looked into the matter and fact that many people do not have the same knowledge of GOD, in other words they do not know Him. Well today I will look at the fact that the same is true about Christ, Israel's Messiah the anointed one. For since the days of the earliest Church not many have the same vision or understand of Him either. As stated a few weeks ago some one said that their vision and understanding did not align with ours. And to that I said how can this be so? It just puzzled me for any one to have a different vision and understanding as all Bibles say pretty much the same thing. So how is it that they have a differing vision of revelation or do they even have revelation of Christ to start with? Today Pastor Hoekstra in his teaching on Grace looks into the Israelites crossing of the red sea, by faith. That done I will turn my attentions toward the puzzle of people not knowing Christ with the use of the ESV translation and the LORD. I really really would like to solve this puzzle as we to my understanding should all have the same knowledge of Christ at least as the true foundation of faith, the source of all that is faith, light, life, truth and grace operational by His Love restored within each one of us. His Spirit gives restored Life to our spirit, in that our spirit has been released from that of slavery to sin in Satan. A thought just came to mind and it is this, yesterday on Face book I shared a thought posted by Norman Grubbs dealing with mans sin nature that just maybe the answer to my dilemma. That being so I will repost it here before moving on.

"If I think I am sin or I did those things, then how can I get free from that thing, if I do that thing that the Bible lists as sin? Well, I say it never was me. It was the lust of my father (Adam's foster father that is) I did and acted. My going to my lusts, my going to my hates and my wrongs are really the motivating spirit causing me to do those things. This is another focus on things. This is the vessel of wrath. It is the false vine through the branch (I being the branch of a corrupt vine). I got great light again from 1 John 3 when he made that little remark which again puts this in focus for me. He had been saying in 1 John 3 about the children of God, and the children of the devil and then John says this about the children of God, “This is the message you have heard from the beginning that we love one another.” Then he says this, “Don’t be like Cain, who was of that wicked one and slew his brother.”

Now, when I read that, I stopped and said, Why did he put in that phrase, “that wicked one?” Why didn’t he only say, “Don’t be like Cain?” Because, it wasn’t Cain who slew his brother. Because inside Cain was the spirit of Satan who was the murderer, for Jesus was acquainted with the murderer. He says so in John 8, “He is a murderer from the beginning.” This is the murdering spirit in Cain which caused Cain to murder Abel. Now I am bringing things back into focus. So, now I come back into Romans 6 where it says, “Reckon also yourselves to be dead to sin.” This is something different. Sin, mind you, is the principle of self-centeredness, transgression of the Law as a person who says, “I will be for myself, I will do my own thing.” The original person is sin and we are in that sense an expression of sin, the person who says, “I will be for myself. I won’t be like God is.” Now he says, “How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein? Know you not that so many as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? We were buried with Him by baptism into death—that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we also should walk in the newness of life.” Romans 6:3-4. In Verse 6, it says, “Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with Him that the body (spirit) of sin might be destroyed that henceforth we should not serve (that spirit) sin.” That is be a slave to sin, now I’m getting a little closer.

So the body which sin motivated has been destroyed as an agency for that motivator. Now I begin to see something of the body of Christ. Now we have left the blood. The blood you never find mentioned again in Romans 6-8. It is never mentioned; it is out. That settled our sins. Paul is dealing with the sin principle now, which is the spirit of self-centeredness manifested through man. Now he says we are baptized into His death. We were buried with Him. We were crucified with Him. All these words come here.

So now we are in a new relationship where we participate in, not the blood, but in the body. We didn’t partake of the blood. That is out. That is what the shed blood indicated, going to hell, death and sin (our leaving it, the spirit there were it belongs, having died to sin). This is the body. So, now Paul said that we participate in the body—we are it, because the body is that which contains the spirit. He says the body of sin has now been annulled. It means the body through which sin motivates might be annulled.

Now I am getting close. Through false fruit (also known as false faith) there came into my body, then through my being, my person, this false spirit. Like the Holy Spirit is now in my body. Well, this is the false spirit in my body motivating me. Now I move into this tremendous further revelation of Jesus Who is Christ, which is only perfectly put in II Corinthians 5. It seems as if Paul was involved in being an intercessor for people. His life was being poured out for the Corinthians. An intercessor can see further. He can see himself being involved for people. It was here apparently that Paul in II Corinthians 5:14 saw this great truth. “Don’t you know, that if one died for all then were all dead? Oh, this isn’t Paul's dying for our sin. This is, if He (Jesus Christ) died I died. What does that mean? We already said He died for sins and descended into hell. Paul said, “Wait a minute, if He died I died. If He died for all I died. He represented the whole human race. Now, therefore, if I rise, I am risen with Him.” He talks about the new creature he is then, annulled, from the old nature. And, being in that new creature position, it is wonderful. We know nobody after the flesh, know not anything after the flesh—only the new creature. That is what the next verse is, 16 and 17 of 2 Corinthians 5. Then Paul says, “Now I have explained it to you.” In Verse 21, “For God made Him to be sin for us, Who knew no sin.” Sin not sins. Now we are getting somewhere. Sin is the principle of self-centeredness, the person of self-centeredness occupying our body. We say that. Now when Jesus Christ was made sin, what does it mean? It means that body on the cross was our body. Our bodies, the agency for sin. We express through our bodies and our personalities, sin. Therefore that body represented mankind, which has in it the deity of self-centeredness, the false spirit (the false faith, of the anti-Christ).

The whole point of the death is: out goes the sin spirit. It says in Romans 6, “We are buried with Him.” Now this is important, “by baptism into death. Knowing our old man is crucified with Him that the body of sin might be destroyed.” Buried means no spirit. So a buried person has no spirit. Verse 10: “Now therefore in that you died, you died to sin once.” Not died for our sins, not for our sins at all. Died to sin meant that body dies to the spirit of sin. If that spirit happens to be Mr. Sin, Mr. Self-centeredness, if he is the spirit in you, that is out. Now he says, “Do you see what happened? That was you on the cross. It wasn’t just He died for your sins. It goes deeper. You move into union, now. That was you. When He died as you, He died as the whole human race. So, the body as a dwelling place for sin is annulled." With the annulment comes a void of spirit, that is why the Holy Spirit is given to fill the void of the former marriage, giving us a newness of spirit, being born again in the LORD-Christ, as our spirit now absorbs (as in the marriage union) His Spirit. Placing us back into Genesis 2, where man walked with GOD, as a Christ one in being One in agreement.

I have deviated from my course, so I will post another blog today to cover it that was stated above.

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