Sunday, November 6, 2016

Our Spiritual Richness

Todays because of what Norman Grubbs revealed in his post on Face book yesterday I will share it again here before moving on with my looking into mans willful ignorance. Norman is talking about what is reveal by Paul in Romans and John in 1John3 and how they effect those who are in agreement with GOD in Christ.

"In the resurrection, of course, that body becomes a dwelling place of the Spirit of GOD, quickened (made new again, sweep clean as it were) by the Spirit and, therefore, if that body represents us, we have now become a dwelling place for the Spirit of GOD. So, there has been a replaced god, so what we call salvation is really only the exchange of the motivating person within us. If the motivation deity within us was the spirit of self-centeredness (satan sin), and in union Christ representing us, he the satan sin is out. Into the dead body comes the new spirit. The new spirit is the motivating spirit of self-giving-love, GOD. So the living GOD replaces the false god within us. So the Gospel is a change of gods. The GOD in us is the One Who motivates us to self-giving-love. So Paul says, “You see, you can’t go on sinning because you are under new motivation, new management. You have a new Person. You were Mr. Self-centeredness. You can only be what the person inside you is. Therefore you can’t be Mr. Self-centeredness.” We are not talking about temptation, now.

Although you may slip into an area like that. You can’t live in it. Self for self cannot be, after you have been born of GOD’s Spirit. So you have moved in to find who you are. “The love of GOD is shed abroad in your heart.” So the new drive of your life is that you are for GOD, Christ, and other People. You can begin to be a blessing for others, instead of a person who is always seeking his own blessing and so forth.

So count on this as a fact, that you are dead in Christ to being under control of the sin spirit, who motivated you to be self-centered in all its many forms. It might have been a righteous self-centeredness or a false righteousness. It is all the same thing. Count on it now that you are dead unto sin but alive to GOD through our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 6 is the death chapter. You are alive unto GOD and so you yield your members now in your freedom as agents of righteousness. Your members have become your humanity, your being. Because of that your emotions, your appetites and your will have become expressions of other love. Your basis is that you are the servant of others as He is. Then Paul says, “you see sin won’t have dominion over you now because you are not under the Law of condemnation, but under the new Law of Love in Grace.” We had the Law of condemnation as exposing sins, as Israel's tutor, carried over to the world.

Then Jesus taking the curse of the Law, and therefore the guilt is out and all that. We had that lesion in the blood of Christ. Paul now says, “Now in this present life (he is talking about this present new life, which is Christ in you) sin will not have dominion over you because you are under the Law of Grace.” Why does he say that? Very important!! Then Paul diverts for a moment and says, “Now all you who are saved then, if you are not under the Law, you do what you like.” People argue with that, “You can do what you like.” Of course, you can when you know what you are. “Shall we sin because we are not under the Law, but under Grace? GOD forbid!” Because in the new life, when you know it, you are a slave. You’ve changed bosses.” That is the important line there. Paul says the actual fact is, of course, you are not under “boss sin”; you are under “boss Christ.” Verse 17: “You were slaves to sin, but (now) you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine that was delivered to you.” You obeyed from the heart the fact that you have believed in Jesus Christ your sins are wiped out and Christ has taken you over. In this chapter it hasn’t been properly settled yet, that you are under new management. So, you were free from the old one and you are now under the obligation of the new one." As a woman when she chooses marriage, relinquishes her former identity as a single self and the man as his being a single self to become one being, united by an agreement of two. This union only being broken by the death of one or the other, the woman receives all the benefits and privileges of her husband.

From here I will turn now to my targeted subject mans willful ignorance and Israel's taking of Jericho.

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