Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Our Spiritual Richness

Our Spiritual Richness is to grow by revelation of GOD and His now dealing within us as HE did Jesus and then Paul among a host of others over the past 2000 years. For this I have turned to Norman Grubbs and his thoughts on this revelation. As taken from Romans.

By Norman P. Grubb

That is about as far as the main body of Romans is concerned. There are some very interesting things to follow. Tremendous area on the subject of God, how He can love Jacob and hate Esau. How predestination works in the free will. He handles that in Romans 9 and 11. That is because that is only for the mature. The ‘prepared of God’ can only be mature. When you have really finished this business, you begin to see God only. Now you are in focus. So it is here he talks of only God. God manages everything totally, evil and good alike. You can’t see total until you are free from the nagging question about yourself. When you know who you are, which is not yourself but He, then you are free. So your own life, you know how to handle it whatever arises. Now you are free to move into a detached way and look at God Himself. That comes in Romans 9 and 11 and on from there.
We make an abrupt change in Rom. 9 because there is an abrupt change in the operations of the Spirit in us, at this juncture. As we said, up ‘til the present, the purpose is for us to be whom we have been created and predestined and recreated to be, which is ordinary humans who know we are not ordinary humans because we are containers and manifestors of Deity. Because the Bible says the whole Trinity is in us. Paul says Christ dwells in you and the Spirit dwells in you—remember that dwelling is the old fashioned term for permanent residence. Therefore, we have the permanent Person of whom we are the means of His expression. It is the whole Deity. We must remember that we are talked about as being vessels, as being the body of Christ.

In John’s Gospel He talks about the branch—vine and in I Cor. Paul talks about us being “the temple of the Living God.” In Rom.6, we are presented as being slaves to a master—that we humans are the created and recreated means by which God Himself expresses Himself as He is, and the character that He is, and the purposes that He has. He is absolute Love; therefore, we are love, and inheritors of the universe. So, we see this marvelous plan of God from the ages to have a people made in His image—actually humans. His own Son would become a human at the human level to provide the necessary deliverance of us humans, who had gotten under the power of the false deity, who was expressing the spirit of error in us, instead of the Spirit of truth. Then in Him, as representing us as the last Adam, we are lifted into brotherhood relationship with Him. We brought that out in the previous chapter that He might be the first-born among many brethren. It wouldn’t be enough to think that meant that we were just side by side, as if we were separate individuals. We have only in a stronger sense the same relationship that the whole human family has with His progenitor. As in Adam all die, so in Christ shall all be made alive. And, more so because that is not the sense in which Adam lives in us, but there is the sense in which Christ is us, expressing God in our human form.

When we saw, we settled into that, we are liberated. Because a person is liberated according to the ability, shall we say that he has to be himself. And so, you have to pass through the stages of learning the apparent ability, although there never was such a condition. A person is free when you have what it takes to be yourself. When it is settled into us that whatever happens we are no longer ourselves, we are permanent expressions of Deity, we certainly have adequacy. This is “The Rest,” that is spoken about in Heb. That when you enter into this relationship, you enter into His rest. Because rest isn’t inactivity; it is adequacy in action. Strain is inadequacy in action. All life is action. A human being exists to be in action and it is a strained being when we are operating from inadequacy. We are a complete being when we operate from adequacy. When it settles in our consciousness that it actually is so eternally—I am not myself, I am Deity. I am Christ—God, the Father, Son and Spirit in me, as me and I operate from that consciousness and that comes from adequacy.

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