Thursday, May 31, 2018

The Secret and Mysteries of GOD revisited, part 20.03a

In our last blog post we looked into what true fellowship with GOD and Christ is, this we all know as Faith. Faith not as the religious world of mans construction regards faith. For this faith has thousands of flavors and doctrines depending on what "their religious preferences are." It is these doctrines that are the bases of what they practice as faith, for many it is a version of the old now defunct Laws of Moses, excluding the code of behavior given for mans standard, the ten commandments, or some kind of spin of them such as Islam. There is one group that calls themselves the "Christ in you" church, they by far are the closes that I know of. Over the years of this blog I have endeavored to raise the bar of faith to the level of GOD's meaning and understanding. Paul called it "Christ in you" I call it the anointing of GOD in us. What is harder to receive, Christ in you or GOD in us, as these are but one, as we have learned of Him over the years since HE asked me to Learn of Him, this taken from Matthew 11:29 and the hidden meaning of Deuteronomy 18:15-22 with the secret of Deuteronomy 29:29, the bases and foundation of this blog. It has taken me nine years to get here but here we are with GOD's essence of light, love, life and law operative as His grace within us, again as in the beginning Genesis 2. Time and time again we heard that it was the GOD-head, the anointing, in the Son of man, Jesus, why would it be any different with us who received Him? For we are to walk by faith and not by our sight. And we are not to trust in our own understanding but rather His. In the last blog we looked at those who walked with GOD as we are to walk with GOD, was my purpose for this. Now I will turn my attention to 1Timothy 3:14-16 as the last mystery spoken of before we get to Revelation the book of the revealing of the anointings works with receptive mankind and the battle of faith verses unbelief and false doctrines of man. It is within this passage that we encounter the mystery of GOD-liness.

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