Tuesday, June 2, 2020

"The Secrets of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revealtion of Christ, chapter 20's hidden insights, part 1 of 3, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

Okay, all went well with in me, I now have six veins and an aortic valve replacement in my heart. The LORD's word to me still stands strong as we have indeed passed through another event of life's living by the Spirit. Today we shall begin with the notes of chapter 20 discoveries as follows: 1/The Thousand Years, 2/The Word of GOD and the Testimony of Jesus Christ, 3/Notes on Israel.

The Thousand Years:
(The Satanas-system was cast into the Abyss, bound and sealed for a thousand years, then loosed for a very brief time.)

Revelation 20:2-3, "And he overpowered the Dragon, in its every disguise as the old Serpent of the garden record of Genesis 3, also called the Devil, or going under the name, Satan, and chained him up for a thousand years. (Now the question to this is when did it take place and by who? From David to Jesus is a thousand years! While many of the Psalms are powerful and significant prophetic pointers to the Messiah, David in Ps. 22 is of most stark and graphic prophetic picture of the crucifixion. This Psalm was written one thousand BC and 700 years before crucifixion was invented or even known as a practice. Rev. 3:7, "I hold the key of David" as prophesied by Isaiah in 22:22. 'Yes, I unlock the mysteries of the heavenly dimension and no one can shut the door. And I lock the entrance and none [of the old mindsets] can access it.' The links in the chain, are the prophetic words in the mouth of David and the Prophets till John the Baptist. These words already chained the Satanas to the irreversible intention of GOD. Matt. 12:29, 'Or how can one enter a strong man's house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? Then indeed he may plunder the strong man's house (Jesus is here speaking of Himself as the man that plunders the strong man's goods).' see John 5:28, Do not be alarmed by this, but the hour is coming when those in the grave will hear His voice! [No-one who ever lived will escape the extent of His righteous judgement! Those who have forgotten who they are will hear His Incarnate voice from deep within them! The word for grave used here is mnemeion, meaning memory. and suggests a remembrance! Like David prophesied in Psalm 22 where he sees the cross-crisis [krisis-judgment] a thousand years before it took place. His conclusion in verse 27 sums up the triumph of GOD's resolve! "All ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the LORD; And all the families of the nations shall worship before HIM!" see 1Cor. 15:21-22, Then same humanity who died in a man (Adam) was raised again in a man (Jesus). In Adam all died; In Christ all are made alive!]

Thus, in prophetic language, every definition of the Satanas-system is already chained by the prophetic significance of Scripture recorded in the Psalms and the Prophets. The Spirit of Christ within them pointed to and concluded on the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ. His death was the narrow door way into the very dominion wherein humanity was held captive, to be freed and led out triumphantly as the Lamb's trophies! In symbolic language, the effect of Jesus' victory is compared to a thousand years. Against the very brief 3 days of His cross, descent into hell and resurrection, on the one hand as well as the very "brief" time of the Devil's apparent release on the planet!) He then hurled him into the bottomless Abyss, shut him up and set a seal upon him, and thus made it impossible for him to continue to deceive the Nations for the complete duration of the symbolic thousand years; He would then be let loose on the earth for a very brief moment. (Not to deceive the Nations, me planesey in the Aorist active subjunctive which is based on the function of the mood; The subjunctive mood suggests probability. The time of the action of the subjunctive mood is relative to the time of the main verb[s], which in this case are ebalen [cast down] and ekleisen [shut up] as well as esphragisen [sealed], all three in the Aorist Active Indicative. These are completed acts accomplished in the tetelestai of Jesus on the cross! The defeat of the diabolos-system is a sealed deal - its deception of the nations is only possible within their consent - Paul announces in Acts 17 that GOD has overlooked the times of ignorance and is now imploring all of His humanity wherever they are in space or time, to awaken to their redeemed innocence! ( The word, metanoia, does not mean "repentance" it suggests an awakening to the awareness of GOD's thoughts; is from meta, together with and nous, mind or mental awareness.)

The complete contrast of Jesus' resurrection is pictured here, Jesus' tomb was secured with a large rock, then sealed and guarded by Roman soldiers (Mat. 27:51-54) ; Yet Jesus rose and came back with the keys of Death and Hades, the stone was rolled away (by an earthquake) and He stepped out Victor, leading humanity out as His trophies! What happened in the brief moment of Jesus' descent into the Abyss is paralleled against its enduring effect of chaining up the Devil for a symbolic thousand years.

This is a clear announcement of what happened in Jesus' descent into mans hell where He defeated the reign and claim of darkness in the HQ of humanity's deepest pits of despair and then, in His resurrection, He co-raised the entire human race into a  secure place of our design and origin of joint-reigning with Him from the heavenlies! Now here on earth where it all plays out, every enemy is placed under His feet [the ekklesia being symbolically known as His feet]! See Hosea 6:2, Eph. 2:5-6, 4:8-10 and also Col. 2:14-15.) (The Mirror, with editing.)

We made through this beginning of more of the revelation of Christ. Until our next visit when we shall look into Ephesians account. May the LORD increase our knowledge of Him. While lifting the veil imposed by man in his religion systems an ever present danger.

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