Wednesday, June 17, 2020

"The Secrets of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revealtion of Christ, chapter 20's hidden insights, part 3 of 3b, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

We are looking at the author's notes on Revelation 20 and with this posting we should finish them with a look at Romans 11.


Romans 11:1-4, 9-12, 24-33, "I (Paul) want to make it clear that I am not saying that GOD rejected Israel, my own life bears witness to that, and I am as Jewish as you can get; You can trace me back to Benjamin and Abraham. GOD did not push His people aside; His reference is His knowledge of them before they rejected Him. Scripture accounts occasions where GOD had abundant reason to abandon Israel. Elijah hits out against them and lists their sins to persuade GOD to utterly cast them off. (G4267 proginosko - to know in advance, is from G4253 pro, prior to, and G1097 ginōskō, to know, understand, to perceive) "LORD, they butchered Your Prophets, and undermined Your provision through the sacrificial altar; I am the only one left and scared to death." (1Kings 19:14) Yet GOD answered him in a completely different tone, 'You are counting wrong, you are not alone; I have seven times a thousand on reserve who have not bowed the knee to Baal. They have not exchanged Me for a foreign owner.'" (Seven times a thousand refers to a innumerable amount and not to an exact 7000 people. The Hebrew word "Baal" means owner, husband or master [1Kings 19:18]).....
David saw how the very table of blessing had become a stumbling block to them through their ignorance. The table of the LORD is the prophetic celebration of the sacrificed Lamb, where GOD Himself provides redemption according to the promise; Yet therein they were trapped and snared and they stumbled by their own unbelief. Now their only reward is the table they set for themselves. ([Ps. 69]. Commentary by John Gill: "....the table may be called altar." 'You put unclean bread on My altar. And you say, "How have we made it unclean?" By your saying, the table of the Lord is of no value!' [Mat. 1:7]
The sacrifices offered up upon "the table," their meat offerings and drink offerings, and all others, likewise the Laws concerning the differences of meats and indeed the whole ceremonial Law which lay in meats and drinks and such like things; Now the Jews are placing their justifying righteousness before GOD, in the observance of these rites and ceremonies, and imagining that by these sacrifices their sins are really expiated and atones for; They neglected and submitted not to the righteousness of Christ, but went about to establish their own so that which should have led them to Christ became a handwriting of ordinances against them, and rendered Christ of no value or effect to them. Moreover, the sacred writings, which are full of spiritual food and divine refreshment, the prophecies of the Old Testament which clearly pointed out Christ, are not understood but misapplied by them, (and those who choose to follow in their path,) and proves to be a trap, a snare, and a stumbling block to them.") This is the penalty of their disbelief; Eyes that constantly fail to focus on the fact that Christ took their burdens and Now their backs are still bending to the point of breaking under the strain of their own burdens. Does this mean that the Jews are beyond redemption? Is their stumbling permanent? No! May it never be too late for them. Their failure emphasizes their inclusion with the Gentile nations. May it only prove to be their wake-up call. If their stumbling enriches the rest of the world and their lack empowers the Gentiles, how much more significant will their realizing their completeness to be? You were cut out of the unfruitful olive tree and were grafted into the stock of the original tree (the vine is the LORD) . How much more will these natural branches be grafted again into their original identity. Do not be ignorant then of this mystery of their temporal exclusion; Their blindness opened your own eyes to the fullness of GOD's plan for the whole world (of humanity). Once the nation realizes the full extent of their inclusion, then all Israel shall be saved. Just as it is written prophetically, "There shall come a Deliverer out of Zion (Psa.14:7, 106:47; Isa. 11:11-16, 54:6-10, 59:20) ; He shall turn ungodliness away from Jacob (Mat.1:21; Acts 3:26; Titus 2:14). 'For this is My covenant with them that I shall take away their sins.' ("'And as a Savior He will come to Zion, turning away sin from Jacob, says the LORD.' [Is. 59:20] "'And as for Me, this is My agreement with them, says the LORD: My Spirit which is in you, and My words which I have put in your mouth will not depart from your mouth, or from the mouth of your children, or from the mouth of your children's children, says the LORD, from Now and for the ages to come.'" [Is. 59:21]) In your estimation they appear to be enemies of the gospel, but their Father's Agape for them has not changed. He knows their original worth. For GOD's Grace gifts and His persuasion of humanity's original identity are irrevocable. (G2564 kaleo - to surname, to identify by name.) In days gone by, you did not believe GOD; Yet in a sense Israel's unbelief opened the door for your realization of GOD's mercies. Now you are returning the favor as it were; Your testimony of His Mercies extends an opportunity to them to turn from their unbelief and embrace His Mercy. Oh, how amazing is the depth of the wealth of GOD's wisdom and knowledge. The understanding of His judgments can only be sourced in a conversation that originates from above; also His ways are only accessed in the footprints of His thoughts." ( The word, (G419 ἀνεξερεύνητος anexereunetos, is from (G1 a ), (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of G1830 exereunaō , from G1537 and G2045) , G1 ana, upwards and (G1830) exereunao, to search out [1Peter 1:10] is from (G1537) ek, meaning source, and (G2046) ereo, to utter, to speak -- [only here and in Eph. 3:8] Again the next word begins with the preposition ana - (G421 from G1 ana, up wards, (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of a compound of G1537 and a derivative of G2487) ἀνεξιχνίαστος anexichniastos and (G1537) ek, source and (G2487) ichnos, a footprint. Sadly, both of these words have been wrongly translated to suggest that it is impossible to explain GOD's decisions or to understand His ways! Sounds like Isaiah 55:8-9 until verse 10 comes to the rescue! 'BUT! Just as the rain (grace) and snow come down from heaven [from above] and saturate the soil (human soul/heart - the awakened spirit/seed of GOD's image and likeness with All), SO shall My Word be!' The Incarnation is the key to understanding GOD's thoughts and His ways!) (The Mirror, with editing.)

Now with our next posting we shall begin a look at chapter 21, the LORD willing. Until then may our LORD speak within each of us His thoughts.

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