Friday, June 12, 2020

"The Secrets of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revealtion of Christ, chapter 20's hidden insights, part 2 of 3, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

With this post we begin our look into "the Word of GOD and the Testimony of Jesus," as our theme. We are all about lifting the veil of mirrors/looking glass that so easily distorts, of what is distorted as an old fashioned clear window pain is. When there is within it a bubble that gives a twisted view when looked through it. 

The Word of GOD and The Testimony of Jesus:

Revelation 1:2, "John gave accurate evidence to the word of GOD and the Testimony of Jesus Christ, exactly as he saw it." (The Testimony of Jesus Christ is the context of the prophetic word. Col. 3:4, The unveiling of Christ, is all about defining our lives, and immediately implies that, what is evident in Him, is equally mirrored in us all! The exact life on exhibit in Christ is NOW repeated in us. We are included in the same bliss and join-oneness (this being a seamless union) with Him; Just as His life reveals in you, your/our life reveals Him, Now! The testimony of Jesus is what gives relevance and context to the Word of GOD. Jesus is what the Scriptures are all about and we are what Jesus was/is all about!)

Revelation 19:10, "For the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy."

1Peter 1:11, "The prophets knew with certainty that it was the Spirit of Christ within them pointing prophetically and giving evidence/testimony to the sufferings of the Christ and the subsequent glory."

Just like ore that carries the gold, the Bible contains the Word-the one is not the true gold, neither is the Bible the Word Jesus is The Word, John 5:39.

John 1:1-5, 14, 5:31-40, 8:13-18, "To go back to the very beginning, is to find the Word already present there; Face to face with GOD. This Word is I AM; GOD's eloquence echoes and concluded in Him. This Word equals GOD. The beginning mirrored the Word face to face with GOD. (Nothing that is witnessed in the Word distracts from who GOD is. "'If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father.'" [John 14:9] The Word that was from the beginning was not yet written nor spoken; It was simply face to face with GOD! (Genesis - Deuteronomy) The beginning declares the destiny of this Word, it would always only be who GOD is and concludes in, and with GOD.) His Logos is the Source; Everything commenced and commences in Him. He remains the exclusive Parent reference to their and our existence. There is nothing original, except the Word! The Logic of GOD defines the only possible place wherein humanity can trace their genesis. (All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing that was made. KJV, see Col. 1:16.) His life is the light that defines our lives. (In His life humanity discovers the light of life.) The darkness was pierced and could not comprehend or diminish this light. (Darkness represents humanity's ignorance or perverted mindset of our redeemed identity and innocence [Is. 9:2-4, 60:1-3; Eph. 4:18, and Col. 1:13-15.] within us all.).... Suddenly the invisible, eternal Word takes on visible form - the Incarnation, on display in a flesh and blood Person, as in a mirror!.....'If this was just about Me trying to make a name for Myself then you could certainly reject My testimony as phony! Yet there is someone else who endorses who I am and I recognize His testimony of Me as absolutely true. You cross examined John and he too gave testimony to the truth of who I am. I do not draw My inspiration from your applause; I'm not here to win a few votes for a noble cause - I am on a rescue mission! John was a man on fire, a bright beaming light and for a brief moment you were smitten by him and jumping with joy in his radiance. My testimony exceeds John's, since the work which My father has ordained of Me to finish, gives ultimate context to My mission. The Father Himself who has sent Me (Deu. 18) continues to bear witness to Me; Yet you are not familiar with His voice and do not discern His prophetic utterance throughout ancient times (Gen. - Luke) and therefore you can not recognize His image nor do you realize His appearance at this present time [in the Incarnate Word]. Your doubting of Him whom the Father has sent (Deu. 18:18-22) shows that you have not taken His word to its full conclusion. You scrutinize the Scriptures tirelessly, assuming that in them you embrace the life of the ages - yet I am what the Scripture are all about! (Echo, to hold, embrace, resonate within you) Still you refuse to resort to Me as the very Source of the life you seek.' (I echo the life of the ages within you all!)....The Pharisees took offense at this and responded with, "You assume things about yourself; How can you expect us to believe your record to be true?" Jesus answered, 'Whatever I declare concerning Myself is absolutely true because I know where I am from and where I am going. You have no clue where I came from and therefore cannot discern My destiny. You form your own judgment (opinions) according to the flesh; I judge no-one. And even if I do make a judgment, it is true since I am not making it up in My imagination or on My own accord, My reference reflects the testimony of the Father who sent Me. This should settle it for you since it is written in your laws that the testimony of two is true! (This combined witness of two is not true just because they agree, unless true in fact separately. But if they disagree, the testimony falls to the ground. Deuteronomy 17:6, 19:15, Robert's Word Pictures.) I am witness to who i an and My Father Himself also bears witness to me.'" (The Mirror, with editing.)

This begins our look into The Word of GOD and The Testimony of Jesus. Until our next visit the LORD willing may He increase His likeness and the Father's image, within us all.

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