Wednesday, June 24, 2020

"The Secrets of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revealtion of Christ, chapter 21's hidden insights, part 1a of 2, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

We are about to fulfill our calling to put the Scriptures together that the LORD spoke within my wife and I back in the middle 80's, while we were in prayer with a few others that evening. It was during that prayer time that He told us we would be taught by Himself within our four walls. This took place before in the late 80's that He impressed upon me that He would take His ministry through me to the Nations of the World, this He has also fulfilled with little or no effort on my part. Okay, here goes a fresh look at Hebrews chapter 12 which carries a heading of "A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken" in one of my many Study Bibles.

New Heaven and Earth:
(The Kingdom that cannot be Broken)

Hebrews 12:22-29; Isaiah 9:6-7, "By contrast, we have been welcomed into an invisible mount Zion; The city of Peace (New Jerusalem), the residence of the Living GOD, the festive assemblage of an innumerable Angelic host! We are participating with a mass in joint-celebration of heavenly and earthly beings; The true Ekklesia-church of the first born (those of their union in the awakening of resurrection and ascension power and authority of the LORD's victory) mirror-inscribed in the heavenlies. (Of our true original identity, [1, G1577 from a compound of G1537 and a derivative of G2564; a calling out, (Christian community of awakened members on earth or Saints in heaven or both)], ekklesia, from (G1537) ek, a preposition that always denotes origin, and (G2564) kaleo, meaning to identify by name, to be surname], is endorsed by Jesus, patterned in Him, the first born from the dead,,,,ie. born from above. This kept secret by man's imaginary devilish religions, broken into denominations and its many figure systems, and withheld from the masses of human beings under its spell of falseness, lies and doctrines of demon and devils. Directed from the pit wherein these spirits are held. The powers and principalities against the which the true Ekklesia Now stands.) Jesus is the spokesman and arbitrator of the New Testament order. His blood signature sanctions humanity's innocence. This a complete new language that communicates better things, in that it is the very substance of what was spoken in the shadow-type message of the blood sacrifice that Abel brought. (Abel's faith was a prophetic introduction to the sacrificial shadow system of the Old Covenant. Jesus is the substance of things hoped for! Heb. 11:4, "It was faith made the difference between the sacrifices of Abel and Cain, and confirmed Abel's righteousness.GOD bore witness to righteousness as a gift rather than a reward! Even though Abel was murdered, his faith still has a most relevant prophetic voice.") If Jesus is the crescendo of GOD's final message to humanity, we cannot afford to politely excuse ourselves from this conversation. Consider the prominent place that Moses played in the history of Israel: If you think that Moses or any of the Prophets who spoke with authority on earth deserve honor, how much more should this word that GOD declared from heaven concerning our renewed sonship, and our redeemed innocence and mindset reveal in the Messiah Himself, deserve our undivided attention! Especially, when He introduced the prophetic shadow of what was to come (of the Law system), His voice visibly shook the earth. (Ex. 19:18) But now the Messiah has come ( He is the desire of the Nations; He is what heaven and earth were waiting for [Hag. 2:6-7]) The voice of GOD (articulated in Christ's birth, life, ministry, death, and resurrection) has rocked not only the systems on the earth, but also every unseen principality in the heavens, to their very foundations! In the words of the Prophet, "Yet once more will I shake every unstable system of man's efforts to rule himself" ( in Ps. 102:26-27, Eze. 21:27) GOD clearly indicated His plan to remove the old and replace it with the New. The second shaking supersedes any other significance of the first shaking. Then it was a physical quaking of the earth; Now the very foundations of every man-made system will be shaken to the core while the heavens were impacted by the announcement of His permanent rule on earth as it is mirrored in heaven. We are fully associated in this immovable Kingdom; An authority that cannot be challenged or contradicted. Our participation echoes grace (and not pleasing, to accommodate yourselves in obedience) as we [1]accommodate ourselves to GOD's delight, by yielding in awe to His embrace. ( The word, [1, G2102, from G2101 euarestos, fully agreeable, from G2095 eu, of a primary word εὖς eus (good) and G701 arestos, agreeable; by implication fit.] euaresto, means well pleasing, to accommodate oneself to GOD's delight.) His zeal for humanity burns within us like a fire. (Deu. 4:24 and Luke 24:32)

Isaiah 9:6-7, "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder, and His name will be called, "Wonderful Counselor, Mighty GOD, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." On the increase of His government and of peace there will be no end, upon the Throne of David, and over His kingdom, to establish it, and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth-ward and for evermore. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this." (The Mirror, with editing.)

Now is the time now is the reason for this fire to burn within all called out ones, the Saints of the LORD. (2Cor. 6:11-7:3)

We shall the LORD willing pick up the flow with 2Corinthians 5 in our next visit. Now may He who "ISh," bring all things together for His purpose within us.

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