Wednesday, June 10, 2020

"The Secrets of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revealtion of Christ, chapter 20's hidden insights, part 1c of 3, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

With this post we should be finished with our review of "The Thousand Years" of Satanic reign of terror that held mankind is its grip from Adam to Jesus' appearance.

The Thousand Years:
(The Satanas-system was cast into the Abyss, and bound and sealed for a thousand years, then loosed for a very short/brief time.)

Revelation 9:11, "Their reigning king was the Shepherd-Messenger of the bottomless pit; his name in Hebrew was Abaddon and in Greek, Apollyon the one who breaks the bonds!" ( Abaddon (G31, of Hebrew origin [H11 from H6 ]) is from abad, meaning to wander away, - we all like sheep have gone astray. He did not leave a stone unturned in seeking and finding every single lost sheep! He went into the most extreme depths of our lostness and hell! He is called the Searcher of those who have wandered away! see 2Cor. 2:15 [This parade of victory is a public announcement of the defeat of the religious systems and structures based on the law of works (of Gen. 3). Just like it is in any public game where the victory celebration of the winning team is an embarrassment for the losing team. The death of  evil is announced in the resurrection life! The word, (G622 from G575 and the base of G3639 ) apollumi , is derived from (G575) apo, away from, and (G3639) [Strong's olethros,] luo, to loosen, to undo, to dissolve.] The message we communicate is a fragrance with an immediate association; To darkness, is is the smell of doom [the death of Death] see John 3:16 comments and 1John 3:8, Sin's source is a fallen mind-set, from the beginning! For this purpose the son of GOD was revealed! His mission was to undo the works of the Devil/Satan/Dragon/ Serpent! (The word, diabolos, is from dia, because of, and ballo, to cast down. Isaiah 54:16.)

"It is important to note that parallels, symmetry and symbolism should never be used to form doctrine; They merely support the revelation of the Good News. The thousand years is not literal! In Scripture, the term "thousand," when in reference to time, is always used symbolically."

In this context it is compared to "the brief time" of the apparent resurgence of a defeated Devil's (mans fallen mind-set) presence on the planet!

The number one thousand (1,000) symbolizes "immensity," "fullness of quantity" or "multitude." The number evokes a very long time according to most Bible passages. The number sometimes is used in reference to paradise and everlasting happiness.

The word "thousand appears 521 times in the KJV.... "thousand," when in reference to time, is always used symbolically.

1Chronicles 16:15 (KJV)---"Be mindful always of His covenant; the word which he commanded to a thousand generations;"

Psalm 84:10 (KJV)---"For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand."

Psalm 90:4 (KJV)---"For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past."

Psalm 105:8 (KJV)---"He has remembered His covenant forever, the word which He commanded to a thousand generations."

In Isaiah 62:22 during the prophesied Messianic time there will be an increase from 1 to 1000. "A little one shall become one thousand."

In Psalm 50:10 we read---"For every Beast of the forest in Mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills." (The Mirror, with editing.)

This concludes the notes on "The Thousand Years" of Rev. 20.
With our next visit the LORD willing we shall begin our look at "The Word of GOD and the Testimony of Jesus, as noted by the author, with some editing.

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