Monday, October 30, 2023

Christ within You post number 2381

With this post we shall begin our look for referenced passages of studied words that confirm these words of the last post. This taken from Genesis 2:4-8 with the focus on verses 5 and 7 so let's get it up here and running shall we? It should be noted that when using the LXX that the images shown in the context of the referenced subject when copied does not move forward but is replaced by a letter or a simple dot. It is this pictorial reference that the Bible translators saw and used for their translations though the fog of their religious preferences...meaning interfered with their vision and thusly their understanding. This I have tried to steer away from as best I can, depending on the Holy Spirit as He has perfected within me, and my heart conscientiousness. This caught by Paul and expressed by him in Romans 12:1-3. Again using the old standard KJV, with my usual editing.

Genesis 2:5 , 7 of 4-8 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens, when every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD [H3068] God [H430] had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. But when there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground. The LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; And man became a living soul. And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there He (more properly this should be They as it references Elohiym) put the man whom He had formed

H3068: from the LXX and then the Strong's: It seems there is a glitch in my e-Sword program in regards to H3068 as it does not appear in the LXX glossary of word indexes[???]. So I shall move on to the Strong's:

From H1961; (the) self Existent or eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God: - Jehovah, the LORD. Compare H3050, H3069.

H1961 the LXX:

Strongs #1961: AHLB#: 1097-M (V)

1097) Ee% (Ee% HH) ac: Breathe co: Breath ab: Exist: The pictograph e represents one who is looking at a great sight with his hands raised and taking a long breath. The pictograph e represents one who is looking at a great sight with his hands raised and taking a long breath. 

J) Efe% (Efe% HWH) ac: Exist co: Breath ab: ?
V) Ee% (Efe% HWH) - Exist: To exist or have breath. That which exists has breath. In Hebrew thought the breath is the character of someone or something. Just as a man has character, so do objects. [Hebrew and Aramaic]  [freq. 75] (vf: Paal) |kjv: be, hath, was| {str: 1933, 1934}
M) Eie% (Eie% HYH) ac: Exist co: Breath ab: ?
V) Eie% (Eie% HYH) - Exist: To exist or have breath. That which exists has breath. In Hebrew thought the breath is the character of someone or something. Just as a man has character, so do objects. [A generic verb with a wide application meaning to exist or be] [freq. 74] (vf: Paal, Niphal) |kjv: was, come to pass, came, been, happened, become, pertained, better for thee| {str: 1961} 

Now for the Strong's: H1961
A primitive root (compare H1933); to exist, that is, be or become, come to pass (always emphatic, and not a mere copula or auxiliary): - beacon, X altogether, be (-come, accomplished, committed, like), break, cause, come (to pass), continue, do, faint, fall, + follow, happen, X have, last, pertain, quit (one-) self, require, X use.

הָוָה    הָוָא
hâvâ'    hâvâh
haw-vaw', haw-vaw'
A primitive root (compare H183, H1961) supposed to mean properly to breathe; to be (in the sense of existence): - be, X have.

Now for the H430, the LXX:Strongs #430: AHLB#: 1012-H (c)

1012) La% (La% AL) ac: Yoke co: Ox ab: Strength: The pictograph a is a picture of an ox head and also represents its strength. The l is a picture of a shepherd staff and also represents the authority of the shepherd. Combined these two pictographs mean "the strong authority" and can be anyone or thing of strong authority. The yoke is understood as a "staff on the shoulders" (see Isaiah 9:4 and Matthew 11:29-30) in order to harness their power for pulling loads such as a wagon or plow. Hence, the two pictographs can also represent "the ox in the yoke". Often two oxen were yoked together. An older, more experienced ox would be teamed up (yoked) with a younger, less experienced ox. The older ox in the yoke is the "strong authority" who, through the yoke, teaches the younger ox. (eng: all; elk; elephant)

H) Ela% (Ela% ALH) ac: Swear co: Yoke ab: ?: The yoking together of two parties. A treaty or covenant binds two parties together through an oath (yoke). The oath included blessings for abiding by the covenant and curses for breaking the covenant (see Deuteronomy 28). The God of the Hebrews was seen as the older ox that is yoked to His people in a covenant relationship.

cm) Efla% (Efla% A-LWH) - Power: The power or might of one who rules or teaches. One who yokes with another. Often applied to rulers or a god. [Hebrew and Aramaic] [df: hla] [freq. 2663] |kjv: GOD, God, god, heathen deity| {str: 430, 433} 

Now for the Strong's: H430
Plural of H433; gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme GOD; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative: - angels, X exceeding, God (gods) (-dess, -ly), X (very) great, judges, X mighty.

אֱלֹהַּ    אֱלוֹהַּ
'ĕlôahh    'ĕlôahh
el-o'-ah, el-o'-ah
(The second form is rare); probably prolonged (emphatically) from H410; a deity or the deity: - GOD, God, god. See H430.

Shortened from H352; strength; as adjective mighty; especially the Almighty (but used also of any deity): - GOD, God (god), X goodly, X great, idol, might (-y one), power, strong. Compare names in “-el.”

Today, we know Him, Them, as Light, Life and Love. All of which resides within our very being and has always been there as the image and likeness of our being. This described in Leviticus 17:11 and later in Hebrews 13:10, not to leave out John's many gospel messages, including Revelation. This all the doctrine of Jesus as the Christ one Who revealed this name of our Father first to His disciples and then to Israel and then to Saul who became Paul. Who said later to us. After his conversion or refreshing, conversion took place on the Damascus road as stated in Acts 9, when he made his escape from Damascus. The conversion was like that of Abram when he made his escape from his father's house and GOD then changed his name to Abraham and said that those who would follow in his footsteps would be of many Nations, tribes, nationalities and tongues.

So much for looking at connected passages of scripture maybe for tomorrow, the LORD Willing.

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