Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Colossians Study Outline

Christ Jesus the creator God, the Visible Manifeastation of the Invisible Godhead.

The Cross Abolished all Legalism of the Jewish Religious system along with mans traditions associated with it.

I’ll begin with Colossians 2:14, by rereading the previous verse. I’ve said so often that Paul only writes to believers, and the whole purpose is if we can equip the believer with right thinking (a clear vision and perception), and the right tools then they’re going to go out and share Christ with others. I maintain that this is why most Christians are scared to open their mouth. They’re not sure of themselves nor do they Trust the Holy Spirit enough to give them living waters. That if someone comes right back and asks them a question they can’t answer it, then they’re embarrassed. So this is the whole idea of teaching, to become skilled. I'm assisting the Holy Spirit by repeating what He has so often told you Himself, is all that I'm doing. I'm confirming His revelation to you.
Don’t just take it in like the Dead Sea. See the Dead Sea is dead because all it does is take beautiful fresh water in from the north from the Jordan River. But as soon as it reaches the Dead Sea, it can’t go any further, so it becomes dead. So the fresh part of the water evaporates, and all the other stuff is left behind, a brackish hardwater salt water. Well it’s the same way with Christians. If all you do is take it in without ever giving it out, then you’re going to be a stale Christian. So learn to use the Scriptures even if you don’t know all of them. You know those people that come to your door, aren’t you aware of what Scriptures they’re going to use? And they know how to use them, and that’s why they can hook so many people. Well we need be the same way, only get it right when you share. Then you can have the thrill of winning someone to the knowledge of the LORD of spirits, Christ Jesus, and I might add there’s no greater thrill. We all need to know how to rightly divide the Word of Truth and to do this we NEED the LORD the Spirit of all Truth.
Colossians 2:13a
"And you, being dead in your sins (in the old Adam-Satan nature part of us) and the uncircumcision of your flesh, (in other words, Paul is writing primarily to Gentiles believers) hath he quickened (made new, alive, and brought us out of that Spiritual deadness by circumcising our heart) together with him,…"
We were crucified with Christ in Jesus, we were in the tomb with Him, and we’re resurrected and ascened with Him. Our New Identification is the whole concept of Scripture. That as He died, we died, as He was buried, we were buried, and as He was raised in resurrection power so are we raised and as He ascened we ascened with Him. So this is exactly what Paul is putting together.
Colossians 2:13b
"…having forgiven you all trespasses;"
That is hard for people to swallow. Yet every sin of every person that ever lived or will be born was forgiven by virtue of the work of the cross. Hebrews says that Christ tasted death, not just for believers, but for how many? For every man. Yes, even the Hitlers, or Stalins, or any of the other horrible persons that have gone across the stage of human history, or will go across that stage, He tasted death for every one of them. And why couldn’t they cash in? Because they never believed it! And so this is the problem with the human race even right around us wherever we live. It’s all been done, but they will not appropriate it by trust, and that’s what we have to do. Take it, receive and our receiving will become faith as we grow in the knowledge of Christ in Jesus. The more knowledge of His Grace and Truth we learn the stronger our faith will become. It all begins in Redemptions school where trust is caused to face a scrisis of some sort, then it is flected over and over again. Which causes the next verse 14 to come into play, and here we’ll get into the meat of this study. This is one of our favorite verses, because we're separating Levitical Law and from Grace. We’re not under the Levitical Law, we’re under the Ten Commandments and Beatitudes, and the law of God (written in our heart and impressed on our minds because they're spiritually discerned and acted upon) which is His Will and Word, spoken or revealed to us and His New Covenant of Grace. You see through the anointing of Christ the written word takes on a Life of its own, in and then through Christ (the anointing) within us (1John 2:27). Look what this verse says.
Colossians 2:14a
"Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances (rules and regulations with there suggested punishment) that was against us, which was contrary to us,…"
Stop for a moment. What is the first thing that happens to the human make up and especially when they’re young when you say, "You can’t do that." What’s the first thought that comes into their minds? Why not? You know we’ve used the illustration over and over, you put a wet paint sign on the wall, and 99 out of 100 people that walk by it are going to say, "I’ve got to find out." Isn’t that right? All right now that’s what the Levitical Law did. Just as soon as the Law said, "Thou shalt not steal," what’s the first human reaction? Well why not? The Levitical Law was (is) against us, it was (is) contrary to us.
Colossians 2:14b
"… and took it out of the way, (and how did He do away with it? By) nailing it to the cross."
That is plain language? I've said that when the Lord gave Moses the Ten Commandments, He put them on tables of stone. Moses brings them down to the nation of Israel, that is after he wrecked the first set, and got the second set. Any how he brings them to Israel, and you’ve heard me put it this way more than once, "they were strictly on tables of cold stone. Those Ten Commandments had no power whatsoever, and all they could do was point the finger of condemnation." They are no more than a code of moral behavior good for all peoples. But when the Levitical Law came so did Condemnation that was all they could do, and so from God’s point of view, yes they were perfect. They were the perfect constitution for human living all wrapped up in those Commandments with its many ordinances. But the Levitical Law for man to keep them it was weak and fleshly, because they are contrary to human nature, and they had no power to help any one keep them and neither does the Ten Commandments. So consequently what happened to Israel under the Levitical Law? Oh they failed miserably over and over. I think maybe that’s why they were prone to fall into pagan worship, because that was easy compared to keeping the Levitical Law. Keeping the Ten Commandments was severe, but to try to do the Levitical Law with all its does and do not's under penalty of death it was a tough go, because it was so demanding and commanding. Pauls states that to accomplish them one has to be spiritual as God being Spirit filled them with His Spirit making them spiritual, a secret held in God but now revealed through His sons (Romans 7:14). This is what Jeremiah 31:33 speaks of as the foundation for the change God is about to bring to man.
Then along comes the Lord's Covenant meal and the work of the cross, at the appointed end of His ministry to Israel. This will be a good time to come back to Romans chapter 3. See this is so hard for the run of the mill church member to get through their head, I know because this is where I was. Most of them are of the thinking that if I keep the Commandments, if I do the best I can surely God will accept me. But nothing could be further from the truth. In fact I had a young lady just the other day that was almost depressed. She’d had a class with some of her peers for the past two years, and had been using our postings and she was explaining how we’re not under the Law, but rather Grace. Then she asked one of her students about her salvation and where she would spend eternity if she died? Do you know what her answer still was? "Well I’m keeping the Commandments the best I can, and I'm doing the best I can." The teaching lady said, "That’s enough to make you scream. How could she be hearing this for two years and still make that statement? She’s heard it over and over, that it’s by simply believing Paul’s Gospel that Christ died and rose from the dead and we with Him!"
Well that’s the human race, and unless the Lord does like He did with Lydia, and opens their understanding, that’s what we’re up against. We just sort of beat a concrete wall until the Lord opens their understanding. But here we are in Romans chapter 3, and Paul is telling us exactly how the Law operated. Verse 19. And remember he's told us that he was head and shoulders above his peers in Judaism which means that he knew the Levitical Law inside out and backwards and forwards. He knew its strengths and its weaknesses. Besides he had it straight from the risen Lord Himself and who are we to argue with Him? Learn from Job people.

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