Cross Abolished all Legalism of the Jewish Religious system along
with mans traditions associated with it.
we look at this verse allow me to say this, please. In the last few
days I have seen used in peoples writings (on social media which
includes TV) the many forms of the titles applied to Christ in the
form of proper names revealed of Him. And a few have made comment
that there is no spliting as of three persons in any title or name of
Christ in relationship with the Old Testament records of Him. These
many statements are all based on the
traditions of the fathers
and therefore these people have NO vision or understanding within
them. Oh, they may have the Holy Spirit but by their use, in standing
by the traditions they hinder His working, as kicking against the
goads. Just as the LORD told Saul of Tarsus he was guilty of doing. I
now understand why the Spirit told me not to get hung up on words
some time ago, words carry the traditions of religion that hinder God
even when they were spoken by God Himself. Why and How you may ask?
Because when a fasle prophet, an anti-Christ in nature, who is a
teacher uses them in a wresting or twisted nature they bind instead
of loosen. Because it was for freedom that Christ set us free. He
defeated the principalities and power and then made an open show of
them and we as believers share as our inheritance this victory over
mans traditions which with the old Law of Moses with its ordinances
are part of the powers defeated in His flesh. Because it was made of
our flesh. That is why Divinity put on flesh through the virgin
birthing. And is how Jesus could do the works of Faith in mans
healings with signs of wonderment while here in proof of God among
the creature (creation) was made subject to vanity
useless, devode of truth), not willingly, but by
reason of him who hath subjected (inundated the whole
creation, beneath, underneath his evil enfluences) the same in
We can see as soon as Adam plunged everything in creation under the
curse by his disobedience, God came right back in Genesis 3:15 with the promise of the Seed of the woman, and that was what? “In
Hope,” the one not yet revealed through whom would redemption and
then salvation would come. Thusly bringing man back to his orginal status
of Genesis 2, just as if he had never sinned and by sin been separated
from God. So for the last 6 thousand years, all of creation has been
living “in hope” of that which was accomplished of course at the
cross, when the Seed of the woman then became the victorious One over
Satan and his minions and the principalities and powers.
the creature (creation) itself also shall be delivered
from the bondage (slavery)
of corruption (the curse, defilement, decay) into the
glorious liberty (to
exempt from obligation and all liabilities of slavery and corruption)
of the children of God."
I feel looks all the way forward to our reinstatement in our
resurrected state when we’ll rule and reign with Him in the Kingdom
age as Lords under His Divine LORDSHIP.
we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain
together until now. And not only they, but ourselves also, which have
the firstfruits
(deposit) of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan
within ourselves, waiting for the
(varification of our) adoption, to wit the
redemption of our body."
we will totally be in union with Him in our resurrected state in His
Slavation. Then another one I’d like to have you look at is in the
Epistle of Hebrews chapter 2. And let’s just drop down to verse 14,
and this is all backing up the statement that Paul made that Christ
triumphed over the principalities and powers under the rule of Satan,
and the demonic world. And that we share in the victory as long as we
don't back down but remain standing in the Lord's strength through
His Grace.
then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also
himself likewise took part of the same; (we share in His
likeness, He became [put on] flesh as Paul says in Colossians chapter
1. He became the visible image of the invisible God, for a short
period of time) that through death he might destroy him that
had the power of death, that is the devil;"
devil was utterly defeated, and operationally destroyed when Christ
arose victoriously over sin and death early, about sun rise, the resurrection morning.
This is how and when the dead were seen walking the streets of Jerusalem early
that marning as witnesses to this action of God's doing, in Matthew
27:51-53, 54. And remember we're in Him when this took place, as seen
in Colossians 1:18-20, 2:10-17. Now coming back to Colossians again.
Remember we have to understand constantly that it wasn’t just
another crucifixion, or another death, but Christ actually defeated
all of the horrendous Satanic powers, and the dominions of
principalities and powers that are under Satan’s rule, and He
triumphed over them openly. Now verse 16. Since everything has been
done, the Law of Moses in the flesh of Jesus and ours as well
has been crucified and nailed to His cross. We can rest assured that
He was victorious over sin and death, and Satan, and here we are as
believers sharing this action in our inheritance, In Him. Remembering that Paul is writing to believers, so here we
are set totally at liberty, and we’re free. Looking at our
situation that we find ourselves in today.
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