Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Colossians Study Outline

In Christ Jesus is held the Godhead, for He is the Visible Manifeastion of the Invisible God in wisdom.

Colossians 2:18a

"Let no man beguile (deceive, or trick) you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshiping of angels,…"
My goodness, someone sent us a little booklet, and again I don’t have to name the group that had given this little booklet to this person. But they had given this booklet to their little 6 or 7 year old child, and just asked them all to read it. Well they gave it to us and I opened the very first page and there it was, "before God made anything He created a special angel, and that angel He designated to create everything else. That angel that God had created in the booklet was a reference to what Christ would do." That made Christ nothing more than a created angel. And that is so totally contrary to what the Word of God says concerning Jesus Christ. For it states that He was created in mans flesh a little lower than the angles for a short period of time in Psalm 8:5 and then by the writer of Hebrews in chapter 2 in two locations in verses 7 and 9. and what do I say about any thing repeated in scriptures, it is done so to get our attention. Here is a warning to the Church. Don’t be taken in by that kind of thing, don’t establish a false humility and then try to worship something less then the Christ of Glory.
Colossians 2:18b
"…intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind."
See that is the new age movement and a few other false doctrines of man. They have to appeal to the flesh, because there is no power of the Holy Spirit in it. Nor does it have God's backing or approval. So that’s what they do, they will appeal to the flesh, and with their high convoluted statements deceive those vulnerable because of a lack of knowledge. And this is why I do what I do. I looked at one of them again the other day that someone had given me. It is a combination of higher intellectual, highly educated people you could tell that, but there’s not an ounce of truth in what they write, and yet people are falling for it. Here Paul is warning us, "Don’t fall for these things." Mans philosophy, theology and theosophy are all askew with false perceptions and thinking. Why, here comes the answer....
Colossians 2:19a
"And not holding the Head…"
I said the Body goes up to where just below the Head, and the head can be likened to a hub of a wheel around which everything consists and spreads outwardly from it. That’s where we are, we’re members of the Body, but Christ is the Head the central part of His nerve center. It’s from Christ that the central nervous system in the analogy would come from. It’s the Head that controls the Body, and that’s what Paul is saying. "Don’t be beguiled by something that will turn you from the Headship of Christ."
Colossians 2:19b
"And not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishments ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God." Where does it all originate? Christ the Head, the Head of the Body, that’s where the increase has to come to us from.
Colossians 2:20
"Wherefore (because of our union, our being conjoined to Christ) if ye be dead with Christ (dead to that old sin nature of the Adam-Satan nature as seen in all unredeemed people. They have to be considered dead, and what is being dead, separated from God. And God has considered us crucified with Christ) from the rudiments of the world, (the lusts and temptations of and the traditions of man) why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances,"
What happened to those ordinances? They were nailed to the cross. Why try to resurrect them and put us back under them, and what are they?
Colossians 2:21
"(Touch not; taste not; handle not;"
Do you see that? Oh that’s what the legalists and religionist try to tell you to do. They both will always say, "You can’t do that, or this, and you’ve got to do this or that." And that is what Paul is calling beguilement, it’s deception, we’re not under that set of circumstances. Our taking on the identification of the ascended Lord, Christ Jesus, we are set free to aquire His Character within ourselves. Restoring us to a Genesis 2 being the secret held close to God Himself. Now made open to all but still not perceived by many because they remain bond by their traditions which are ment to perish.
Colossians 2:22a
"Which all are to perish with the using;)…"
In other words these works of the flesh, all will perish with the using. Everything of this world is only of a temporary, temperal nature and will wear-out or be consumed and corrupted and will be burned up one day. But for those crucified, sanctified in Christ who are His people they have NO part with the old things not do they have any part to do with the world of sin in darkness of man.
Colossians 2:22b
"…after the commandments and doctrines of men?"
Paul here tells us in plain language just what these traditions are. When you look at all the religions of the world, and way at the top they have one or two top kick men. And the whole group goes by what one man has decreed, even though it may not line up with Scripture. Even the old ones are in the same condition and you know which ones I'm referring to. At least until the day of the Lord.

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