Sunday, November 9, 2014

Colossians Study Outline

Jesus Christ the Creator God, the Visible Manifeastation of the Invisible Godhead.

Paul's warning to those with limited sight or vision.
In my last statement I said that “mans traditions” voided the power of the Word and the Will of God through His Word to retain God's Redemption let a lone His Salvation programs within us. Mans Traditions have the power to make mankind complacent and just what is meant by complacency? It means to be self gratifying, smug in self-satisfaction and is the poison used by the deceiver as a sweet savvy as a savory thing within mans own being. This thing will turn to betterness and resentment, resisitance to all things unknown, including the change that God wants to bring about within our soul. This is especially true once we have received the down payment, the deposit of the Holy Spirit when we have asked for and received Redemption. For in Redemption as stated elsewhere is where we are given the right or power to become God's sons and children again. Wherein the Holy Spirit begins His works of training, teaching, tutoring, mentoring and educating us of our further need for Christ. This can be called a love for Jesus who is the Messiah-Christ, the King of Israel, But our LORD. If we allow mans traditions of slow or hinder His divine work by way of repeatedly having to confess our errors of sin and more especially a sin repeatedly focused upon we by this operation nullify the power within us. This frustrates and grieves the Holy Spirit because it causes us to slide backward or become stalled all together in our planed growth. This if not dealt with sternly will cause our limb to be cut off from the Vine into which we have been grafted. The root of “mans traditions” is mans “religion” with all its trappings and deceptive ways neatly disguised in packages tied with red and purple bows and each is a poison more deadly than the last. It is these things that Paul, John, Peter, James and Jude warn believers to avoid at all costs. They warn against mankind feeding his habit.

Ephesians 2:1-6
"And you (writing to these Ephesian believers) hath he (Christ) quickened (made alive. Same concept. As soon as we believe this Gospel, God imparted to us that New Divine God-child nature, known as Redemption. He gave us the regeneration of our spirit. It’s now divine, awaiting His Salvation through this Gospel through which we receive Eternal Life, that a few of us are now partakers of but the rest are those) who were dead in trespasses and sins: Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world (everyone did) according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience. Among whom also we all (he included himself) had our conversation (manner of living, our life style) in times past in the lusts of our flesh (the sweet savvy and savory things of mans traditions), fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others (doing what comes naturally like everybody else). But (the flip side) God (not me, not I, but God-Christ) who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us. Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved); Hath raised us up together (the hiden part of the Last Supper / Marriage Feast of our betrothal on through our ascension in Christ where He), and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:" (see our position now as believers? Having received His Salvation)
Not in the sweet by and by but the here and NOW! This secret has caused much confussion and bewilderment among theologians, philosophy and theosphiers because they all lack trust, they rationalize every thing, but trust. Which if used will become strengthen and become in us and them faith. Faith is the foundational stone of our Salvation because it works through love.
Ephesians 2:8
"For by grace are ye saved through faith; (plus how much? NOTHING! There’s nothing else listed here. It’s by Grace through Faith) and that not of yourselves; it is the (what?) gift of God:"
Both the Grace and Faith require what of us? Nothing it is a Gift! How much work do you do for a gift? NONE! But, people are having all this stuff laid on them. There is nothing in here that says you’ve got to do such and such, except believe that Christ Jesus has already done it. It’s finished! And we've shared in His doing by our rightly partaking of His Last Supper, Passover and New Covenant meal, death, resurrection and yes even His ascension. Which also confirm our having now the power of Eternal and Endless Life restored to us, wherein we become a Genesis 2 being again. Which is God's Righteous, Holiness and Godliness through His Sanctification through death (in His Blood), burial, resurrection and ascension. And we can’t add to it. We're sealed by the Spirit and Blood in the Truth and Grace by His Love, Christ Jesus. Because 1Corinthians 11(passover meal), 13(charity-love), 15:1-10(the living witness) and Romans 10:9-11(Redemption) have been done they just confirm whats been revealed.

Now, back to Colossians chapter 2 verse 12. We're going to repeat something that I said sometime ago and I’ll repeat it again and for years to come if the Lord’s tarries. There is probably no other one thing in all of Christendom that will cause enmity and will just make the hair stand up on the back of people’s necks like baptism. I’ve learned it first hand, over and over. You may disagree with somebody on baptism and you may have had the best friend in the world, but he is no more (because of the tradition of man). It simply puts a division between people and there’s more arguing and more controversy over baptism and who should be baptized and how they should be baptized and it almost gets disconcerting. It’s not in Paul’s instruction to the Church or Churches of this Age. It is not to be something that should be division making.
Colossians 2:12
"Buried with him (with Christ Jesus) in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead."
Let’s read it again. "Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead."
I don’t know which way to start. Should I start with the Holy Spirit, or should I start over in here. Let’s start with the Holy Spirit. And go to 1Corinthians chapter 12 and I’ll start at verse 12. I guess you all know this is still Paul writing to the believers at Corinth who had a lot of carnal, earthy and worldly problems. As they were still within our first estate for the training and teaching by the Holy Spirit, the very station that most of what is called “Christendom” is found in now. I've covered all that when I taught the Corinthian letters. To get this teaching look to “” for the books, about 78 in number from which this study is taken, they're a free down load. Keeping in mind that Les does not dig deeply into the spiritual things because he is accepted by most church groups as a well accepted Bible teacher. So he treads softly.

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