Friday, November 28, 2014

Colossians Study Outline

The Cross Abolished all Legalism in ordinances in the Law of Moses and the forefathers standards built on their traditions.

Colossians 3:10

"And have put on the new man, which is renewed in (full) knowledge after the image of him that created him:"
In other words, Christ becomes our goal, He becomes our pattern, He becomes everything that we hope for as our Head. Our whole exsistance from the moment of our acknowledgeing that we need redemptions saving power, begins our learning of Him. It is in this process that we put on the new man but only after we have successfully passed through from one to many crisises designed to reveal our further need and total dependency on the Holy Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of Truth and Grace. Now talking about the Body of Christ we find the following in verse 11.
Colossians 3:11
"Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond or free: but Christ is all, and in all."
We’re living in a time where there are some groups that are trying to put back the Jews in a separate place from the Gentiles. But this Scripture states the contrary of that, as revealed to Paul says, "there is no difference!" A Jew/Hebrew has to be saved just like a Gentile, and his keeping the feast days or the Sabbath won’t do him any good, any more than it will anybody else. And if he or she attempts to keep their parents traditions then they have mocked both the blood and the cross to their own distruction. For now they've been rolled up and sealed up and placed on a shelf until after the day of the Lord, look at Psalm 2 verse 8. So we have to understand that the Jewish people today have to consider themselves as lost sinners (the other 99 who stayed in the coral, when the good shepherd went after the one that cries out after wondering off) because their heritage will do none of them any good at all. This bears repeating, We have to understand that the Jewish people today have to consider themselves as lost sinners. The sheep that remained in the stall when the shepherd went to find the one cring because it was lost. They’re in the same boat and on the same playingfield with lost Gentiles. When they do become believers they come into the same Body of Christ as the Gentile does. They have to server their former ties, all relationships which include ties to Judaism. They have renounce their religious beliefs as being dead works because they're not to be profaned by them in any way. Just as Israel was to be set aside unto Yehovah they are to be set aside with us to Christ-Yehovah, the LORD of spirits. Then we become one in Christ, the “one” who died for “all” who would place their trust in Him to become the “all in all,” when we become then a member of the One Body of Christ. Keeping in mind that this does not mean as many suppose “all of mankind” but is in fact a limited few from among the masses of the earth.
Colossians 3:11
"Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all."
Christ Jesus is the great field leveler. He is the only “one” who ever did so, no other prophet among man made such a claim nor did another others rise again on the third day as Jesus did. I like to talk about a level playing field, and that’s what Christ does, He levels the playing field and there is no difference in any segment of society, we loss our ethnicity. Once we’re in the Body of Christ we are all one with Him.
Colossians 3:12-13b
"Put on therefore (as a result of all that Christ has done), as the elect of God, (the ones that God has saved by His Grace, that we've chosen Him to be) holy (set apart) and beloved (this is our new status which enables us to reflect His character of), bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; (now verse 13. This is all part of the new Christ-likeness heritage in Grace.) Forbearing one another, …"
Remember where the word says were predestinationed/predeterminated or the elect is used simply means that we've chosen to adhere to God's Will in His Way and are now under His law. By making a mindful choice to renounce our ways and to accept His way through our free will. We become the few chosen through this action and begin to hear His voice, as in Genesis 2. As revealed in Jesus Christ and through Paul's Gospel. Remember what Jesus ask's in Matthew chapter 11 and verses 28 through 30, “are you ready to learn of Me?” You know what I’ve said?
You don’t have to like everybody, but you’ve got to love them. I mean there are some people that you like to be with a lot more than others, and that’s perfectly normal. But whether we like them or not, we’re to forbear them, and not be all angered and upset and have nothing to do with them, because everyone of us have things that irritate others. I know I probably irritate people, but I thank God that they forbear with me, and that’s what I have to do with others. But the one thing I can never compromise is my love. I love them regardless. Now reading on in verse 13. These are all just plain logical, common sense admonitions from the pen of the Apostle as to how to walk and live as a child of God.

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