Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Colossians Study Outline

Christ Jesus the creator God, the Visible Manifeastation of the Invisible Godhead.

The Cross Abolished all Legalism of the Jewish Religious system along with mans traditions associated with it.
Today I want to begin by saying the following, but before I do I also want to express a word of warning. This thought may cause some to stop reading these posts but I mean no harm to any one but only to reiterate what the Bible teaches about the use of false doctrines known as the traditions of man. That said I will now progress with my thought as it is contrary to the well excepted stands of liberal theology, theosophy and philosophy. This nation started out as a haven for the religiously oppressed who wanted religious freedom from the religious states that they had come from. These groups though wrong in their own ideologies of what they knew as faith did not tolerate the customs emposed upon them by the religious state. They stood for what they believed to be “Christians principles”. These same principles have been worn down over the last 100 years to our gross immorality, debauchery and out right pagan practices of our day and times. For the first 100 years this country did not tolerate such holidays as Easter and Christmas and a few other lesser holidays. But as liberism has grown, so has the pagan practices through deception to where these practices have become a welcome norms of our day. It was also this same practice that was the reason for the Lord Jesus to come as the end of those days in Israel's own histroy as foretold through the Prophets. It is because of these practices that we find our own selves in the pearless time with the nation of Israel today. And is why so many cannot separate Israel from the America of our time, they seem to be running as parellals because of the grossness of sins and crimes against the cross and blood of Jesus-Immanuel God in mans flesh, Messiah, Prophet-King of Israel, Christ. One other thought, liberism is equated to the luke warmness of Revelation 3:16, because it violates God's intent for man. His restoration through Christ within His ultimate creation, man.
Romans 3:19a
"Now we know that what things soever the law saith, (sometimes the Law will mean the whole gamut of what we now call Judaism. The civil law, dietary laws, the worship laws, and the ceremonal law. They did not have any part with the traditions built by Israel's forefathers around them. The moral Law being the Ten Commandments and that is why I did not include it above. These are the Law he’s talking about here, as a whole) saith to them who are under the law;"
Who was under the Law? The Hebrews were, the nation of Israel. The Gentiles had no contact or intercourse with Israel’s Laws, they did not have any part in the Levitical Laws of Moses. But in the mind of God now, it went beyond Israel, and it didn’t just stop with the nation of Israel, but it went to the whole human race. That is what the Ten Commandments did, but that was the extent of it. Because the Ten Commandments is only a moral code of conduct, a standard good for all peoples. The Law of Moses was a diffent thing all together it ruled Israel and only Israel not the nations or the Gentiles as a whole.
Romans 3:19b
"…that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world (not just Israel) may become guilty before God."
And see that’s all the code of conduct could and can do. It can only point the finger of condemnation whether Hebrew or Gentile, and it says, "You’re guilty!" The little book of James written to Hebrew believers says, "If you’ve broken one of the Laws (the whole thing), you’re guilty of breaking all of them." So there’s no way anyone could win. The moral law, the Ten Commandments, is something that you can’t beat. We can’t keep from breaking it, there’s nothing we can do short of what Christ has done, and we’re going to see that in just a moment.
Romans 3:20
"Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: (and here’s the reason.) for by the law is (not the knowledge of redemption nor salvation, but rather comes) the knowledge of sin."
All the whole system of the Ten Commandments, the Law of Moses with its ordinances can do is point the finger of condemnation. It can’t save anybody! The average Hebrew is burdened grievously by the rest of the Laws of Moses with a yoke that they cannot bear. With all of the do and do not's within so restricts them beyond imagination. But oh, how the world thinks that if they at least try to keep at least the Ten Commandments, that somehow they’ll merit favor with God. No Way! God never intended the whole system of Law to do that, but rather all He intended the Law to do was to show what His mind was concerning human behavior. So human behavior couldn’t be affected by the Ten Commandments or the Law because there was no power of the Holy Spirit behind it. Oh it was indeed spiritual but it dealt only with mans outward performance through his self efforts in his own sufficiency. Why? Because mans eyes were blind (lack of vision and perception) to the spirit side of man except for the Prophets and a few others. Consequently when Christ went by the way of the cross – now to follow up on that thought come with me on over to chapter 7 here in Romans. This shows what I’ve been talking about that the Law (the Law of Moses, not the code of conduct which still stands to this day along with the Beatitudes) has been nailed to His cross. The Laws of Moses with the ordinances were without power to help anybody keep them, therefore it is weak and beggarly. The Ten Commandments and Beatitudes are indeed doable when we have the ontological essence of Christ's own Spirit restored within us, they become a fruit of the Spirit.
Romans 7:4a
"Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ; that ye should be married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead…."
This is all in figurative Hebrew language directed by the Holy Spirit. You see we can have no connection with Jesus of Nazareth as He walked in Galilee as the Son of man. He told Andrew and Philip that He couldn’t have anything to do with Gentiles until He had been put to death, which includes being buried, raised and ascension. So it’s only the crucified, risen again LORD and Christ that we now as believers in the Age of Grace can have any union with. And marriage is but another metaphor for this union, as is being "dead to the law." For we all know that when a couple has one or the other party die off the other is free to remarry if they so choose too. Jesus of Nazareth and His earthly ministry to Israel, was only to/for the nation of Israel, He was still under the burden of Law and its many ordinances (most added by who? man!), and now this is why Paul says, "You have become dead to the Law." It’s a done deal, and we’ll see that in another verse in just a minute, but first let’s finish this verse. We reap the benefit as an overflow of this action of God, is what Paul is saying.
Romans 7:4b
"…that we should bring forth fruit unto God."
Here is the purpose of the overflow revealed. We’re to be soul winners after becoming believers. But wait is that what he realy means here? No! Rather we're to bear fruit of the Spirits own production, the keeping and fulfillment (doing) of as I said, the Ten Commandments and Beatitudes, are the fruit unto God. Let’s keep going in Romans and come on over to chapter 13, and maybe this will nail it to the cross as he says in Colossians 2:14. Peter tells us that the fruit is our reenstated righteousness and righteousness comes to them who are now sons of God who bear the fruit of this righteousness, the good and truth of the Ten Commandments and Beatitudes. Neatly tied up in those who are Christ's.

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