Thursday, July 4, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 20 of 39 part 5

Paul does make reference to all the things in Romans that he has been disclosing here however in his remarks in chapter 16 we find, this in a verse that we’ll refer to time and time again, because it says so much that most of Christendom hears nothing of. And why preachers and teachers avoid it we don't understand. So those of you out there who are pastors and are reading with us, goodness sake preach a sermon now and then on this verse, because this is what people have to hear. 

Romans 16:25
"Now to him that is of power to establish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, (we have to proclaim this message) which was kept secret since the world begin."
Did you catch that? Paul, is telling us that what he's proclaiming had been hidden within the text of the Old Testament. In Hebrews we find that Moses had revealed this secret but it had gone unknown or hidden from the hearers. Till Paul and he is now the very first one to preach this Gospel based on Jesus' death for us, that He was buried and rose again. But that was not know by Moses so what was it that he know and told Israel? The message of Genesis 3:15 can and is the only explanation of answer. Because Jesus told Peter that he had given to him the keys to the kingdom but what were the keys to open? Did Peter or any of the other disciples know how they worked or is there any recorded that they had used them, NO! Our churches and religious systems are or appear to be in the dark about these secrets. For the fifty some years that I attended church don't recall ever hearing anything preached on the subject here disclosed. And No one else in Scripture preaches this as a Salvation or Redemption doctrine. This had been kept secret in the mind and heart of God since the world began until revealed to this Apostle, and our churches don't know them, we just can’t get around it. We’ve had people ridiculously try to tell us that Adam was saved by believing this Gospel. Isn’t that ridiculous? The Gospel hadn’t been revealed. But truth is Adam and woman both knew because of first hand knowledge, Adam knew that he did and what was to come from his actions but only after the fact. They understood because of the language that was given them and this is what God hid from literal understanding. Until man received the power of the Holy Spirit the Spirit of Truth, who was to reveal what? Christ! Not some dead doctrine or mysterion or ancient mysticism NO! nothing but Christ! All Adam and Eve did for salvation was to do what God instructed them to do. Abel did what God instructed him to do, but they certainly didn’t know anything about the death, burial and resurrection and a crucifixion. The answer is in what God had promised and not a religion of nature. This is not received by mans normal since of reasoning through the five senses or common knowledge of wise sounding words of philosophy. Now at Pentecost and for a while thereafter man operated in part of the revelation however it waned away because of false doctrine, the mixing of the spirit of the world within the church until the individual and the church have become indigent in the use of the power which is to be. All because of sin gross sin and err.

But the religion of nature is what came about, this religion is what Enoch and the book of Jasher reveal was afoot back when man was in the age of innocents. For when the angels of darkness were cast out of heaven all hell broke loose on earth and these angels retaliated against God by marring women, teaching them what we can call mystic arts which include among other things chemistry, metallurgy, astrology, cosmology, magic and potions and spells. They did violence to man and nature by committing crimes against God. And against what God told man in Genesis 1:26-29. Mans rule of nature and in did the earth has weakened ever since until today we have no understanding or knowledge of any of these things here in the US of A, but in other countries of the world this is not the case at all they know. And much of what Jesus did was in accord to what Genesis 1:26-29 reveals and He gave to man through His disciples the keys to these things as found in Matthew 16:19.

For someone to say that they knew of the crucifixion, No! they couldn't because crucifixion wasn’t invented until the Romans thought it up, sovereignly of course. No one had a concept, according to Paul, of this Gospel as we now know it. In fact let’s go all the way back to Peter’s first little epistle. And this was written at the end of Peter’s ministry, just as 2 Timothy is written at the end of Paul’s ministry, and we think they were both martyred within a year or so of each other. So this scripture was written at about 65 or 66 AD, and Peter writes starting in verse 10 of chapter 1.

1 Peter 1:10-11
"Of which salvation (as we now know in the Age of Grace, and I’m sure he is now alluding to Paul’s Gospel at least somewhat.) the prophets (Old Testament writers) have inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: (now look at the next verse) Searching (they were looking, and looking for something they couldn’t find, they never did find it, they knew of it but it alluded them, was hidden from them) what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow."
What is meant by "the glory that should follow"?

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