Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 23 of 39 part 5

Ephesians 3:11
"According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord:"
What does that mean, "Why did Christ come?" We always teach that first and foremost, He came to the Nation of Israel to be their Messiah, and King. But the overall purpose was to die for the sin of mankind, and to be the Savior of the whole human race, and be our Lord for all eternity. But this was not all. He came as the end to the “everlasting” or conclusion, fulfillment, propitiation of the promises, covenants and the Law as the hidden unseen one to which they all pointed towards. As the “eternal purpose which He purposed in Christ” before the foundation of the world. This foundation took place in Genesis 3 because within it we find the first promise of restoration upon which all promises and covenants of the Old Testament speak. In verse 12 and remember when we started the book of Ephesians we told you there were over 90 times that we have the prepositional phrase "IN HIM, IN WHOM, IN CHRIST," because this little letter is positional! 

Where are we as believers? We are not just members of a local church on the corner, although that is certainly applicable for most of Christiandom as a religion. But we are members of the bigger universal picture, we are members of the One Body of Christ if we have believed and received the revelation of this Gospel for our salvation!  When we have been placed into the One Body of Christ as the condition of the Marriage Feast and the Passover for Paul tells us that Christ Jesus is our Passover just as in Exodus 12, this is found in 1Corinthians 5:7. In this revelation we have in effect been placed in union with Christ that the religionist and the world knows nothing of. We have to keep in mind that a lot of church members are not in the Body of Christ! Though they confess and profess that they are does not make it so. We mean a lot of them! We would hope with all our heart that we are wrong, but we do not think so. We have multitudes of church people who have never had this kind of a salvation experience where God places them into the Body.

Baptism has always been a controversy from the very onset of Christianity. People get all hung up if you do not practice it according their format of baptism. But listen, Paul puts baptism way down at the very bottom of everything, because that is not the important thing. The important thing is "are you in the One Body of Christ?" Listen, we do not care what denomination you belong to, we know as you look out over your congregation, that there are people who have been baptized that are no more saved than the dog out there on the street. You know that and we know that. They have no New Life in them, they have no love for the Word, and they have no love for the Lord, but they have been baptized in water. And just as the prophets told Israel, they serve God with empty words of lip service, with NO heart in them. So baptism is not what counts, what counts is, "are we in the One Body of Christ? Are we positioned where God wants to position us?"

Ephesians 3:12
"In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him." 

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