Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 22 of 39 part 6

Why are You so mindful of Man?

The Old Testament does not tell us, but when we get into Romans chapter 5, and 1 Corinthians chapter 15, Paul reveals "that man is a created being who has fallen from his position of divine relationship in righteousness with the Creator, Christ." Only Paul points that out. Remember Jesus alluded to this in His earthly ministry by making the remarks that they were hypocrites, and sinful, but Jesus never really let them know why they were that way. Keep in mind also that God in Psalm 2 grouped the Hebrews and nations as one when He calls them heathen that rage and imagine a vain thing. This is further scene in scripture that tells us that "the heart is wicked," but how did the heart get that way? Come back to Romans chapter 5 because we like to use as much scripture as we can, we would rather you read it for yourself than listen or just read what we have written. As they say, the proof is in the pudding.

Romans 5:12a
"Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin;..."
That is the only place in scripture that we can find that sin and death are synonymous. Here Paul makes it so plain that they are. This is part of the revelation that we will not find anywhere else.

Romans 5:12b
"...and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned."
All have sin did they do any thing wrong a crime of some sort? NO that is our very nature at birth, you might say that it is part of our gen pool. Flip over a few pages to 1 Corinthians chapter 15, and drop in at verse 45.

1Corinthians 15:45-47
"And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was madea quickening spirit (describing Christ). Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual. The first man (Adam) is of the earth, earthy: the second man (the second Adam) is the Lord from heaven (Spirit, spiritual)."
*"was made" has been added, and should not have been. It should read, the last Adam a quickening spirit.

You see this is a concept that was never revealed before in scripture, at least not this clearly, and what does it tell us? That Adam, as the head of the federal race, the created one, was the one that plunged the whole human race into rebellion. For which there could only be one remedy, and that would be what? The second Adam, which we now know is Christ. This second Adam was not a created being as first Adam was, but rather this Adam is God Himself. And He came to set everything straight that the first Adam had corrupted, and you will not find that anywhere but in Paul’s writings. That all goes back to what we said in earlier on, "Searching out the unsearchable riches of Christ." We guess before Paul’s revelation it was unsearchable. They had no way of understanding everything that had unfolded, because God had been keeping all of this secret. (Deuteronomy 29:29 remember it?) Many to this very moment did not think of this though it has been before them all their lives. Even Paul's writings are glazed over and hidden from clear sight to them. It is just so much Bible is all it amounts to or so they think and say.

But now with the revelations that were given to this Apostle. We can do like we did earlier, and go all the way back and reconstruct how God has been unfolding everything, and will continue to unfold out into eternity. All because of these revelations of the mystery, the secret hidden from view. For this is what He had revealed to Moses when he encountered the burning bush, which was not consumed by the flames of fire which rested upon it. When He revealed to Moses another of His titles “I AM that I AM”. Which we pointed out means that I am ever revealing who I am or I am the progressive revelation of just who I am, in Exodus chapter 3.
Back to Ephesians chapter 3. Some of the other parts of this revelation were that God would justify sinful men. Those who would choose to by way of simply believing this Gospel would become His righteous ones, born again, recreated spiritually. Having their spirit eyes and ears opened to see and hear the Truth, which to the lost is and will remain veiled. Listen we can not find that any place else, it’s just not in there. But oh here Paul makes it all so plain, that in the revelation of the mystery, how Christ died for your sin nature, was buried and rose from the dead, and when we believe it then we can become all things in Christ. By simply placing our trust into His hands to do what He promised the first Adam. We are spending a lot of time on the mysteries, because they are of great importance and are referenced up through the scriptures though in veiled language. 

We will be held accountable for their revealing to others because God requires us all to know and understand them, as our foundation of trusting into Faith. Otherwise He would not have revealed them as He did. These have been veiled to most all the church world and will remain so because of what and who is it's head, the serpent of old. We can get a picture of it by remembering when Moses made the image of a serpent and placed it on a wooden double or triple cross in the wilderness. And the Israelites were to look on it for healing, if they were bitten by one. This is also the picture seen in Revelation 14-19, where the ever lasting gospel is spoken of and says that Babylon has fallen, this is the harlot that rides on the back of this serpent. We know her as religion because under the lips of her stewards is found the poison of an asp, just as Jesus and even John the Baptist said Matthew 12:34-35, 23:27-28; Romans 3:12-18, also Psalm 140:3.

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