Saturday, July 20, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 22 of 39 part 3

      Before I get into my thought please allow me this one indulgence, there at least three forms of unbelief, one outright unbelief, disbelief and belief with no substance of foundation. What I mean is this, there are many people who profess a belief in God, a belief in Jesus and even a love of Jesus but when they are asked upon what do you believe, or what is the bases of your belief statement, they do not know. They think I'm asking them a trick question and I am not! The usual answer comes as a quote of John 3:16 God loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son! This is not the bases or foundation upon which we are the have belief, this is not faith ground. But this is where most of our church world had led people to sand quick sand at best, because God can not build His Church or Family on sand or the dust of the ground of which He told the serpent he would eat. Are you getting my drift yet. the average church goer remains lost and bond by religion, the very thing that Jesus as the Son of man came to Redeem us from, our sin nature. So many do not know that they are in disbelief of the kingdom Gospel of God's Grace restored to them, in fact many know nothing of the mysteries of God.
Yesterday I got a call for help from a friend, he was in a hospital for dependency and abuse of drugs. On my way out I was guided by an intern who asked me where my church was because he was in his last year of ministry training at our local liberal "Christian based" university and was in hopes of being a pastor upon his graduation. I told him that is was a stewardship of God's mysteries, a ministry of reconciliation and preservation. And that I did not have a "church" building as is the custom of the world. He was puzzled by this and said that Jesus requires us to have a building, a church, to which my response was not so! I told him that when the Lord called me back in 1971 that He never mentions building a congregation or having a building, that all He told was to be instant in season and out of season and that no matter where we are we are the church when two or more become gathered in His name. That is church. And I left it with him at that, oh yes, I asked him if he understood the parable of Jesus dealing with vision and having a clear eye. To this he had no comment, so we went our ways. My wife told me later after I returned home that maybe just maybe I had not gone there for aid our friend but rather for this young man and this just maybe so. As the Lord has used us in this fashion may times over the past forty years or so. The fruit that was heard from this young mans mouth told me that he was full of pride and arrogance, in other words high minded, quite possibly because of his schooling. Even the way he carried himself and the way he phrased his words reminded me to the serpent in the garden with woman, just so slightly twisted and bitter. He is a reflection and the produce of his environment.

     When a true believer sins, those within the corral of our first estate, they are going to be convicted as David was. When David saw his sin, what does the book of Psalms say he did? He wept tears of repentance, and remorse and oh, how he bemoaned the fact that not only had he sinned against the people that were involved, but against God. And when we sin, this is what we have to come back to realize. This is all part of the "Unsearchable Riches of Christ." It’s beyond mere human comprehension. We can understand it, and we think everyone should be able to grab the weight of this Truth as well. But does that mean, they will? There are those who will just close their eyes, and say, "Forget it, I can’t understand it anyway?" Yes, there are those and sadly this is not to be so! God did not set the whole thing up for us to wonder in the wilderness of sin of doubt and disbelief, all of our natural days. But the thing is that there is a greater number in disbelief than unbelief. They are in that very state because the god of this world through religion keeps them in this state because of blindness, a lack of clear vision with a mind cluttered and miss directed and just full of unnecessary stuff. Just like our young man in university who wants to be a pastor, but what is his motivation? We do not know. But IF, They'll just keep digging, and learning, and keep getting more and more excited about what Christ has done for us. And not only just for the here and now, but for all of eternity to come. Then just maybe the veil will be lifted and they'll get their vision and a clear mind back, as Adam had in Genesis 2, like Paul says in 1 Corinthians chapter 2.

1 Corinthians 2:9

"But as it is written, Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love Him."

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