Sunday, July 21, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 22 of 39 part 4

1 Corinthians 2:9
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."
And that’s about as much as it tells us what we’re going to enjoy in eternity. We don’t know because the Bible doesn’t tell us, but we know it’s going to be fabulous. At least on the surface but if we will just ask and wait on God He will reveal more. Why? because He wants us to know Him, Jesus asks us do you want to learn of Me in Matthew 11:29 to which we all should respond with a big, YES LORD! 
What God has in store for us is going to be a many times better than the things you and I like to do down here, and it’s all because of the "unsearchable riches of Christ." Oh, to have the knowledge that we can come into the very throne room of heaven in prayer with our petitions is simply incomprehensible. Isn’t it? Just think we can actually immediately come into the throne room, without having to go through any rituals. We don’t have to go into some prescribed place, at a prescribed time or God won’t hear us. As we sit here on earth and as we speak we can be in an attitude of prayer, and we are right at the throne. That’s all part of the "unsearchable riches of Christ."
Have you ever contemplated on what it was like for Adam as found in Genesis 2 after verse 7 when he was placed in the garden to care for it. Explore the richness of Christ in that atmosphere for a while, just soak it all in by looking at chapter 1 verses 26-29, then think on these things and then ask God is it to be again?

But we think the crowning act of His Redemption is that He will take a mere man with a sin nature, and bring him into Redemption, redeeming him by Grace. And then make him a brand new person. Totally new, totally different, with a changed appetite, a changed lifestyle, a clear eye and mind. The kind of a change that even the world around them can’t miss. This is what the Church family is all about doing when it is functioning as God intends. The family unit of God is to be the hospital where God restores health to our souls and mends us first from within and then outward. So many times husbands who have wives who are lost will ask, "Well what can I do to convince my wife that she needs God’s Redemption by saving Grace." Or wives will ask, "What can I do to convince my husband that he needs God’s Redemption?" Well invariably we will take them back to the little letter of Peter, for what did Peter say? "Don’t preach at them. Don’t try to drag them to church or drag them in front of the television, and say, "You have got to listen to so and so say" But rather what do you do? You just live, allowing God's restored Love from within, to come pouring out, like floods of living water. Get God’s love in front of that person, then sooner or later they will finally get the drift, "You’ve got something that I need!" It may take 6 months or a year or years, but you can rest assured that when you’ve done what God expects you to do, then that lost person is going to be faced with the reality of the Love of God. Now this is not a love for God or even Jesus, but is rather the character of Christ restored to our soul. For we are to reflect His Love and nature, and character to those around us and also back to Him as well. For it is the Spirit of Christ within that gives God Glory, not our flesh. This is all part of the "unsearchable riches of Christ."

Each denomination and the so called non-denominational have differing practices and believe different things, this is disbelief. This is not to be, as God and Jesus are One we are also to be One in spirit with clear eyes and unveiled ears. But when this is not the case then we have all kinds of dissension and factions, a work of the devil, AND Satan. The one thing each must believe is that our Lord Jesus Christ died for them, was buried and rose again. When we believe that for Redemption then God sees our trust, and places us into the One Body of Christ, as we see in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 and 1 Corinthians 12:13. We can tell that we are certainly reaching people from every imaginable background. Not by mail or phone calls or even by e-mail but by the Holy Spirits witness. Remember when we come before the throne, whether it’s the Great White throne for the lost, disbelieving and unbelieving people or the Beama seat in heaven for believers, the Lord isn’t going to ask you, "Well did you follow what your church taught?" But rather we are going to be judged on the basis of what does the Bible say. Is His Love working within as a restored receiver and then outward. Or are we just a dead lump of clay. Never lose sight of that because eternity is going to reveal what you have done with His Word!

Continuing on in Ephesians chapter 3, and coming down to verse 9, teaching that we are to be seeking out the unsearchable riches of Christ.

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