Sunday, July 7, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 20 of 39 part 8

This is what this Apostle is saying, in verse 1, "that we are to be stewards of these secrets of God that are now revealed ". But just how many people know or understand these mysteries or secrets? In all my years of church and Sunday school attendance I personal remember no one ever doing a subject study or any other kind of study on them. I might go so far as to say that no one knew about them or they took for granted that the pastor did and left it at that. But as we see here that is wrong. For I myself, when I first saw this had on idea of where to find them or what even to be looking for. So I started just researching the words "mystery" and "secret" in our Strong's Concordance and took it from there to find out everything possible on this subject and found out that it all ready has to do with our learning of Christ and our relationship in Him and to Him. In a union and bound that far surpasses all others. The other thing that has struck me is this, as we learn of Christ this is not a static stationary revelation. But as we've said many times it is progressive and seems to grow with each new understanding of Him. So here we are sharing what we've found out and what He has been revealing to us. Now reading verse 2.

1 Corinthians 4:2
"Moreover it is required in stewards, (managers, ambassadors, administrators) that a man be found faithful."
We’re not to be sloppy, slothful or lazy we’re not to be careless (see the warnings of Paul in Hebrews chapters and verses 3:10, 12, 6:4-6, 10:38-39, 12:25). We are to be constantly passing the Word on, and showing folks, what does it say. Not is a hardness or sternness of attitude but in love and respect for them. And definitely not with an attitude of what we think it says, not what I say, or what some preacher says. But show them what does the Word actually say. So we’re to be faithful stewards of the mysteries and above all before we can do this we have to be approved of God. Let’s come on over to another favorite one, and that of course is 1 Corinthians 15:51. And we’re getting closer and closer, with each passing minute, to this portion of scripture being fulfilled. We think it’s a lot closer than most people like to think.
Now that we're aware of it notice the word “mystery” just seems to jumps off the page at us.

1 Corinthians 15:51-52
"Behold I shew you a mystery; (Paul is going to tell us something here that has never even been hinted at anywhere else in the Old Testament, by the prophets and the Temple Priest's. For they knew nothing of it, though the two sects argued and bantered about this very thing. Jesus never referred to it, although He knew about it. He too kept it secret, and the mystery is that) We shall not all sleep, (or die physically) but we shall all be changed. (we can’t go to glory in this old body of flesh, so we’re going to have to be changed to the glorified body that man had before he fell. Now reading verse 52.) In a moment, (a finely split particle of time. It’s actually less than a second) in the twinkling of an eye (an atomic second), at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the (believing) dead shall be raised incorruptible, (like Christ’s resurrected body, the glorified body that Adam and woman had before sin and the curse entered the picture) and we shall be changed."
Those believers who are alive when this happens will be changed! That’s what the scriptures say, this isn’t our idea, but rather this is what the book says. We will be made incorruptible, because you see this corruptible body can’t go into glory so it has to be changed, and it will be in that atomic split second. This is all part of what Paul calls the "mysteries" or secrets. Since we’re in this chapter, let’s go back to those first four verses and look at another mystery that was only given to Paul. 

We’ve used these verses over and over because they are so paramount to our being ready for the mystery of what we just read. This passage is this Gospel of the Grace of God that all must believe in order to be changed at the departure of the Church, we just read it. Here it is, this is the Gospel of the Grace of God, and according to Romans 16:25 it had been kept secret since the world began before being given to Paul. In fact Paul says it’s "his Gospel," and the reason he could make such a statement was it was given to him for mankind by the crucified risen Lord in glory.

No where, do we find in the others writings mention of these things, not  in Luke, Mark, Matthew, Peter, James nor John. they don't mention any of these things. Though the Lord had opened the seals to these mysteries as we've shown above. Jesus had alluded to the in the keys of the kingdom given to Peter and in other references but He didn't expound on them. They all should have known of them because of what the prophets have said and as they were revealed though limited in the Old Testament.

Hebrews discloses that Moses spoke of these things but they were hidden from the understanding of the Hebrews because of an evil heart within them, a heart of unbelief. To this day it remains the same even to those who profess to have received the Holy Spirit. For they still remain in the dark concerning these things, and my question is,Why? My only answer can be that they have not the Holy Spirit but rather another spirit, a spirit of deception given them by the spirit of the world, especially those who say they've got goosebumps all over or a warm fussy tickley feeling. For the Holy Spirit comes not come in in such a fashion because, we're to walk by faith not by sight (not dependent of warm fuzzies or tickley feelings of the flesh, for this is the exact realm where the evil one works).

1Corinthians 15:1-3 
"Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;"         

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