Sunday, July 14, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 21 of 39 part 5

Colossians 2:16-17 
"Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ."
This is where left off in our last post, so now allow me to finish what I say about to say. Which if we were going on here would reveal the rest of our thought.

The Body of Christ is real it is a living and breathing thing. Oh! we can’t yet see it, in it’s whole, but we can experience it as we fellowship with like-minded believers. Just be aware that as you read Paul’s Epistles that this term Body of Christ is a Pauline doctrine that comes out of the revelation of the mysteries. The secret which God held within Himself, though they can be found scattered throughout the Old Testament when ones eyes are opened and ones mind is clear. The small book of Daniel and the others was sealed with a hand written seal, and these things that were kept secret until they were revealed to this Apostle.
There is one word or phrase here that stands out and it is this, “in respect of an holyday” and we all know “the sabbath days” or we should as these are all bones of contention across the world. As for the “holyday” for us it is miss spelled for we see it as holiday, but the Greek Dictionary’s says it means a feast day, Webster's 1828 Dictionary says; A day set apart for commemorating some important event in history; a festival intended to celebrate some event deemed auspicious to the welfare of a nation; particularly an anniversary festival, devoted to religious solemnities; as christmas holydays.
Paul here is saying that they were but “a shadow of things to come, but the Body is of Christ” is better because the shadow is an indication of the tree, being there though unseen. But now is seen and Christ is that tree, as seen in Hebrews. For those shadowy figures only pointed toward and are now found in their originator who is Christ. When He with His guests partook of the meal the evening of His arrest by an unlawful assembly and trial by the same. Brought about an end as “the last of days”, “the forever one” who was the seal of all the promises and covenants spoken and given first to Adam and then the forefathers of Israel. It was during the Marriage meal that He was the propitiation and consummation of all that had gone before. All these things He spoke of in veiled language (in parables), such as the tree in the garden that would not produce its fruit and the husbandman asked that it be allowed to stay and that he would nurse it for another year. And then if it did not produce fruit the owner could cut it down, during His ministry to Israel. Even John the Baptist told the people that the ax was ready to be laid to the root of the tree and recorded in Luke 3:9. Then to Jesus also said that all power had been given Him both in heaven and on earth, it was this authority He enacted there.(see Luke 13:6-7 Isaiah 27:11, Romans 11:17)

Let's finish Paul's thought;
Colossians 2:8
"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ."
Now can you see how all this fits like a glove. First Israel was the tree which was to have been by this time producing fruit, disciples from the nations but was not. It was rotten from its root up. The worlds churches and religions be they sects, cults, or any from of religious institution are spoiling its people by the use of philosophy, vain deceit and the traditions dreamed up by sinful men after the rudiments of the world. And the rudiment of the world is the fall of Adam by the beguiling of the serpent, Satan.

Now let’s come back to Ephesians chapter 3, and verse 7.

Ephesians 3:7a
"Whereof * I was made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of God..."
*to be the Apostle of the Gentiles

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