Saturday, August 3, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 23 of 39 part 8

Ephesians 3:17b-18
"...that ye being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;"
When we come to this verse, we do not have a lot of mathematical background but we have enough to know that in all our geometry, and trigonometry, how many dimensions do we normally think of? Three. How many are listed here? Four. We read not long ago where scientists think there are as many as 10 dimensions. Can you imagine, ten? Is it true? do not know, because the enemy of man is very adept in the art of deception and mere man does not want to know nor want to understand let alone acknowledge him and his advices. We do not know what they’re going to do with the other six, if they even exist. But nevertheless there is a supernatural dimension, because we live in the world of three and understand that there is another unseen within reach of all of us. When we say that this is in the realm of the spiritual, that is exactly what we mean. There is a dimension to the Christ-ones life that the secular world cannot explain. We do not have to explain it either because it operates in the very present NOW of faith. But If, I could express it, it is looking down a hill through some thicket of a stand of trees and seeing a river that was unknown to be there and only seeing it by the swiftly flowing of water through a small opening between some tree branches, it is seen but not heard. And therefore NOW known. Jesus likened to seeing where the wind had touched the leaves of a tree but was unseen as to where it had gone or even come from, you just knew that the wind had been there. So it is a dimension that brings us up into an understanding of the things of God that we do not get until we become a true believer. Now let us come back and show that in I Corinthians chapter 2, we will start with verse 9. 

1Corinthians 2:9
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."
Boy! that’s quite a statement isn’t it? But the flip side is, God has revealed these things to us by His Spirit. We have to stop for a moment. We wonder how many times people have asked us, and we dare say that everyone of us have wondered, "What are we going to do in eternity?" Oh, we wish that we could tell you do not you? Well we cannot! All we know is that we are all going be busy, we are going to be active, and we are not just going to sit on a cloud and strum a harp. That we do know, but beyond that we cannot begin to tell you, because God has kept this from us. Just as he did these revelations of Christ and the Gospel of Grace from the Hebrew children. Why? You may ask, because they were not trustworthy with what they had been given and directed by their forefathers what to do with it. To see this look at Psalm 78 and study it out for yourselves. The sole purpose was this, Israel was to have become the Light of God to the nations and brought all nations to the knowledge of Him, but they failed miserably. They were to have been the head not the tail that they had become. Back to what we were saying, this much we do know, eternity is going to be more fabulous than anything we can think of. This planet’s existence is just going to pale in utter insufficiency compared to the joys, and pleasures that God is preparing for us. We can get a glimpse because the Holy Spirit has given us an inkling of it, but how to express escapes us. Just as the vision of Christ's day did the early prophets.

1Corinthians 2:10-11a
"But God hath revealed them unto us by His Spirit: for the Spirit searches all things, yea, the deep things of God. For what man knows the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him?..."
Take the secular, material world, if you have somebody who is a real expert in his field, for example an auto mechanic. This auto mechanic just loves his work. Greasy and dirty as it may be, it doesn’t make any difference. He loves being a mechanic. Now let us ask, if you were to ask that fellow a question about the workings of the gasoline engine in your car, is he going to be real timid and just walk away? No. What is he going to do? Hey he is going to let you know everything he knows about that engine. He is going to be proud of his knowledge. Isn’t that right? Now that is exactly what God wants us to be with the Word of God. We should be so confident in our knowledge and understanding that when somebody asks us a question, we do not try to avoid them and their question. But instead we are willing to open the scriptures for the answers under the leadership of the Holy Spirit

Ephesians 3:17-19a
"That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ,..." 

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