Saturday, August 31, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 27 of 39 part 1

We left off at the end of verse 20 in Psalm 68 without comment so why not do that now before we look at the rest of this Psalm. One might believe that Jesus only ascended one time as Acts 1 may led us to think. But truth be known from this passage and others, we can draw that, when He ascended into Abraham’s bosom and preached His revelation. He took those there held, into the heavenliest, of the by gone eras from Adam until His day. Those to whom He revealed Himself as LORD of all. Which we saw was their hope and trust for they had seen it as only a shadow but were not allowed to speak of it.

From here let us go to the next few verses to see and hear what remains; But God shall wound the head of His enemies, the hairy scalp of such an one as goes on still in his trespasses. The Lord said, I will bring again from Bashan (typically a place of cruelty), I will bring again from the depths of the sea: That Your foot may be dipped in the blood of enemies, the tongue of Your dogs in the same. They have seen Your goings, O God; the goings of my God, my King, in the sanctuary.” 
Jesus, as the Son of man, who was declared the Son of God, as Christ the great Apostle and Shepherd of mans souls, in His return to the place of power at God's right-hand (Hebrews 3:1-2). Is the same God Lord of Psalm 2, 86 and 110, earlier shown elsewhere.

He is the Jesus that the disciples saw and hear in Acts 1, when He open their understanding of Him throughout the Old Testament literature. Who is in the process of building the Church, the Family of God and Body, of those who will become the willing ones to enter into His kingdom. By way of personally putting, in figurative language, to death, all their self-will and the voice of the flesh. 
But I must caution all, that to choose to enter His kingdom a price is to be paid, for entry is not to be taken lightly. It will cost you your flesh life, of self will. It will require a clear eye, and a sincere heart, which means we have to find our “blind spot”, the hidden hindrance, that deceives us and keeps us from the Truth. This is the “the hairy scalp that remains in trespasses,” mentioned above. It is the lie planted in our mind, in our youth by a well meaning parent, teacher, pastor or some other person, who spoke, perhaps unintentionally, as a false prophet and we in our innocents accepted that lie. Just as the woman did before she ate and then Adam, when he followed her. When he listened to the voice of his flesh, which is what the woman symbolized.
Those spoken of as "dogs" here become very clear when we hear who they are, they are those who by the use of their “tongue” (slander, by wagging the tongue) Christ and His Gospel. And who saw “His goings” (this means to walk or to give a message, as a life style such as grace and truth) and works of wonder. Here lies another caution, all who take lightly or mock God, and or, Christ and His Gospel of Grace are classified as “the dogs” as referenced above. The writer of Hebrews reveals no less than five warnings to those who reject so great a Salvation. The Hebrew believers to whom he was writing were about to do this very thing. They were what we might call fence sitters. Simply put, they could have gone either way in rejection of his gospel, which they had heard and received by faith. It is faith alone that hold us to God in Christ, and faith alone that keeps us in His kingdom.
How does this agree with Psalm 2? Let's take a look beginning at verse 7 and see what it reveals; I will declare the decree: the LORD has said to me, You are my Son; this day have I begotten you (the writer of Hebrews quotes this in chapter 1:5-6). Ask of me, and I shall give the heathen for Your inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for Your possession. You shall break them (the hairy scalps that remain in trespasses) with a rod of iron; You shall dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel. Be wise now therefore, O kings: be instructed (repent quickly with a sincere heart), you judges of the earth. Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish from the way (the Way, the truth and the Life revealed in His Gospel), when His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust (the place of refuge and hope) in Him.” 

We must at all times remind ourselves that the revelation of Christ is a progressive revelation. For God the Father of Life and spirit's is just this, progressive! John, in his visions of heaven in the panoramic view, heard the angels crying holy, holy, holy, each time they received understanding of the character and ontological essence of God in Christ. We are to learn of Him through the same process of revelation and divine illumination, by which we grow more in Love with our creator. We also then will cry holy, holy, holy or glory, glory, glory as the angels of heaven cry. It is this revelation upon which the Lord Jesus said, that He would build His Church, God's Family and Body.

We mentioned Acts 1 above so lets take a look at it;
Acts 1:11b

"...why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven."

That is when He ascended as we normally think of it. Then as we have shown He took His place as the Lamb on the throne and takes the small book with its seals and opens it at which time or shortly thereafter He reveals these mysteries to Paul.

Back to Ephesians 4 and verse 8.   

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