Monday, August 26, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 26 of 39 part 5

There are many scriptures we could go to - and we need to hit several. Why? Because we are to use the Word to confirm the revelation of the Word. Or to prove the Word of Truth, though it should be able to stand alone. For all Truth is revealed in and through Christ, Who is the Spirit of Truth. John in his letter in the synoptic gospels in chapter 1 reveals that Truth and Grace is the very essence of Jesus in verses 14 and 17. Let’s back up a page or two to the little book of Galatians chapter 2, and verse 20. This is Paul’s own testimony.

Galatians 2:20
"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live*; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh (our everyday living) I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me," 
*so being crucified with Christ is an identification process. The whole idea or concept is our willing to accept and receive the restoration of God's ontological essence of Christ which was lost to Him by Adam's action of betrayal when he chose to eat of the fruit. When we by revelation share the Lord's Passover in the right understanding of how it relates to a Marriage of an old nature being removed and the New Covenant of the ground and yes even the curse being lifted from us we become as Adam was found in Genesis 2:7, restored to the Father of Life and spirit's. 
In other words, again what is Paul saying? "He’s taking God at His Word." The Son of God is the One Who was declared the first begotten of many brethren. He is rehearsing Genesis 3:15-19 which is part and parcel of that first Covenant spoken to all mankind as the seed of woman. For when we understand the hidden meaning each one of us bruises the serpents head in conjunction with the essence of Christ now brought back to life within us. How and why? By the union of the soul and spirit of man with God in Light and Truth. We can not loose sight of the fact that the word Light means Love, Life and God's own character, now being restored which is called Salvation. Which is why we are told to working out our own Salvation in fear and trembling, because we have to through faith hold it tightly and not allow it to slip away from us, As it did with Adam. That brings us back to still another verse and that would be back to Romans chapter 1 again. We hope this all fits in your mind as at least it does in ours. Let’s begin in verse 4.

Romans 1:4-5
"And declared (that is Christ in verse 3) to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead: By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for his name:"
And again what is Paul talking about? That people would take God at His Word. And what has the Word of God declared? "That Christ died for our sins, He paid our sin and curse penalty, by His arising from the dead, and we must believe that for salvation." This is all taken in by faith. There is only one faith! You can not put your faith in some other god or by believing something else. We can not put your faith in a denomination or a pastor, teacher or evangelist. Our faith has to be completely centered on the One Who went to the Cross, and rose from the dead. We have to receive Him as our blessing because He is of greatest value, for we are not to neglect so great a salvation (Hebrews 2:3).

Again we hope as we are getting these words one by one, and you are getting the picture that out there in the world around us, instead of being one of many, the world is made up of many. As a house divided, which we know can not stand because its foundation is based on sand, Israel is numbered as the sand or beaches of the world, which is the metaphor for Israel. Now we all know that sand is not restricted to just the beaches of the sea shore but is also found in the arid and desolate parts of the world and is driven by the wind as sifting-sand. We have many so called Bodies of Christ, in Christendom and they know nothing of this beautiful Gospel that we believe. We have so many spirits that are working within mere men. We have many various hopes that people are clinging to, and really they are hopeless. They remain as lawlessness. We have many gods, and not like the pagans exactly, they had gods and goddesses both, and Paul says, "No. There is only One!" We have all the various faiths, and we hope you are getting the picture. Believe it or not, it is the same way with the next word in this verse which is baptism. We have many baptisms also. But remember they are all nothing more than a habit or Religious form for this is the custom of some. Now coming back to Ephesians and let’s go on to the next one.

Ephesians 4:5b
" baptism,"

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