Friday, August 16, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 25 of 39 part 3

Hebrews 13:3
"Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body."
So even these Jewish believers, to whom this Epistle of Hebrews was addressed, does not make reference to the Church, as the Body as Paul does in the Church Epistles, nevertheless these Jewish-Christian believers were considered by the Apostle as members of the One Body of Christ, just as the Corinthian believers were.

We do not put the Old Testament saints who were believers into the Body of Christ. We know there are some that would disagree with that, but we just can not see them in the Body. Why? Because though they may have had a vision of it, it was still just a far off object. For they saw only a shadow of it, not the tree itself. They are saved, and in a division all their own, and of course that is why we make the separation as we teach that God dealt with Israel on the one hand, but He is dealing with the whole world’s population over here, on this side of the Cross in the calling out of the One Body of Christ. These are two separate entities, and even in eternity, we do not have two but one because we will forever lose that individualized identity. For this is the meaning of the parable of the days wages given to all the laborers being the same amount at the end of the day. The Body of Christ, and the Covenant people of Israel will always be separate. Or will they? Because of the parable just revealed. The individual, Hebrew who comes out from among them and puts his or her past to death. These people all become members of the One Body through the same gate through which we are all required to enter by faith. For God has only one way for us all and Jesus reveals this way for all to follow Him in like fashion. Starting at the Last Supper on through His ascension. God has a special role for each of us, and we can find nothing in Scripture that refutes that. But our reward is the same, union within the kingdom, the kingdom life is our only reward. For God the Father of the spirit life, is the Master of the kingdom, and He paid all the same wage, a penny for the day mattered not whether I was first hired or the last one hired I received the same wage.

There are seven unities of the Church, let us point out again that this is another one of those times that the Apostle Paul ends up with seven distinct items. Remember back in Romans we had one of those, and again in the Corinthian letters, if we recall correctly. We made the point when we were back there, "Do you think the Apostle Paul sat there and put all his notes together, trying to figure out how he could make a letter that would make sense? And some how or other he had to make it sound supernatural so he had to get groups of seven every so often? Do you think he did that?" No way! We do not think he ever put a note down, we do not think Paul ever made an outline in his life. He dictated as the Holy Spirit gave him utterance, just as Jesus spoke as He was given utterance by the same Spirit. For He said that He did nothing of Himself. For during His forty days in the wilderness He learned obedience to the Spirit within Him, just as we are to also do.

All of the prophets warned Israel of her falsehood and deception through it's dependency on the material and external realm. For she neglected the weightier things of the forefathers teachings as Psalm 78 states. The fathers referenced in this Psalm are Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Not Moses though he had revealed them, he did not set the foundation Abraham did. That is why God when He spoke of him said that he was alive or in a present tense, that is to say, I am the God of Abraham, I am the God of Isaac and I am the God of Jacob. No! He said that He was the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac, God of Jacob and the God of Israel for in Malachi 2 He states in verse 16, "For the LORD, the God of Israel, said that He hates putting away: for one covers violence with his garment, says the LORD of hosts: therefore take heed to your spirit, that you deal not treacherously." This is and was the teaching of Jesus as He reveals that all mankind has but one common Father who resides within the soul of all. And that He has to be acknowledged first and foremost, as the source of Life before true Life can be experienced by anyone. That this is the reason that the first commandment says, to Love the Lord your God with all your strength and the second is like it, love your neighbor as yourself. For within these two are all the prophets and the Law fulfilled. Mark states it best in,
Mark 12:30-31  "You shalt love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength: this is the first commandment. The second is like, namely this, you shall (will) love your neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these." But before Jesus made this statement He said this, "The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:".

Remember Paul always used a secretary except when he wrote the book of Galatians, so he always dictated, and we can just see the little apostle as he paced up and down the floor, can you imagine how hard it was to keep those thoughts flowing, and yet slow enough so someone could write it. Well, of course that was the work of the Holy Spirit, that every word that came from the man’s heart and mind was Holy Spirit directed. So here is another one of those unique situations where he comes up with seven distinct qualities of the Church. Let’s look at the second one of these seven.

Ephesians 4:4b
"...and one Spirit,..."

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