Friday, November 30, 2018

The saga of "The Secret of GOD", part 10.3.02 the renewed mind.

Okay then, we are now at John the Baptist's witness to the Messiah and Christ in the person of Jesus as the GOD man of the Father of spirits. This has for eons caused many a religious person heart palpitations of almost unbearable troubles, to think that GOD and man is one being for them is an impossible thing you see, no you don't! That see the whole of their trouble as Jesus told old boy Nicodemus, As we have seen! Okay, now for verse 22 of John 3. And remember that I am using the Mirror Study Bible only here.

John 3:22-24 "Form there Jesus and his disciples and followers went to the region of Judea and spent some [1]bonding-time together - [2]immersed in conversation. (The word [1]diatribo carries the idea of a road well traveled; tarry together - the text says and there he baptized - yet in 4:2 John comments that Jesus himself did not baptize anyone. The word [2]baptitso means to immerse; for what it is worth, I thought to reflect on the bonding and cleansing that took place in their conversing, "You are already made clean by the word which I have spoken to you." John 15:3 I'm not disputing the fact that water baptism as a cleaning ritual is the context here; but Jesus' baptism shifts the real emphasis from the prophetic water symbolism to a baptism into words and spirit thoughts. He knew and communicated that his baptism into man's death, as the Lamb of GOD, is what John's prophetic baptism pointed to in the first place.) John and his disciples were not far from there at the Place of Springs, Aenon near Salim, which it a popular location for baptism. This was shortly before John landed up in jail.

John 3:25-30 "Some of the disciples of John were disputing with a Jew, who was probably baptized by the disciples of Jesus. They debated about the meaning of these purifying rituals - comparing notes as to which baptism would be the most significant between Jesus and John's. (Look at Hebrews 6:2 All the Jewish teachings about ceremonial washings (baptisms), the laying on of hands (in order to identify with the slain animal as sacrificed), and all teachings pertaining to a sin consciousness, including the final resurrection of the dead in order to face judgment, are no longer relevant. [All of these types and shadows were concluded and fulfilled in Christ, their living substance.] His resurrection bears testimony to the judgment that he faced on humanity's behalf and the freedom from an obstructive consciousness of sin that he now proclaims. [Romans 4:25; Acts 17:31; John 13:31-33] Jesus said, 'and when I am lifted up on the cross, I will draw all judgment unto me!' [look at Hebrews 9:28]) They anxiously informed John that one who was with him beyond the Jordan, whose life and mission he endorsed and bore witness to, is now attracting everyone to him - his baptism could put them out of business! To which John responded, well, he obviously has heaven's backing, so let's not be jealous; everything we have is a gift! You heard me when I said that I am not the Messiah - my mission was to introduce the Christ, not to compete with him! The Bridegroom's best man does not compete for attention - he is appointed to support the groom and to greatly rejoice when he hears his voice! This is my joy - this is what I have come for! The significance of my prophetic mission was simply to elevate him! (Look at John 1:15 John the Baptist raised his voice to announce emphatically that Jesus was what his ministry and prophetic message were all about. He declared that Jesus, though younger than him, ranked above him and was "born" before him, since he always was!)

John 3:31-36; 10:40-42 "We are dealing with two dimensions here, the one coming from above presides over all - while the reasoning from a mere earthly perspective is confined to communicate from an earthly point of view. The conversation realized as originating in heaven has the final say. (Look at 3:13 No one can fully engage in heaven's perspective, unless one's heavenly origin is realized! The Son of man declares humanity's co-genesis from above!) Even though I have seen and hear heavenly things, it seems to me that no one embraces what I have borne witness to! By trying to protect a fading prophetic perspective, you are missing the entire point! The shadow is eclipsed by the substance, not the other way around! Whoever lays hold of this testimony has the evidence of GOD's truth embossed like the impression of a signet ring resonating in their inner consciousness. For the one sent from GOD communicates GOD's gift language from the limitless resource of the Spirit. The theme of this conversation celebrates the extravagant love the Father has for the Son - and in him every gift of GOD is revealed - his hand extents GOD's touch; he is GOD's embrace of the human race! To be persuaded about sonship as unveiled in the Son is to fully participate in the life of the ages! To be unpersuaded about sonship is to remain in blindfold (in darkness) mode to life itself in the here and now and to exchange fellowship with the Author of life our design for a fearful image of a vengeful, merciless god - quite the opposite of the loving Father the Son reveals!....Meanwhile he went back across the Jordan into the reign called Peroea to the place where John first baptized, and remained there. Many people followed him say, "John didn't do any miracles, but everything he said about him is true!" Any many in that region believed him." (The Mirror)

Now what comes next I do not yet know.......? Do I now continue with John 11 or possibly head to Revelation, to do a spread on the fact that the thousands has ended in Christ's death burial resurrection and ascension, as the completion of the purely Jewish age of prophetic utterance? Because of His Spiritual return to fill all receptive humanity in this Age of Grace? Which some have dubbed "the Church Age." Or do I look at what all the church argument over as "the coming Rapture?" Not taking into a count the coming out from among them of 2Corithinas 6 and Revelation 18 and Jesus' own words as we have already seen most recently in our study of John 10:1-10.

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