Tuesday, February 11, 2020

"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, between the chapters, of chapter 11-1, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

We are about to look at the notes of the author of this study Bible, The Mirror. For chapter 11 they are three in number and titled as: The Measure of the Temple; My Two Witnesses, Dressed in Sackcloth; The Most Holy Place, the inner sanctuary of GOD. Now these I may break up into two parts, these would be the first and the third portions.

The Measure of the Temple:

The Incarnate Messiah is the measure of the temple! The Human Body is the sanctuary of GOD!

Revelation 11:1-2 I was handed a measuring reed resembling a royal scepter and instructed to arise and measure the [1] inner sanctuary of GOD and the altar [of incense] as well as those who worshiped in there. (He first introduced the Jewish believers to the new order: The royal scepter as measure speaks of the Melchizedek anointing upon the worshiper as the inner sanctuary of GOD. A temple, not made with hands. The mystery of the ages is Christ in you. The word [1] naos, inner sanctuary; The most holy place - see there the table and the daily bread, the golden lampstand, the golden altar of incense, the torn veil, the ark of the covenant - the intimate, incarnate embraced in our eternal, redeemed union - we are measured in the Messiah. The order of Melchizedek, the reign of righteousness by faith, replaced the old Levitical order of righteousness by performance. The royal scepter of the Melchizedek-order is the measure of the new Covenant.

The root of the word Messiah also means to measure! Aramaic misah stem is Messiah (מָשִׁיחַ) to anoint; to measure.

The verb to smear, anoint - Late Hebrew, originally probably as Arabic to wipe or stroke with the hand [compare RS Semitic i. 215; 2nd ed., 283], anoint, aramaic anoint; in Aramaic inscription see CISii.1. No.145, C, 1; Palmyrene oil VogNo.16; Ethipic anoint, feast, dine DiLex 176; [Assyrian masa --- is measure; Aramaic id.; Arabic measure, compare DlProl. 178 Fra282]) This measure shall not include the outer court since it was given unto the multitudes who would be treading around the outskirts of the holy city for forty-two months. (Before the Lamb was slain and raised, in the duration of the time of the unfolding of the prophetic word in the mouths of the two witnesses [Moses and Elijah] represented in the ministry of Jesus - the multitude of humanity were outside the covenant of Israel.)

Ephesians 2:12-17 "During that time you were distanced from the Messianic hope; You had nothing in common with Israel. You felt foreign to the covenants of prophetic promise, living a life with nothing to look forward to in a world where GOD seemed absent. But now, wow! Everything has changed; You have discovered yourselves to be located in Christ. What once seemed so distant is now so near; His blood reveals your redeemed innocence and authentic genesis. It is in Him that we are one at peace with everyone; He disolved every definition of division. In His incarnation, He rendered the entire Jewish system of ceremonial laws and regulations useless as a measure to justify human life and conduct. In that He died humanity's death all grounds for tension and hostility were entirely removed. The peace He proclaimed reveals one new human race, created and defined in Christ, instead of two groups of people separated by their ethnic identity and differences. Both parties are fully represented and equally reconciled to GOD in one human body through the cross. He reinstated the former harmony; All opposing elements were thus utterly defeated. On that basis He made His public appearance, proclaiming the Good News of peace to the entire human race; Both those who felt left out in the cold (as far as the promises and covenants were concerned), as well as to those who were near all along (because of their Jewish identity).

The measuring of the Temple reminds of Ezekiel 40-43 and Zechariah 2. In John 2:19, referring to his murder on the cross and His glorious resurrection, Jesus said, 'Destroy this temple, and in 3 days I will raise it up!' His death and resurrection concluded the prophetic significance of the old Temple period and shifted the focus to the human person as the Living Temple-address of GOD. He does not dwell in buildings made by human hands. Psalm 74:2; Jeremiah 10:16, 51:19. We are the rod (measure) of GOD'S inheritance.

A time and times and the dividing of time Daniel 7:25, 12:7, Revelation 11:3, 12:6, 14, 13:5; three and a half years of Jesus' ministry = 42 months. Also referred to as a thousand two hundred and threescore days, or a "time and times and the dividing of time." And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week He shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease. The middle of the week - 3 and a half days prophetically pointing to the 3 and a half years of Jesus' ministry.

Forty and two months (menas tesserakonta kai duo). accusative of extent of time. This period in Daniel 7:25, 12:7 occurs in three forms in the book of Revelation; forty-two months, here and Rev. 13:5, 1260 days, Rev. 11:3, 12:6, time, times and half a time or 3-1/2 years, Rev. 12:14.

This period points to the culmination of the law and the prophets [the two witnesses] in the 3 and a half years of Jesus' ministry. Also pictured in the sojourn of the woman in the wilderness [Rev. 12:13-16] - the 3 and a half years of Jesus' ministry - from His baptism to His crucifixion.) (The Mirror, with editing.)

We shall the LORD willing pick this back up with Colossians 1:26 in our next visit. Until then may the LORD be with both you and yours.

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