Friday, February 28, 2020

"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, between the chapter notes on chapter 13-2, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

Because of the length of this note I plan to treat it the same as I did the first one, that is to divide it into two portions 13-2 and 13-2a to see how it goes, and should the need arise I will divide it yet again by adding a 13-2b. Now to keep abreast of changes of thought on Revelations the LORD through a new friend gave me a new book titled "Revelation - Pure and Simple" written by Kenneth Cox, him I do not know. So I am in the process of reading this book.

The mark of the Beast - Sin Conscious Currency:

Revelation 13:15-18, This lamb-like Beast [resembling the typical modern day counterfeit Christian religion] gave its man-made mirror image breath and a voice to speak and threaten to kill all who would not worship the image. Its mission was to mirror-imprint its character upon everyone's hands and minds in order to manipulate what they think and do. (So what is the mark of the Beast all about? The Greek word translated mark, is the word (G5480 from the same as G5482) charagma, a stamp, an imprinted mark, is from (G5482) charax, or (G5481) charakter,  just like in Hebrews 1:1-3, the son radiates the character of the Father. Either the character of the Father or the character of the fallen mind will influence our actions (hand) because it is what engages our thoughts (forehead). Just like in Isaiah 55:8-11, where GOD says, 'Your thoughts are not My thoughts; Therefore your ways are not My ways. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.....but My word will incarnate, and saturate earth (flesh) just like the rain and the snow cancels the distance between heaven and earth! Instead of the thorn, the fir and instead of the brier, the myrtle! This explains the first part of Isaiah 55 - Ho! Everyone who is thirsty - disappointed in their own achievement; Desperate to escape the sense of unworthiness, lack and condemnation; Paying any price in the hope to become [what they in reality already are by design!]. This is the basis of the mindset of the "I-am-not tree-system!" Then is Isaiah 55:1, 'Your thirst drives you to the waters but you have no money; I urge you to buy without your currency and drink priceless wine and eat the finest wheat [perceived value]' - Psalm 147:3 - Sept, He satisfies you with the finest of the wheat.] 'Your painful and wearisome labor adds no value to your life! Hear Me! Incline your ears! I want to honor and indulge you with that which truly satisfies! This is the bread your soul craves; This is your true sustenance!'

Adam Clarke comments, "Why should we be so zealously attached to a doctrine from which our souls derive neither comfort nor nourishment?") The intent was clear: to control the world markets by manipulating people's minds and behavior with the idea of the original sin, with its typical symptoms: "I am not defined by my being, I am defined by my doings. Therefore, I need to achieve this and buy that to define me!" Failure-and sin-consciousness would be the currency of the entire religious industry! No one could buy or sell without being identified by the character, name and number-code [password] of their idol, the Beast - the make-belief slain and raised to life lamb with the Dragon's voice! (The entire industry of religion is based on this currency of sin-consciousness. The business of accusation [Satanas] flourishes in an environment of sin-consciousness. See John 2:13-16, Jesus then went to Jerusalem in time for the Jewish Passover. When jesus went into the temple He was shocked to find scores of traders selling their sacrificial items, cattle, sheep and doves. Even their money brokers were comfortably set up in the sanctuary area. (The business of sin-consciousness has taken over the mindset of religion - until Jesus arrived.) Then with a whip that He plaited of small strands, He drove everyone with their sheep and oxen out of the temple and overturned the tables of the money brokers so that their money went flying all over the place. (Jesus dramatically reveals that His Father has no delight in our religious sacrificial systems and its sin-conscious currencies. The word schoinos, is from skenos, tabernacle or skin - leather thongs - this is a profound prophetic picture of His own broken skin that would become the whip to drive out sin-consciousness from our minds - the ultimate cleansing of the Temple - the sanctuary of GOD within us! 1Peter 1:18-19.) He also drove the dove traders out with, 'How dare you turn My Father's house into a shopping mall?') This riddle demands solving! Now put your mind to it, here is the clue: calculate the number of the Beast and see how it points directly to the number of humanity - it is a trinity of sixes! (The numerical value of human life is six - Man-made religion is a mindset dominated by knowing oneself and others according to the flesh - the trinity of sixes is the mark of the counterfeit trinity that is defeated in the unfolding of the Lamb's triumph. In the imagery that follows, in the next chapter, John sees how the triune religious counterfeit system, the Dragon, the beast and the False Prophet are thoroughly stripped of their influence and dominion and brought to naught.

The name Ἰησοῦς Jesus is expressed by the number 888. Ἰ = 10; η = 8; σ = 200; ο = 70; ῦ = 400; ς = 200.

The Christ image in man is flawed by the veiled mind introduced by the Serpent's deception of the "I am not-ieda!" of Genesis 3. )

1John 3:8-12, Sin's source is a [1] fallen mindset, from the beginning! For this purpose the Son of GOD was revealed! His mission was to undo the works of the Evil one (the Devil, accuser and deceiver)! (The word, [1, G1228 from G1225 diaballō, to accuse, from G1223 and G906] diabolos, false accuser, is from (G1223) dia, channel of a thought, because of and (G906) ballo, to cast down with violence. Genesis 3:1-7) To discover one's authentic sonship in GOD, is to discover true freedom from sin. We are born of Him and His seed remains in us; This is the only possible reference to sober up the mind from the intoxicating influence of deception. (The incorruptible seed of our Father carries the exact pattern of the authentic life of our design! Jesus called the Devil, the father of lies. John 8:44) Cain's [1] killing of his brother Abel, is in such contrast to this! His motivation was clearly [2] sourced in the [3] poneros tree-system; His idea of Divine [4] favor was to count on his own works as being superior to his brother's faith righteousness. (Immediately after the fall, Adam named the woman Eloyim gave him, Eve, [in Hebrew (H2331) Chawah , and in Greek, Zoe.] He thus co-echos and reinforces the prophetic word that Eloyim gave him: Life in the face of death! "The seed of the woman, shall crush the deceiver's head!" (Gen. 3:14-15) The fallen mindset shall be destroyed! (In verse 15 we have the word (H6119 from H6117 ‛âqab, to restrain, resistance, from which we get the word (religare Latin for) religion lies, to be bound, in bondage, restrain) ‛iqqebâh, translated as heel.) So here, in their two sons, we have the first generation of fallen humanity confronted with their personal pursuit of a lost identity and a lost sense of value and favor. Caleb's motivation was clearly sourced [2, (G1537) ek, out of, origin] in the diabolos [cast down, mindset], which is so typical of the [3, G4190 a derivative of G4192 ponos, to anguish] poneros, tree-system. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil [poneros] represents humanity's lost sense of identity and righteousness, where the global pursuit of humanity would now be their constant effort to achieve righteousness by means of their own works. (Such as seen in Judaism and Islam to this day.) This inevitably leads to disappointment where shame replaces innocence, and union and fellowship were lost. The word evil, poneros, suggests to be full of hardships, labors and annoyances. Gen. 3:19, "In the sweat of your face shall you ate your bread." The sacrifice of Cain is exactly that! It represents his trust in the fruit of his own toil to gain him a "favorable [charin] standing with GOD.

Only John uses the word, [1, G4969] sphatzo, which speaks of a slaying. Four times in the book of Revelation he employs this word in the context of the slain Lamb of GOD.

See also Hebrews 11:4, "It was faith that made the difference between the sacrifices of Abel and Cain, and confirmed Abel's righteousness. GOD bore witness to righteousness as a gift rather than a reward! Even though he was murdered, his faith still has a voice today."

Philo a Hellenistic Jewish philosopher says, that in the dispute between Cain and Abel, Abel attributed all things to GOD, and Cain ascribed everything to himself; So that the controversy was about grace and works. [Philo lived c. 25 BCE - c. 50 CE]

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil represents a fallen identity; The thought that likeness with GOD could be earned through good intentions, rather than realizing the gift of life that already defines His image and likeness in us.) (The Mirror, with editing.)

In our next visit the LORD willing we shall take up part 13-2a to the conclusion of this note. Now may our LORD richly bless both your and yours by increasing His knowledge (incarnate) within us all.

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