Monday, February 3, 2020

"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, between the chapter 10, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

Chapter 10 was short and spoke of the opening of the revelation of Christ and things that spoken of His coming back in the Prophetic days of Israels growth as a nation. Its being a symbol of humanity and our own association to GOD by the origin of man. It was this that GOD redeemed on the Cross, His own image and likeness within us all, it being there as a treasure or seed. We are now looking into the Oath as a "Solemn Oath."

The Solemn Oath:

Revelation 10:6 And made a [1] solemn oath in Him whose life spans the ages. The one who [2] created the heavens, and everything in it; The earth and everything in it and the sea and everything in them - this is the conclusion of prophetic time! (To swear an oath, [1, G3660] omnuo - [shoulder omonhyoid] - the lifting of the hand [a shoulder action] signifying a higher authority. See Gen. 14:22, also Deut. 32:40, in which GOD is described as swearing by Himself, compare Isaiah 45:23; Heb. 6:13, 16-18. "GOD, having no one greater to swear by, swore by Himself!" thus bringing an end to all dispute or speculation! Create [2, G2936 akin to G2932 ] ktizo, to form, (through the idea of the proprietorship of the manufacturer), is from (G2932) ktaomai, to acquire, to marry a wife!)

Hebrews 6:16-18 It is common practice in human affairs to evoke a higher authority under oath in order to add weight to any agreement between parties, thereby [1] silencing any opposition and quibbling. (The word [1, G4009] peras, means the end of all dispute; the point beyond which one cannot go.) In the same context we are confronted with GOD'S eagerness to go to the last extreme in His dealing with us as heirs of His promise, and to cancel out all possible grounds for doubt or dispute. In order to persuade us of the unalterable character and finally of His resolve, He conformed Himself to an oath. The promise which already belongs to us by heritage is now also confirmed under oath. [The prophetic Word is the promise; The Incarnate, crucified and risen Christ is this proof.] So that we are now dealing with two irreversible facts which make it impossible for anyone to prove GOD wrong. (The promise of redemption sustained throughout Scripture and the fulfillment of that promise in Jesus. For many years we have 'window-shopped' the promises of GOD. Even the most diligent students of Scripture become so per-occupied with the future that they miss the Messiah in their midst! John 5:39-40. Jesus is the central theme of all Scripture; He is the fullness of time; We are no longer dealing with a post-dated promise. Luke 4:21, 24:27, 44-46.)

Also in Isaiah 45:23, I have sworn by Myself; The word of My mouth has [1] begotten righteousness; This cannot be reversed! Every knee shall bow to Me and every tongue shall echo My oath! (See Romans 1:17. The Hebrew word (H3318) יָצָא, Yatsa, can be translated, begotten like in Judges 8:30] [Thus, speak with the same certainty source in Me!] The Hebrew word, (H7650) שָׁבַע, shâba‛, means to seven times one brings an end to all dispute! See also Philippians 2:10-17.) (The Mirror, with editing.)

Okay, our next visit brings into view chapter 11 for examination. May the LORD again increase our learning of Him.

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