Thursday, February 27, 2020

"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, between the chapter notes on chapter 13-1a, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

Picking up at verse 12:9 of the notes on "Counterfeit Christianity, a religion of the wolf dressed in sheep's clothing," Jesus warned of false prophets (pastors, elders and teachers, and presbytery) who would be among us (Mat. 7:15). Jesus also said as recorded by Luke in, 10:18 the He saw Satan cast out of heaven. He also said in John 12:31 that now is the judgment of the world and now is the prince of this world cast out. Speaking of the actions of the cross's work.

Continuation of: "Counterfeit-Christianity, a religion of a wolf in sheep's clothing"

Revelation 12;9-10, So the great Dragon, the [1] ancient [2] ophis [serpent], also known as the Devil or Satan - whose sole mission was to lead the entire inhabited world astray - was cast down to the earth-dimension, together with all his [3] Herding-Heralds. ( The word, [1, G744 from G746] archaios, means ancient, of old, is from (G746) arche, means from the beginning. As Jesus said that the Devil was a murderer "from the beginning." The Greek word, [2, G3789 from G3700 ] ophis is translated serpent and comes from (G3700) optomai, to gaze, in this case, to present a visual idea through illusion. John 8:44, He was stripped of his pseudo rank of authority, see Col. 2:14-15, he was made a public spectacle! Luke 10:18, And jesus said to them, 'I saw Satan falling out of Heaven like lightning! also John 12:31, Now is the judgment of this world; Now the ruler of this world shall be cast down. [When I am lifted up on the cross. John 12:32] The word often translated angel, [3, G32 derived from G71; compare G34 ] aggelos has two components, (G71) ago to lead as a Shepherd leads and (G34) agele, a herd of cattle or company.) Then I heard a very loud voice in the heavens announcing. This is the moment which the entire prophetic word pointed to and culminates in; It is the realization of humanity's salvation. The power of the kingdom of our GOD and its authority is endorsed in the I-am-ness of His Christ.The business of accusation is bankrupted. The 24/7 industry of condemning the brotherhood of humanity before the face of GOD has been annihilated. (The word [1, G2725 from G2596 and G58 ] kategoros, a name given to the Devil by the Rabbis, the one whose business is accusation, is from (G2596) kata, downward and (G58) agora, to trade, a word used for all kinds of business in the public arena.)

Revelation 17:2-3, She engaged the kings of the earth with her harlotry intoxicating the earth dwellers with the wine of her passion and fornication. The Messenger then carried me into a desert place [in total contrast to the hustle and bustle of the busy trade routes of the oceans and the rivers] I saw transported there in spirit and saw a Woman seated upon a [1] scarlet colored Beast; With [2] blasphemous, insulting names written all over them like a label revealing the content of their [3] cargo. The Beast had seven heads and ten horns. (For reference to the same beast, of Rev. 13:1-10 and its second Partner in verses 11, 12 the Lamb with the Dragon's voice, later called the False Prophet and here, the Harlot. Together in their alliance with the Dragon they form the Counterfeit Trinity. Also Rev. 17:12.)

Revelation 19:20, And the Beast and the miracle working Puppet Partner, the False Prophet were arrested and cast into the Lake ablaze with Sulfur. These two were the ones, empowered by the Dragon to amaze and deceive those who were tattooed in their heads and hands with the character of the Beast and paying religious homage to it image. (The word [1, G2303 probably neuter of G2304] theion, Sulfur, brimstone, from (G2304) theios, godlike (neuter as noun, divinity): - divine, godhead. Sulfur is a yellow inflammable mineral substance found in quantities on the shores of the Dead Sea. this was also known as divine incense, because burning brimstone was regarded as having power to purify, and to ward off diseases. Its medicinal values are well known even today.

Rev. 14:8-20, In the imagery here, John sees how the triune religious counterfeit system, the Dragon, the beast and the False Prophet are thoroughly stripped of their influence and dominion and brought to naught. The False Prophet is mentioned in Rev. 16:13 (KJV) "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the Dragon, and out of the mouth of the Beast, and out of the mouth of the False Prophet." Here in Rev. 19:20 and also in 20:10, The Devil, who led them astray will be hurled into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone where is puppet partners, the Beast and the False Prophet have already been confined to, Day and Night they will be the subject of GOD'S touchstone for the ages of the ages - the very atmosphere of the entire universe will be thoroughly fumigated from any evidence of Satanas. (See notes on the Touchstone in Rev. 14:10) Rev. 13:11, Then I saw another wild animal; This one emerged out of the earth - it had two horns and resembled a young lamb; Yet it had a Dragon's voice. [The counterfeit "trinity" emerges - the one mirroring the other - 1/the Dragon-Accuser; 2/the seven headed sea-monster of religion with its leading role player, the head that was slain but became alive again; 3/ and now, here, the Dragon clothed in a lamb's-disguise; Later called, the false Prophet.] See the extended notes on The Lake of Fire at the end of this chapter.)

Rev. 15:2-3, Then I saw something that looked like an ocean on fire; Its liquid waters became a solid surface like transparent glass [1] molded in its heat. Standing tall in triumph on top of the glass sea, with their God-harps, were the redeemed ones who [2] emerged victorious [3] out of the grasp and claim of the false trinity-system of religious indoctrination - the Beast, its image, its character imprint and its password name and number-code. (The word, [2, G3528 from G3529 ] nikoontas is the Present Participle of (G3529) nikao, to conquer; The Present Participle describes an action thought of as simultaneous with the action of the main verb, [1] memigmenen - a victory having been forged in fire, which is the Perfect Passive Participle of (G3396) mignumi, to mingle, to mix. The Perfect Tense denotes an action which is completed in the past, but the effects of which are regarded as continuing into the present.

A reminder of the prophetic picture of Israel walking as it were on dry land through the ocean of waters (this speaking of humanity) when GOD led them out of Pharaoh's claim!

The preposition ek denotes origin - here, clearly pointing to the fact that these have escaped the tyranny of slavery to the corrupt religious system of a false identity.

This is the translation of the ages, where the Lamb that was slain enters the market place where slaves are sold and He redeems humanity - purchases us back out of the hands of the claim of accusation - Satanas - the Dragon, the Beast of religion, the false Prophet - humanity is redeemed from the idolatry of centuries of devotion to an image of their own making, reflecting a lost identity, a twisted downward mindset. The transaction-idea is to persuade our minds of our redeemed value. Jesus didn't buy us back from the Devil! A thief never becomes owner! Ps. 22:27, 24:1) This song of the redeemed echos the song of Moses, GOD'S servant and the song of the Lamb, singing: "The things you do are spectacular and amazing, LORD GOD Almighty. Righteousness and truth are Your trademark! You are the King of the ages and of the Nations." (See commentary note to this verse.)

In the genius of GOD, the scandal of the cross, revealed in the extremities of the Lamb's suffering as the scapegoat of the human race, disengaged every principality and pseudo mindset of opposition to the revelation of the Romance of the ages. (The Mirror, with editing.)

In our next visit the LORD willing we shall spend some time on "The Mark of the Beast - Sin Conscious Currency." Now may the LORD increase our understanding of His mysteries.

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