Saturday, April 4, 2020

"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, between the chapter notes of chapter 17-2, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

Being our deep dive into the "End Times - Eschatology," that sames to make an up roar with the religious and theologians across the church spectrum of the last few generations.

End Times - Eschatology

The Day of the LORD - The Fullness of Time - The Hour Has Come!

Revelation 1:10 "I was in a spiritual trance where I witnessed the [1] Day of the LORD - I heard a loud voice [2] behind me, clear and distinct, like the sound of a trumpet! ( The [1] Day of the LORD is the very day to which the prophetic voice of the Spirit of Christ pointed - Jesus was the real Messiah, as such he was the fulfillment of this Day!

The word, [1, G3694] opiso points to that which is behind in place and time. (Already taken place.) The fact that John hears a word behind him is so significant! It means that what he heard already happened within its prophetic context! This reminds us of the incident recorded in Genesis 22:7-8; 22:13 and John 8:56-58, where Abraham was asked by Isaac, "We have the fire and the wood; But where is the lamb for a burnt offering?" To this Abraham answered, "GOD will provide a lamb for the burnt offering, Son." Then in 22:13, we have, "that Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, behind him was a ram, caught in a thicket by its horns!" Jesus referred to this in John 8:56-58 when He said, 'Abraham saw My day! And, Before Abraham was, I am!'")

Revelation 22:13 "'I am the Alpha and the Omega - the initiator and the conclusion; The genesis and completeness.'" (The union of Alpha and Omega, in Greek, makes the verb aw, I breathe. and in Hebrew the union of the first and last letter in their alphabet, Aleph and Tau makes et, which the Rabbis interpret of the first matter out of which all things were formed, [see Gen. 1:1]. This is untranslatable in English but, says Rabbi Aben Ezra, "it signifies the substance of the thing!" The revelation of Jesus as the Alpha and Omega is the one in whom we live, and move, and have our being! He is indeed closer to us than the air we breathe! Don't waste a day waiting for another day! I am the initiator and the eschatos. Eschatology is defined in My I-am-ness.)

John 12:23-24 "A delegation of Greeks arrived in Jerusalem to "see" Jesus: Jesus, immediately understood the prophetic significance of this moment, He knew that He, the Messiah, was who all the nations were longing for and answered, 'The hour is here for the Son of man to be glorified! [Jesus studied Scripture as in a mirror - He knew that "in the book, it is written about Me!' Haggai 2:7 and the desire of the nations shall come...see Colossians 1:27] Most certainly shall the single grain of wheat fall into the earth and die - if it doesn't die it remains alone - but in its death it produces much fruit.'" (The hour that was has come represents the culmination of all that was prophetically pointed to as recorded in Scripture - the combined forces of darkness were destroyed.) (The Mirror, with editing.)

In our next visit, the LORD willing, we shall been with 1Peter 1:10 in our in-depth look into Eschatology. Until then may the LORD intervene on our behalf to terminate this virus thing that has overflowed the world with death. As a tool of humanity's enemy.

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